Lecture 6: Phytohormones and the Regulation of Stress Tolerance in Plants Flashcards
Plant hormones: signalling molecules produced by plants that regulate various physiological process. These include growth, development, differentiation, responses to environmental stimuli
Stress tolerance in plants
The ability of plants to withstand and adapt to adverse environmental conditions (drought, salinity, extreme temperatures, nutrient deficiency) without significant damage to their physiological and metabolic functions
Play a crucial role in promoting
-cell regulation
-tissue differentiation
-apical dominance
Involved in various aspects of plant growth (i.e. phototropism+gravitropism
a gaseous hormone that regulates various physiological processes:
-fruit ripening
-response to stress
Often associated with the plant’s response to environmental and developmental cues
ABA (Abscisic Acid)
involved in plant responses to environmental stresses (particularly drought), regulates:
-stomatal closure
-water conservation
Biosynthesis, Effects, Signaling Pathway: Auxins
Biosynthesis: Apical meristems, young leaves
Effects: Promote cell elongation, inhibit lateral bud growth, influence tropic responses
SP: involves activation of specific receptors, leading to changes in gene expression and cellular processes
Biosynthesis, Effects, Signaling Pathway: Ethylene
Biosynthesis: produced in response to various stresses and during certain developmental stages (ACC synthesis and ACC oxidase)
Effects: fruit ripening, leaf sensescence, stress response
SP: involves a receptor-mediated pathway, leading to transcriptional changes and physiological responses (can be inhibited by acting on receptor 1-MVG or pathway AVG)
Biosynthesis, Effects, Signaling Pathway: ABA
Biosynthesis: produced in response to particularly drought
Effects: induces stomatal closure, promotes seed dormancy, enhances stress tolerance
SP: involves receptors and a signal transduction pathway that regulates ion channels and gene expression
Classes of Hormones
-Jasmonic Acid
-Salicylic Acid
Hormone Biosynthesis: Isoprenoid Pathway
Isopentenyl diphosphate:
-Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, ABA, Strigolactones
Hormone Biosynthesis: Amino Acids
- Tryptophan: IAA
- Methionine: Ethylene
- Arginine: Polyamines
Hormone Biosynthesis: Lipids
Linolenic acid: Jasmonic Acid
Any factor that prevents the plant from achieving its full genetic potential
-can be biotic or abiotic.
Homeostatic adjustment in response to changing environmental factors (reversible, metabolic, epigenetic)
-associated with permanent changes in the genome (IRREVERSIBLE)
reaction inside a system. the magnitude can be a function of the duration of stress:
-return to
OLD: Elastic
NEW: Plastic
FAILURE: Collapse of homeostasis
-when faced with water scarcity, plants regulate their internal osmotic pressure by accumulating compatible solutes (sugars, proline, etc.)
-Helps the cell maintain turgor pressure (needs to be positive otherwise plant will wilt): prevents water loss+dehydration
SUSTAINS cell structure and etc even with reduced water availability.
Drought tolerant crops
-Corn: Traditional plant breeding
-Introduction of a transgenic trait: NGET
-ABA and drought: role in response to abiotic stress