Lecture 7 - Motivation Flashcards
What did Deci & Ryan (1985) say about motivation?
Concertns the ‘why’ question in behaviour
Define motivation
“direction & INtentisy of ones efforts”
•Direction of effort
- seek out, attracted to certain situations
• Intensity of effort - how much effort put into to seeking out a certain situation
What are the 2 approaches to motivationa?
- Trait
- personality
- needs, interests, goals - State
- env
- coaching style
What did Deciy & Ryan (1985,2000) come up with?
Self-determination theory
Outline Self-determination theory
Motivated to satisfy 3 basic pscychological needs
1. Autonomy (need to feel in control of behaviour, not just following orders)
- Competence (need to gain mastery/ ability to do something)
- Relatedness (want belonging/ attachment to others)
Define the 3 types of motivation
- Intrinisc = get pleasure out of participating/ desire to improve
- Extrinsic = driven by tophies, money, recognition
- Amotivation = i have nothing bettter to do
What are the 4 types of extrinisic motivation?
- Integrated regulation = engage out of choice, but related to another aspect of self/identity (marathon)
- Identified regulation = unpleasant but valued
- Introjected regulation (feel guilty otherwise)
- External regulation = standard extrinisc
Outline the self-determined continuum (Hagger & Chartzisarantis, 2007)
Intrinsic, extrinsic and amotivation are on spectrum from high autonomous (lots of choice) to high controlling (no choice)
Integrated and identified still have some instrinsic, not so much after that
What effect does intrinisic motivation have?
- attendance
- lower burnout
- concentration
- goal attainment
- less stress/ anxiety
- Better performance
etc etc
- vice versa with extrinsic
What are the conclusions about Self-determination theory?
Want to:
- feel connected to others
- function effectively in the environment
- feel sense of personal intiative in doing so
- Opportunities that satisfy these maximise performance
Outline Cognitive evaluation theory
Looks at the causes of these motivations
- Factors like rewards, feedback, communication
- How they affect movitvation by affecting competence/ self-determination
What are the 2 aspects of Cognitive evaluation theory?
- Controlling aspects of rewards
- may undermine autonomy
- rewards individual related to locus of causality
- external locus of causality = behaviour is uncontrolled
- internal = up to me, facilitates autonomy and intrinsic motivation - Informational aspects of rewards
- affects feelings of competence
- events with positive info about ability support intrinsic motivation
- event with negiate info about ability reduces intrinisic motivation
OUtline the tree diagram in CET
- Controlling aspect - leads to either external LOC which decreases intrinisic motivation, or internal LOC, which increase intrinsic motivation
- Informational aspect either causes increased competence, increases intrinisic, or decreases competence - decreasing intrinisic motivation
- It either increases or decreases competence dependent on if its positive/ negative info on performance
What did Ryan (1977, 1980)
- Scholarship athletes less intrinsically motivated than non-scholarship athletes
why? - scholarship will be revoked if they dont perform
- controlling behaviours (Controlling aspect)
What did Deaux (1985) do?
Success & failure effect
- Hihger intrinsic after success than failure
- males were more threatened by losing