17 - Ecological Dynamics Flashcards
Arctic amplification
arctic is warming faster than the global average
what month usually has the most sea ice?
T/F freeze up is occurring earlier
ice has less time to thicken TF leads to thinner ice cover that is prone to melting earlier
sea ice loss ____ warming
what current trends are shown by the normalized difference vegetation index?
seeing more greenness!
- longer growing season
- increasing shrub abundance
T/F longer growing season increases marine primary production
how does an increase in marine primary production impact benthic prey populations?
reduction in prey populations bc an increase in pelagic fish
- gray whales, walrus, sea ducks
how does rain impact ringed seals?
rain collapses their birth layers, exposing pups to predators and hypothermia
T/F boreal and arctic lakes experience dimictic thermal stratification
False - arctic monomictic
What months do monomictic lakes experience stratification
- constant mixing in summer
increase in _____ can cause summer stratification
what are the effects of increased stratification?
- positive feedbacks via warming of surface layer
- increase in phytoplankton and zooplankton growth rates
- increased propensity to deep water oxygen depletion
- increased retention of contaminants within arctic food webs
how will warming benefit some animals?
easier access to forage for the svalbard reindeer
what has ablation associated with winter warming resulted in for svalbard reindeer?
reduced mortality,
increased fecundity,
increased abundance
T/F there has been a range decrease of winter month outbreaks in sweden
False - expansion