Lecture 7: Pulmonary Function Tests Flashcards
High risk PFT results—FEV1
< 2L
High risk PFT results—FEV1/FVC
< 0.5
High risk PFT results—VC
< 15 cc/kg in adult or < 10 cc/kg in child
High risk PFT results—VC
< 40 to 50% than predicted
Severe emphysema requires longer ___
Expiratory times
Normal I:E
1:3 (longer expiratory time)
CO2 retainers—ETCO2 should be kept near…
The patient’s baseline; rapid correction will lead to metabolic alkalosis
Bronchospasm, avoid ___
Histamine releasing drugs—Pentothal, morphine, atracurium, mivacurium, neostigmine, antibiotics
Treat bronchospasm with nebulized albuterol
Extubation—If FEV1 is > 50% predicted…
Then extubation probably will not be affected
Extubation—If FEV1 is between 25-50% with some hypoxemia and hypercarbia…
Prolonged intubation probable
Extubation—If FEV1 is <25% predicted…
Only life saving procedures should be done, regional anesthesia if possible, long term ventilatory support, possible inability to wean from ventilator, tracheostomy probably
Extubation criteria—ABG on FiO2 40%, PaO2 and PaCO2 should be…
PaO2 > 70 and PaCO2 < 55
Extubation criteria—NIF is…
More negative than -20 cm H2O
Extubation criteria—Vital capacity
> 15 cc/kg
Intubation criteria—Mechanics
RR>35, VC<15 cc/kg in adult or <10 cc/kg in child, NIF more negative than -20 cm H2O
Intubation criteria—PaO2
PaO2 < 70 mm Hg on FiO2 of 40%,
Intubation criteria—A-a gradient
A-a gradient > 350 mm Hg on 100% FiO2
Intubation criteria—PaCO2
> 55 (except in chronic hypercarbia)
Intubation criteria—Vd/Vt
Vd/Vt > 0.6 (remember normal dead space is 30%)
Intubation criteria—Clinical
Airway burn, chemical burn, epiglottitis, mental status change, rapidly deteriorating pulmonary status, fatigue
ABG must be measured within ___
15 minutes, or glycolysis will occur with lactic acid production, decreased pH, and increased PCO2
ABG sample can be stored ___
On ice for 1 to 2 hours
Heparin may significantly lower ___
PCO2 by dilution, especially in children when small sample is taken
35-45 mm Hg
75-105 mm Hg
20-26 mmoles/L
Base excess
-3 to +3 mmoles/L
An increase of PCO2 by 10 mm Hg causes a decrease in pH by ___; likewise, a decrease of PCO2 by 10 mm Hg will increase pH by ___
So an acute increase in CO2 to 60 mm Hg should cause a drop in pH to 7.24
Decrease PO2 in blood, < 75
A low O2 state
A-a gradient
Measure of efficiency of lung
Formula to calculate PaO2
(PB-PH2O) * (FiO2) - (PaCO2/0.8)
Example: PaO2 = (760-47) * (0.21) - (40/0.8) = 100
Normal A-a =
Approximately (Age/3)
A-a gradient is widened (2 things)….
During anesthesia and with intrinsic lung disease—PTX, PE, V/Q mismatch, diffusion problems
A-a gradient is normal with (2 things)…
Hypoventilation or low FiO2
Treatment of widened A-a gradient
- Supplemental O2
- Adjust ventilation
- Treat atelectasis
- Add PEEP
- Treat underlying cause
Base excess is calculated directly using…
PaCO2, pH, and bicarbonate values
Rule: A decrease in bicarbonate by 10 mmoles decreases the pH by ___; likewise, an increase in bicarbonate by 10 mmoles increases pH by ___
Example: A bicarbonate of 13 would result in a pH of 7.25
Respiratory acidosis = ___ pH and ___ PaCO2
Low pH and high PaCO2
Causes of respiratory acidosis (5)
- Hypoventilation with hypercarbia
- CNS depression—trauma, drugs
- Decreased FRC—obesity
- Upper or lower airway obstruction
- COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis
After 1-2 days of respiratory acidosis, ___ occurs
Renal compensation—H+ excreted by kidney and HCO3- reabsorbed into blood to partially correct pH
Respiratory alkalosis— ___ pH and ___ PaCO2
High pH and low PaCO2
Causes of respiratory alkalosis (10)
- Hyperventilation with hypocarbia
- Hypoxic respiration
- CNS disease
- Encephalitis
- Anxiety
- Narcotic withdrawal
- Pregnancy
- Early septic shock
- Hypermetabolic states
- Artificial ventilation
Renal compensation of respiratory alkalosis
Increased excretion of HCO3- and decreased secretion of H+, which partially corrects pH
Metabolic acidosis— ___ pH and ___ HCO3-
Low pH and low HCO3-
Causes of metabolic acidosis (6)
- Lactic acidosis from hypoperfusion
- Renal disease with bicarbonate loss (anion gap and K+)
- HCO3- loss in diarrhea
- ASA ingestion
- High protein intake
Respiratory/renal compensation for metabolic acidosis
- Central chemoreceptors with hypocarbia, more rapid than renal compensation, partial correction
- Kidneys may increase H+ excretion
Metabolic alkalosis— ___ pH and ___ HCO3-
High pH and high HCO3-
Causes of metabolic alkalosis (3)
- Bicarbonate infusion
- Metabolism of lactate or citrate
- Loss of H+ from vomiting or excessive NGT suctioning
Respiratory/renal compensation for metabolic alkalosis
- Limited hypoventilation due to eventual hypoxic drive, partial correction
- Kidneys may increase bicarbonate excretion in urine
Pulmonary volumes (4)
- Tidal volume
- Inspiratory reserve volume
- Expiratory reserve volume
- Residual volume
Tidal volume
Amount of inspired air with a normal breath; amounts to about 500 ml in the avg adult male
Inspiratory reserve volume
Extra volume of air that can be inspired over and above the normal tidal volume when the person inspires with full force; usually equals 3000 ml
Expiratory reserve volume
Maximum extra volume of air that can be expired by forceful expiration after the end of a normal tidal expiration; about 1100 ml
Residual volume
Volume of air remaining in the lungs after the most forceful expiration; about 1200 ml
Pulmonary capacities (4)
- Inspiratory capacity
- Functional residual capacity
- Vital capacity
- Total lung capacity
IC =
The amount of air a person can breathe in, beginning at the normal expiratory level and distending the lungs to the maximum amount ~3500 ml
The amount of air that remains in the lungs at the end of normal expiration ~2300 ml
VC =
The maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after first filling the lungs to their maximum extent and then expiring to the maximum extent ~4600 ml
Max volume to which the lungs can be expanded with the greatest possible effort ~5800 ml
TV =
500 ml
3000 ml
1100 ml
RV =
1200 ml
IC =
3500 ml
2300 ml
VC =
4600 ml
5800 ml
Forced vital capacity (FVC)
The volume of air which can be forcibly and maximally exhaled out of the lungs after the patient has taken in the deepest possible breath
Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)
The volume of air which can be forcibly exhaled from the lungs in the first second of a forced expiratory maneuver
FEV1/FVC-FEV1 percent (FEV1%)
This number is the ratio of FEV1 to FVC and it indicates what percentage of the total FVC was expelled from the lungs during the first second of forced exhalation
Forced expiratory vital capacity (FVC)
Forced vital capacity (FVC) is the total amount of air exhaled during the FEV test
FEV-1 second
- After maximal inspiration, the volume of air that can be forcefully expelled in one second
- Effort dependent
FEV-1 second is normally between ___
3-5 L
FEV-1 second is also reported as…
Percent predicted; percent of FVC—FEV1/FVC is normally > 75%
FEV-1 second is most important clinical tool in assessing…
The severity of airway obstructive disease
Normal FEV1/FVC
> 75
Moderate FEV1/FVC
Severe FEV1/FVC
Extreme FEV1/FVC
< 35
Flow-volume loops help distinguish between…
Upper airway obstruction (extrathoracic) and generalized pulmonary disease (intrathoracic)
An extrathoracic obstruction decreases ___
Inspiratory flow
An intrathoracic obstruction decreases ___
Expiratory flow
Flow volume loops in obstructive lung disease
> normal
Increased TLC, FRC, RV
Flow volume loops in restrictive lung disease
< normal
Decreased TLC, FRC, RV
In obstructive, FEV1 is more dramatically ___ compared with FVC, leading to ___ FEV1/FVC ratio
Dramatically reduced; decreased FEV1/FVC ratio
In restrictive, FVC is more ___ or ___ compared with FEV, leading to ___ FEV1/FVC ratio
FVC is more reduced or close to same compared with FEV1, leading to increased or normal FEV1/FVC ratio
FEF 25-75
- Forced expiratory flow at 25-75% of FVC
- Effort independent
FEF 25-75 reflects…
Collapse of small airways, peripheral airways
FEF 25-75 is a sensitive indicator of…
Early airway obstruction
Maximal voluntary ventilation, maximal breathing capacity
“Will to live test”
What is MVV/MBC?
The maximal amount of air a pt can exhale in one minute at maximal effort (hyperventilation)
Extremely effort dependent, nonspecific
MVV or MBC tests…
Motivation, mechanics, strength, and endurance
A decrease in MVV or MBC has been shown to predict…
Increased morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing thoracic surgery