Lecture 7: conflict areas Flashcards
Fundamentals of PAR
-Emphasizes participation and action
o Participants taking on an active role in the production of a research question and other aspects
-seeks to understand the world by trying to change it, collaboratively and following reflection
o something is not going quiet right is when the PAR projects come into context
o crucial to understand the situation and community
o key question: make sure we are not making vulnerable people more vulnerable than they are
- emphasizes collective inquiry and experimentation grounded in experience and social history
- promote an explicit sharing of power unusual in traditional research formats
-offers the same level of scientific rigour as traditional research
o only thing that changes is the way you approach the problem
- Participatory action research
Common non-PAR questions in the field
-Most common non-PAR research questions in the field
o How much medical aid reaches the local populations?
o What is the impact of medical aid on survival rate of local residents?
-Traditional research process
o Uses mostly questionnaires and scales
o Assesses mostly treatment compliance in a binary fashion
o Focuses strictly on binary indicators
- The questions you’re asking will depict the answers you are getting
- Tools define results to a significant extend
3 aspects of par
- Participation (life in society and democracy)
- Action (engagement with experience and history)
- Research (soundness in thought and the growth of knowledge)
Study done in Sierra Leone
-Exploring needs with local community members (on both sides) and displaced persons
o First consulted local and international policies, got clearance and acknowledged the legal issues around child solders
CBR Matrix
- Go cell by cell with the community to determine which aspects need the most work
- The local people determine the sequence in which interventions are implemented
- Get to know the community and target population
- Need to get epidemiological assessments
- Determine how target population is perceived by community
- Educational and ecological assessments
What do you have to be to work with PAR
-Have to be flexible when working with PAR, after collecting data you might need to shift the focus of your goal
Questions for Sierra Leone study
- How can we improve the quality if life of survivors in our refugee camp of village?
- How can we prevent friends and relatives from being affected by fighting and famine?
How was the issue explored
- Tries to avoid questionnaires and scales because they limit the horizons
- Use questionnaires later, but not at the beginning
Results of study
-Idleness in the camp is unbearable – leads to despair
o Also lead to violence (sexual assaults)
- Foreign aid is to uncertain – strong need to be self-sufficient
- Survivors feel disconnected from their roots and communities
PAR’s Challenges
- Getting research funds
- Getting through ethics
- Recognizing a variety of expertise
- Putting more time in initially – which you quickly recover
- Misconceptions around scientific rigour
- Occasional publishing issues