Lecture 6- Vision I: The Retina Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the eye:
-cornea right at the front= clear surface, the light passes through -lens bends the light and this is focused on the retina -retina= 5/6 of the back of the eyeball -eyeball like an onion= outer layer= there for keeping strength, -middle layer= lot of blood vessels for nutrition -and the inside layer= retina= constitutes all of the nerves that allow us to see, -optic nerve= contains the axons of the ganglion cells as they go off to the brain

What does the retina look like normally?
-when you look into it with an opthalamoscope(expensive torch) -whitish thing= where the axons go into the brain pinky thing= fovea (also called macula)

What does the fovea (macula) do?
-this is the most important of the eye, allows you to see centrally, allows you to read, see faces, and see dead centre, all the rest is for peripheral
What are the optical factors affecting visual acuity?
- Pupil size 2.Clarity of optical media- cataracts, corneal opacities 3.Refractive errors-myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism and presbyopia
How does pupil size affect visual acuity?
-the smaller the pupil size, the clearer the vision -if a large pupil can’t see as well at night
How does the clarity of optical media affect visual acuity?
-how the light passes through the eye: if any of the structures that the light must pass through are effected (scarred) then this will effect the baility to see
How do refractive errors affect visual acuity?
-if the size of the eyeball is not the right length= then the focusing doesn’t work and vision= blurry -if the eyeball is mismatch (size-wise) = refractive error
What is myopia?
-shortsighted= the eyeball is too long and the light focuses it is too early, in front of the back of the eye= shortsigted
What is hypermetropia?
-Hypermetropia= the eyeball is too small=the light is focused behind the back of the eye, not focused as much on the retina
What is astigmatism?
-Astigmatism:surface of the eye is squashed a bit (like rugby ball) as the light goes through the cornea it creates two focuses, one might be clear in one domain and the other domain it’s completely blurry
What is presbyopia?
-feel like arms not long enough= the process that allows us to read, to focus on sth closer becomes impaired and eventually may need glasses
Why are the photoreceptors of the retina at the bottom?
cross section through the back of the eyeball -series of neuron layers -follow the light- it has to go through all the layers of the retina before it hits the photoreceptors -they are the light detectors, they respond to light and create the neural signal that allows us to see -why does it seem back to front? -because of the cells that sit underneath the retina: retinal pigmental epithelial cells, very important to keep the retinal cells alive, if it were switched around then the pigmented cells wouldn’t let light through= too dense -the retinal pigmented cells= provide nutrition to retinal cells

What are the characteristics of rods?
-night vision (scotopic) -very sensitive -only one type -black and white, no colour vision -100million =95% of all photoreceptors -absent from the fovea

What are the characteristics of cones?
-day vision (photopic) -less sensitive -three types (red, blue and green) -allow colour vision -5 million (only about 5% of the photoreceptors) -densest in the fovea
What is the ratio of rods to cones?
How do we optimize our vision?
- to resolve fine detail: at the fovea the density of cones and rods changes -green line: cones are extremely dense in the middle of the fovea -whereas rods are the lowest at the middle of the fovea -ability to see fine detail and acuity during the day is completely determined by the number of cones we have in our retina -0 is the fovea

What is the structure of the photoreceptors?
- rods have a cell body, axon going off to the synapse and the other side of the axon going deep into the eyeball and it has the region= called outer segment (the red hats in the pic), this contains the proteins that are sensitive to light, in rods photopigment in there called Rhodopsin -cones have cone-opsin
What are the opsins and where are they?
-Opsins are proteins, that bind to vitamin A (technical name for vit A= Retinal) -in the outer segment of the cone and rod,

What is phototransduction?
-process by which photoreceptors respond to light -retinal is normally present in the opsins in a kinked form= cis -then light enters and the molecule becomes straight= trans -this conformational process in the retinal stimulates the response to that

What happens to the photoreceptors in terms of membrane potential when they are hit by light?
-in terms of neurons, photoreceptors hyperpolarised by light, they are not like othe rneurons in the brain, (like when you touch sth the sensory neuron depolarised), in retina it is the reverse HYPERPOLARISATION
Do neurons of the retina fire action potentials?
-neurons of the retina with the exception of the ganglion cells do not fire action potential, the way they respond to a stimulus is to change their membrane potential and based on how that changes determines how much neurotransmitter gets released -so if the potential goes down= less glutamate if up= more glutamate released= it is not an all or nothing reaction like in other neurons -continuous release of neurotransmitter -goes up if depolarised, down if hyperpolarised -respond with graded potentials

What neurotransmitter is used by the photoreceptors?
-glutamate -the main excitatory neurotransmitter of the brain
How does a photoreceptor function in the dark?
-in the dark the photoreceptors will be depolarised -in the outer segment we have sodium channels,they are always open in the dark, and they are gated by cyclic GMP, -Na channels held open by cGMP binding to those channels, -in the dark constant stream of Na into the cell and then out and in… and this constant flow of sodium causes the depolarisation that we see in the dark

What happens to a photoreceptor when it is hit by light?
light: -Na channels close, no influx of sodium, the cell is hyperpolarised, -light hits the receptor and cascade is initiated breaks down the cGMP -light hits the photoreceptor, and activates rhodopsin (via retinal) initiates a cascade activates a G protein= G protein cascade, that leads to closure of Na channels due to breakdown of cGMP, the enzyme that does that is called:PDE (phosphodiestarase) -the cascade: Rhodopsin-Trasducin-PDE-breaks down cGMP