Lecture 7 - Environmental Adaptations Flashcards
what must plants and animals deal with in the boreal?
lack of nutrients in soil
what happens to plant tissues when water freezes?
water expands in the cells and destroys living tissues
sharp ice crystals can damage and kill cells
in what 2 ways does frozen water injure cells?
- rupturing cell membranes
2. altering permeability of membranes
what 2 methods do boreal plants escape frost damage?
- extra-cellular freezing
2. supercooling
briefly describe extracellular freezing
antifreeze accumulates inside cell walls allowing cells to prevent freezing.
plants encourage ice formation in between cells and prevent them in cells
briefly describe supercooling
lowing temp of liquid or gas below its potential freezing point w/o becoming a solid
how do cold temps affect animals?
food scarcity
metabolism is disrupted
what are 3 broad methods of staying able 0C
stay warm
what are 2 broad methods of dropping below 0C
Freeze avoidance
Freeze tolerance
how does the choice of habitat reflect the difference strategies of coping with extreme temperatures?
above snow = accept cold temperatures and manage being cold
@ freezing zone = freeze tolerance (frogs)
below frost line = freeze avoidance
where is the best play to go for aquatic animals?
deeper bc fresh water is most dense at 4C so it sinks (warmer at bottom)
why do fish dive deep in salt water?
avoid ice
what subnivean snow zone do arctic animals inhabit?
what adaptation do greenland collared lemmings have to avoid freezing?
grow long wide claws in winter for digging snow since there are larger crystals in the pukak layer
acclimation vs adaptation
acclimation: readily and reversible modification caused by exposure to the environment (not inherited)
adaptation: accumulation of genteel changes to increase survival/reproduction. not readily reversible
define homeotherm?
maintain a constant body temperature
define endotherm
generates own body heat using own energy to maintain temperature
define poikilotherm
animals with a variable body temp
example of a poikilothermic endotherm
hibernating animals
define ectotherm
generally do not produce enough heat to maintain a constant body temp. Rely on external sources of heat.
MAY have constant Tb depending on behaviour and environment
example of a homeothermic ectotherm
several antarctic fish
how do bee hives stay warm in winter?
bumblebees shiver to produce heat via muscle contraction. communal effort used to heat the colony and keep the queen warm
list the general ways to reduce heat loss
get big (bergman's rule) get round (allen's rule) adjust MBR prevent heat loss (insulate, lower conductive HL, restrict evaporative HL)