Lecture 6: The functional movement screen Flashcards
The functional movement screen
7 screens and 4 clearing tests
Should I warm up before the FMS?
What does FMS provide?
A system to assess movement
What is FMS not?
An indicator of sport performance
Not a tool to diagnosis injury
What are the 7 screens and 4 clearing tests?
- Deep squat
- Hurdle step
- Incline lunge
-ankle clearing test - Shoulder mobility
-impingement clearing test - Active straight leg raise
- Trunk stability push up
-press up clearing test - Rotary stability
-flexion clearing test
Scoring of FMS
3- correct movement pattern
2- movement pattern with compensation
1- inability to perform movement
0- pain regardless of correctness
How many attempts per movement?
Purpose of deep squat
Assesses full body mobility, stability and core control
Scoring a 3 on deep squat
Torso is parallel w tibia or toward vertical
Femur is below horizontal
Knees do not track inside feet
Dowel is aligned over the feet
Scoring a 2 on deep squat
Torso is parallel w tibia or toward vertical
Femur is below horizontal
Knees do not track inside feet
Dowel is aligned over the feet
Heels elevated
Scoring the deep squat
Tibia and torso not parallel
Femur is not below horizontal
Knees track inside feet
Dowel is not aligned over the feet
Purpose of hurdle step
Assesses stride mechanics while also assessing single leg stability
Set of hurdle step
Cord is measured and placed at tibial tuberosity (record this number)
Scoring a 3 on hurdle step
Hips, knees, ankles aligned in sagittal plane
Minimal to no movement in lumbar spine
Dowel and hurdle remain parallel
Scoring a 2 on hurdle step
Alignment is lost btwn knees, hips ankles
Movement in lumbar spine
Dowel and hurdle do not remain parallel
Scoring a 1 on hurdle step
Inability to clear the cord during hurdle step (foot touches cord)
Loss of balance
Purpose of incline lunge
Assesses lunging mechanics and overall stability, balance, ankle mobility, hip mobility, quad flexibility
Scoring a 3 on incline lunge
Dowel contact maintained
Dowel remains vertical
Minimal to no torso movement
Dowel and feet remain in sagittal plane
Knee touches centre of board
Front food remains in start position
Scoring a 2 on incline lunge
Dowel contact not maintained
Dowel does not remain vertical
Movement in torso
Dowel and feet do not remain in sagittal plane
Knee does not touch centre of board
Front food does not remain in start position
Scoring a 1 on incline lunge
Loss of balance by stepping off board
Inability to complete movement pattern
Inability to get into start position
Ankle clearing test- green
Knee moves beyond medial malleolus of front leg while heel stays down
Ankle clearing test- yellow
Knee resides within the width of the medial malleolus of the front leg while the heel stays down
Indicates a potential ankle mobility limitation
Ankle clearing test- red
Knee does not reach medial malleolus of front leg with heel down
Indicates potential ankle mobility limitation
Purpose of shoulder mobility test
Assesses active control and mobility of shoulder
Set up of shoulder mobility test
Measure length of individuals hand from distal crease of wrist to tip of finger
Scoring a 3 on shoulder mobility
Fists are within one hand length
(measure from closest point of each fist)
Scoring a 2 on shoulder mobility
Fists are within one and a half hand lengths
Scoring a 1 on shoulder mobility
Fists are not within one and a half hand lengths
Impingement clearing test
As long as they have even slight ROM they clear it
Purpose of active straight leg raise
Assesses mobility of hip and flexibility of hamstrings
Set up of active straight leg raise
Back of individuals knees on test kit
Dowel is placed halfway btwn ASIS and middle of knee
Scoring a 3 on active straight leg raise
Vertical line of lateral malleolus resides btwn mid-thigh and ASIS
The non-moving limb remains in neutral position
Scoring a 2 on active straight leg raise
Vertical line of malleolus resides btwn mid-thigh and mid patella
Non-moving limb remains in neutral position
Scoring a 1 on active straight leg raise
Vertical line of malleolus resides below mid-patella
Non-moving limb remains in neutral position
Purpose of trunk stability push up
Assesses core stability and upper body strength
Set up of trunk stability push up
Males- thumb inline w top of forehead
Females- thumbs in line w top of chin
Scoring a 3 on trunk stability push up
Body lifts as a unit w no lag in spine
Scoring a 2 on trunk stability push up
Men perform a repetition with thumbs aligned w the chin
Women perform a repetition w thumbs aligned w clavicle
Body lifts as a unit w no lag in spine
Scoring a 2 on trunk stability push up
Unable to perform a rep
Men (chin)
Women (clavicle)
Purpose of rotary stability
Assesses stability at pelvis, core, shoulder while simultaneously creating movement w upper and lower extremities
Set up of rotary stability
Feet, knee, thumbs touching test kit
Scoring a 3 on rotary stability
Hand and knee leave ground at same time
Ability to perform this pattern while keeping arm and leg moving in line and parallel w board
Fingers touch lateral malleolus
Knee and elbow achieve full extension
Scoring a 2 on rotary stability
Hand and knee did not leave ground at same time
Inability to keep arm and leg moving in line and parallel w board
Fingers touch lateral malleolus
Knee and elbow achieve full extension
Scoring a 1 on rotary stability
Loss of balance
Hand does not touch lateral malleolus
Knee and elbow do not fully extend
Inability to get into set-up position
Order of corrective strategies
- Address pain if there is any
- Mobility
i. active straight leg raise
ii. Shoulder mobility - Motor control
i. Rotary stability
ii. Trunk stability push up - Functional patterning
i. Incline lunge
ii. Hurdle step
iii. Deep squat
Benefits to the FMS
Pick up on things that you would not see with day-to-day training
Limitations to FMS
Doesnt test movement capacity (only ability to do one unloaded rep)
Only screens movement
Movement issues and pain can arise when load is added
Why dont we cue clients through the movement?
If you know what you’re graded for, your movement will improve