Lecture 16: ethics Flashcards
Ethical Dilemmas
A situation where there is no satisfying course of action
With very limited guidance and based on our own beliefs
The beliefs, values or morals we use to determine what is right or wrong
Moral values: compassion, trustworthy, faithful
Professional values: behavioral indicators like accountable, social responsibility
Ethical Behavior
Being responsible for reasonably foreseeable consequences of your actions
Moral Principle (4)
Moral statement= In situation __ + Person__ + should do __
Moral sensitivity: ability to interpret situation accurately with limited facts, awareness of multiple ways to act and understands how choice will affect outcome
Moral judgement: ability to judge which action is right and which is wrong
Moral motivation: ability to prioritize moral values over personal and self-interest
Moral Character: acting morally even if people hate you for it. Hardest one to develop
Normative Ethics
Moral system that help people make decisions
Deontological Ethics
Focus on action
How well you can follow moral rules and duties.
Teleological Ethics
Focus on action
Which results will bring the most good. Acts are judged based on their consequences
Virtue Ethics
Developing good character traits based on moral decisions
Descriptive Ethics
Moral system of a group or culture
Application of ethics to healthcare
Global Ethics
Universal values, norms and global responsibilities
4 types of global ethics
Objective truth: truths about what is good and right
Subjectivism: individuals ethic based on their feelings
Pre-existing common core: based on what is universally accepted
Construction: norms and values contructed by consensus building
Ethical standards in Health care
Autonomy: enabling a client’s right to choose. Informed consent (aware of risks, benefits, alternatives, consequences if they don’t do it.
Beneficence: do what is in the best interest of the client. In global context, developed nations have to take care of developing countries
Nonmaleficence: do no harm
Justice: act with fairness
Veracity: be truthful
Fidelity: be faithful
Global Health Ethics
Normative, content, geographic
Normative global ethics
Values for responding to global trheats on a large scale
Ex. pandemics, natural disaters, poverty, research funding