Lecture 7 - Executive Function Flashcards
What are the two areas of the orbitofrontal cortex
- ventromedial PFC - somatic marker hypothesis
- lateral orbitofrontal cortex
What are the three syndromes TYPES related to prefrontal regions
- dysexecutive - dorsolateral
- disinhited - orbitofrontal
- apathetic - mediofrontal
What does the DLPFC do
- originates in hippocampus
- working memory
- episodic memory
- endogenous attention
- exogenous attention
- executive func
- initiation
- sequencing
- monitoring outcome
- inhibition of distracting stimuli
Describe frontal amnesia
not a real amnesia, it is the failure to organise information
not actually a declarative memory deficit unles there is a compromisation of the hippocamppus
What is the VPFC involved in?
- apart of the system emerging from the caudal orbitofrontal (olfactory) cortex
- INTIMATELY connected with LIMBIC NUCLEI for emotional processing
- behavioural self reg
- evaluating hedonic information
- error correction - with the anterior cingular cortex
What is the rostral PFC “frontal poles” involved in
particularly the right
Subjective Sense of Self
Autonoetic consciousness and self awareness
Humor and theory of mind.
Human individuality and high level personal decision making and social behaviour
What are the three syndromes associated with frontal damage?
DLPFC - convexity syndrome
- Featuring compromise in executive functions including decreased verbal and design fluency, abnormal motor programming, impaired set shifting, reduced learning and memory retrieval and poor problem solving
OPFC - disinhibition, irritability, impulsivity, emotional lability,
poor insight, poor judgment and distractability
Medial frontal / anterior cingulate syndrome - featuring apathy and diminished intiative
What happens if you get orbitofrontal damage?
disinhibition, irritability, impulsivity, emotional lability,
poor insight, poor judgment and distractability
What happens if you get mediofrontal damage
apathy and diminished intiative
diminsihed motor behaviour… weakness and sensory loss
What happens if you get dorsolateral PFC damage
compromise in executive functions including decreased verbal and design fluency, abnormal motor programming, impaired set shifting, reduced learning and memory retrieval and poor problem solving
(luria proposes a disorder of drive)
What are some cerebral connections that the prefrontal regions has
cortical - premotor, motor, parietal, temporal, occipital lobes.
subcortical - thalamus, hippocampus, basal ganglia, cerebellum, brainstem nuclei
also connected to contralateral prefrontal lobe
How might someone with intact frontal lobe present with frontal lobe syndromes?
they may have damage to subcortical areas, such as STRIATUM, PALLIDUM and MEDIODORSAL THALAMUS.
bc the frontal lobes are represented in those areas - tunnelling down.
Describe Luria’s scheme which desribes how thoughts become actions
intent and programming is DLPFC (drive)
Regulation and verification is VMPFC (control/inhibtion)
hence you can get 2 frontal syndromes: disorders of DRIVE and disorders of CONTROL
describe a disorder of DRIVE
according to luria’s model
Apathy Inertia Lack of initiative Inflexibility Rigidity Cognitive slowing
Describe the disorder of CONTROL
according to luria’s model
Restlessness Hyper-reactivity Disinhibition Impulsivity Irresponsibility Cognitive acceleration
according to luria’s model, what are the two functional syndromes you can get?
disorder of drive - DLPFC
disorder of control - VMPFC
which area might be involved in gut feelings?
hedonic ranking and evaluation to help us make the right decision - eg. how to best decline an invitation
allows us to have a ‘gut feeling’ or somatic marker
What is working memory
Representing, maintaining and manipulating information that is not immediately present in the environment.
integration of current goals with perceptual information and knowledge accumulated from past experience
Lateral PFC
but also DLPFC
Within the LPFC, what are the specialisations?
for working memory, it appears that working on the information is specialised in the DLPFC, higher areas of lateral PFC.
just maintaining some info is in the lower LPFC
What is the anterior cingular responsible for
executive attention, error correction, inhibition, divided attention and decision making.
but also emotional regulation which is what the entire cingulate is thought to do
what does the WCST test
set shifting
LPFC damage
can also use verbal fluency, stroop
What does the inferior frontal cortex do
response selection
associated with activation when participants used ‘high selection’ verbs..
What are some tests in which people with PFC lesions have shown problems?
- task switching when presented cards with work pairs and colours.
- stroop task - cognition control/attention deficit
.. they show interference when doing the color word trial.