Lecture 6 IBS Flashcards
What is IBS
Functional gastrointestinal disorder
Characterized by chronic and or recurrent pain or dscomfort and altered bowel habits
Most common GI disorder seen by primary care physicians
T/F IBS is 2-3 times more common in females than males
Potential risk factors of IBS
Genetic predisposition
GI Infection with subsequent inflammation may play role
Mechanical irritation to GIT nerves
Stressful life events
Common comorbidities with IBS
Close associated with psychological affective disorders
Overlap with fibromyalgia
Presence of IBD or Colitis
Presence of celiac disease
Pathophysiology: Brain- Gut axis disorder
Sensorimotor disturbances of small/large bowel
May involve both the peripheral enteric nervous system and the central nervous system
May be related to downregulation of serotonin receptors in the GI tract
Symptoms of IBS
Lower abdominal pain - 2/3 of patients
Bloaiting, abdominal distension, gas
Changes in bowel habits, diarrhea( > 3 stools/day), constipation (< 3 stools/week with straining)
Alarm symptoms (red flags) of IBS
Blood in stools
Moderate to severe abdominal pain
Nocturnal symptoms
Progressively worsening symptoms
First incidence >50 yrs of age
Unexplained weight loss
Potential triggers in IBS
Physchiologcal factors : Anger stress
Diet: Alcohol, cafffeine,lactose,sorbitol
Hormone fluctuation with menstrual cycle
Diagnosis: ROME IV criteria
Recurrent abdominal pain at least 1 day per week during the previous 3 months associated with 2 or more of the following
- related to defacation
- associated with change in stool frequency
- associated with a change in stool form or appearance
“ abdominal pain or discomfort that occurs in associated with altered bowel habits over a period of at least 3 months
Other investigations that are worthwhile
Through history: bowel movements, abdominal pain, triggers, medication history, family history
Fecal lactoferrin, CRP
Serologic testing for celiac disease
What are the subtypes of IBS
IBS-D ( 40% of patients) - >25% loose stools, <25 hard stools
IBS-C (35%) - <25% loose stools, >25 hard stools
IBS-M (25%)- >25% loose stools, >25% hard stools
IBS-U ( unclassified) Variable on hard and loose stools
Managment of IBS : non pharmacological
Diet, probiotics, prebiotics, lifestyle interventions, psychological therapies
Managment of IBS : psychological
Cognitive behaviour therapy, hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, mediation, mindfulness
Managment of IBS : psychological
Cognitive behaviour therapy, hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation techniques, mediation, mindfulness
Managment of IBS: Lifestyle
Physical activity
Alcohol consumption
Caffeine intake ( non evidence that caffeine worsens IBS