Lecture 6: Soil Aeration and Temperature and Wetlands Flashcards
Soil aeration (ventilation) definition
the amount/ concentration of oxygen that is available in soil
How does porosity affect soil aeration/ventilation?
Gasses move through macropores like water
Compaction can block gas exchange pathways
How does water content affect soil aeration/ventilation?
Water and air compete for pore space in soils. The presence of water can block gas exchange pathways and reduces the amount of air that can be stored in the soil
Oxygen becomes limiting when 80-90% of the pore space is filled with water and in saturated/waterlogged soils
How does plant and microbial activity of soils affect soil aeration/ventilation?
The more plants and micro bacteria growing on the soil and the more active they are, the more they are consuming oxygen and other gasses
Some plants are adapted to life in waterlogged soils
How are gasses exchanged between soils and the atmosphere through mass flow?
When soil gas is pushed into the atmosphere by large changes in atmospheric pressure
eg. Arctic soils that are covered in an O layer and a layer of moss. the moss has a higher pore volume and the gasses coming out of the soil can be trapped in this layer so then there is an atmospheric pressure and the gasses get ventilated out
How are gasses exchanged between soils and the atmosphere through diffusion?
Gasses move along pressure (concentration) gradients
Oxygen diffuses into soils and carbon dioxide will move out of soil and into the air
Waterlogged soil
Much lower redox potential
thick layer of accumulation of organic matter
plants that are adapted to life in waterlogged soils
hollow tubes that plants have that facilitate the movement of oxygen into the rooting zone through the plant. can vent soil gasses like CO2 into the atmosphere to reduce the toxicity of certain gasses in the soil
Ferric/ferrous Fe
Ferric iron is 3+ meaning it lost an electron and was oxidized
Ferrous iron is 2+ meaning it gained an electron and was reduced
-In many waterlogged soils, nitrate NO3- is reduced to nitrite NO2 and then further to N2 gas
-called leaky pipeline bc creates other gasses like NO or N2O
-major pathway to remove nitrogen from soils as gasses, which is bad because nitrogen is a major plant nutrient
How does the redox potential of a soil control the availability of nutrients, the toxicity of elements, and emissions of greenhouse gases?
Describes how much oxygen is available
-Determined the presence and availability of nutrients and toxins
-flooding of soils/ adding organic matter can (im-)mobilize toxic elements
Approximate redox potential (mV) of aerobic and anoxic soils (Figure 5 pg 179)
Oxygen is the main electron acceptor and in anoxic soils there is less available oxygen.
-Anoxic soils have a redox potential of +4 and above volts (sulfate and CO2 are most important electron acceptors)
-Only negative redox potentials describe incredibly anaerobic soils
Most important oxidation state rules
-the oxidation state of an individual atom is 0
-the total oxidation state of all atoms in a neutral species is 0 and in an ion is equal to the ion charge
-hydrogen usually +1 in compounds
-oxygen usually -2 in compounds
Fe3+ usually
precipitates and is a poorly soluble mineral
can co precipitate organic matter so that stabilize organic matter in soils
When you reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II)
the carbon that was attached to the iron becomes available and get decomposed into a greenhouse gas
When O2 is absent, microorganisms seek alternate e- acceptors. In order of decreasing energy gain, they are:
NO3-, Mn4+, Fe3+, SO4 2-, CO2
Only oxic soils emit
N2O and CO2
Only anoxic soils emit
Carbon- normal form in well-oxidized soils and reduced form found in waterlogged soils
CO2 and C6H12O6
Nitrogen- normal form in well-oxidized soils and reduced form found in waterlogged soils
N2 and NH4+
Sulfur- normal form in well-oxidized soils and reduced form found in waterlogged soils
SO4 2-
H2S and S 2-
Iron- normal form in well-oxidized soils and reduced form found in waterlogged soils
Fe 3+ [Fe(III) oxides]
Fe 2+ [Fe(II) oxides]
Manganese- normal form in well-oxidized soils and reduced form found in waterlogged soils
Mn 4+ [Mn(IV) oxides]
Mn2+ [Mn(II) oxides]
Ecosystem services of wetlands
-flood control
-cool and stabilize regional climate bc they have high rates of evapotranspiration
-stores a lot of carbon
-coastal wetlands protect from erosion and flooding and are important nurseries for fish
Northern wetlands
Poor ventilation + low redox -> accumulation of organic matter
lots of carbon
Wetland chemistry
-low oxygen
-low redox (low Eh numbers, low like 0.3 volts)