Lecture 6 nervous and endocrine systems Flashcards
Label internal anatomy diagram
A. Brain
B. Gill
C. Spinal Cord
D. swim bladder
E. body muscles
F. urogenital opening
G. anus
H. Ovary
I. kidney
J. intestine
K. Stomach
L. Liver
M. oesophagus
N. Heart
4 sections of fish brain
- Forebrain (prosencephalon)
- Midbrain (mesencephalon)
- Hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
- Spinal column (past the brain)
Forebrain (prosencephalon) (3)
olfactory sense associated with the anterior telencephelon
pineal organ (“third eye”)
hypothalamus (connects to endocrine)
Forebrain (prosencephalon) (3)
olfactory sense associated with the anterior telencephelon
pineal organ (“third eye”)
hypothalamus (connects to endocrine)
Midbrain (mesencephalon) (3)
optic lobes
Associated w/ lateral line
Associated w/ learning
Hindbrain (rhombencephalon) (2)
Medula oblongata
Cerebellum (3 functions)
coordination of movement
Medula oblongata (2 functions)
controls spine and sensory -motor nerves through mauthner cells
mauthner cells (functions and 3 parts)
escape reflex
paired cells on the floor of the medulla
axions to caudal muscle
dendrites to acoustic centers
spinal column (2 traits)
hollow thick walled tube
unmyelinated nerve fibers
Pituitary Gland
Located ventrally on posterior prosencephalon
neurohypophysis region from embryonic nervous tissue
adenohypophysis region from embryonic mouth cavity
pituitary hormones (6)
ACTH - stimulates steroid production in internal tissue
GTH-stimulates eggs, sperm, and steroids
GH-promotes appetite and food conversions to growth
prolactin - osmotic balance
Thyrotropin - stimulates the thyroid
MSH and MCH - stimulate and contract pigment dispersal
Pancreatic islets (3)
-dispersed around pyloric caeca
-metabolism regulation
-secretes insulin and glucagon
Ultimobranchial Gland (4)
-located below esophagus near sinus venosus
-Secretes calcitonin
-calcium regulation
-seawater adaptation
Gastrointestinal Mucosa (3)
-at least 16 types of cells
-many secretions regulate gut secretions and motility
-also may secrete glucagon, somatostatin, and insulin
Chromaffin tissue (2)
-may intermingle with interrenal cells
-secrete adrenaline and noradrenaline involved in “fight or flight” responses
Interrenal Tissue (2)
around head of kidney
secrete steroids (cortisol) for osmoregulation and metabolism
Corpuscles of Stannius
-position varies greatly among species (associated with kidney)
-secretes stanniocalcin
suggests osmoregulatory function
what is a hormone axis
-a pathway a hormone follows in order to do its function
-steps are not connected physically but through blood stream
Pineal Organ (5)
-light receptor in hagfish, some elasmobranchs and teleosts
-glandular function in most teleost fishes
-pinealectomy disrupts circadian activity cycles
-may secrete melatonin, serotonin
-associated with “timed” events like gonad maturation
Pineal Organ (5)
-light receptor in hagfish, some elasmobranchs and teleosts
-glandular function in most teleost fishes
-pinealectomy disrupts circadian activity cycles
-may secrete melatonin, serotonin
-associated with “timed” events like gonad maturation
Thyroid Gland
-Produces hormones that contain iodine
-Action may differ between species (active research)
-associated with the regulation of many bodily functions
Thyroid Gland regulations (5)
-skin & eye pigments
-guanine deposition in skin
-metamorphosis (flatfish)
Thyroid Gland regulations (5)
-skin & eye pigments
-guanine deposition in skin
-metamorphosis (flatfish)
Caudal Neurosecretory System (2)
secrete urotensin I and II
possible water balance, sodium regulatory functions
-Secrete steroids involved with reproductive development, behavior, and spawning
-male – androgens (esp. testosterone)
-female - estrogens
-Smoltification is a complex series of physiological changes where young salmonid fish adapt from living in fresh water to living in seawater
-lose vertical “parr marks” to become more silvery (guanine)
-active uptake in NaCl in freshwater, active excretion of NaCl in saltwater