Lecture 7 IBD Part 1 Flashcards
What is IBD
Term used to describe two chronic inflammatory diseases of the GI tract
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn disease
Epidemiology of IBD
0.8 % overall affecting 1 in 140 in Canada
Affect male and female equally
Can be diagnosed at any age
Kids, biggest growing rate
Etiology of IBD (increased risk)
Genetic: disease specific loci
Diet: saturated/trans fats, red meat, refined sugar, smoking
Geographical location: improved sanitation, western diet
Infectiou: triggered by GI
Psychological: stress (-> flare)
Etiology of IBD ( Decreased risk)
Diet: whole foods, omega 3
Physical health: sleep, excercise, healthy weight
Mental health: sleep, stress reduction
Adequate Vitamind D
Medication : not using NSAID/antibiotics
Smoking (protective in UD)
Ulcerative colitis
Areas of inflammation?
Depth of inflammation?
Distribution of lesions?
Areas of inflammation: Restricted to colon, 95% rectum is involved, ileum is not except as backwash
Depth of inflammation: mucosal/submucosal layers of GI tract
Distribution of lesion: Continuous
What are other features of ulcerative colitis
Abscesses of the crypts of the mucosa
Pseudopolyps formed when ulcer surrounding uninvolved mucosa oalesce
Ulcerative colitis signs and symtpoms
Abdominal pain
Frequent bowl movements, diarrhea, blood in stool, mucous in stool
Tenesmus ( feeling like u gotta go)
Severe disease: systemic symptoms, fever, weakness, dehydration
Complications of ulcerative colitis ( local and systemic)
Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, perirectal abcesses, toxic mega colon(big ballon) , intestinal obstructions, colorectal cancer ( >20% risk)
Systemic: malnutrition, anemia, malabsorption syndromes
Crohns disease
Areas of inflammation
Depth of inflammation
Distribution of lesions
Other features
Areas of inflammation: anywhere in GI tract (mouth to anus), terminal ileum is most common site
Depth of inflammation: Transmural
Distribution of lesions : discontinuous
Other feature: granulomas and fibrosis are common
Explain this terminology
Crohns colitis
Crohns ileitis
Crohns ileocolitis
Crohns colitis: disease involving only colon
Crohns ileitis: disease involving only ileum
Crohns ileocolitisL disease involving both ileum and colon
Crohn disease sign and symptoms
Abdominal pain
- mostly right lower quadrant
Frequent bowel movements, diarrhea
- mucous in stool
- blood in stool
Systemic symptoms
- fever, weight loss, weakness
Crohn disease compilations (local)
Small bowel strictures -> bowel obstruction
- area of high inflammation, where loops of bowel are matted together by fibrous adhesions
Sinus tract infections
Complications of Crohn’s disease ( Systemic))
Nutritional deficiencies
Anemia ( most common iron deficiency)
Growth retardation in kids
IBD: UC and CD- etraintestinal manifestations
Enterophathic arthritis/ artralgia
Hepatobililairy - abnormal liver enzymes, fatty liver, autoimmune hepatitis
Dermatological - aphthous stomatitis
Ocular - spectrum from dry eye to inflammatory
IBD : Patient assessment diagnosis and follow up
Stool frequency, prescence of mucous
Abdominal pain
Prescence of abdominal mass
Perinatal disease
Extrainstestinal manifestation
Family hx, social hx ( tobacco use)
IBD: patient assessment ( lab tests and life)
Lab tests:
Measures of inflammation: increase CPR, increase fecal calprotectin, increase WBC
Check: electrolytes, renal/liver fx
Others: low HB, Lower Fe, Lower B12, Lower folate
Life: ability to work, ability to participate, frequency of hospitalization
Ulcerative colitis: disease calcification ( mild, moderate, severe
MILD : Stools per day <4, no blood in stool, no systemic symptoms, ESR/CRP normal.
MODERATE: stool per day 4-6, no blood in stool, no systemic symptoms, normal ESR/CRP.
Severe: >6 stools per day, blood in stool, systemic symptoms present, elevated ESR/CRP.