(Lecture 6) Common People: Democracy and Reform in the Age of Jackson Flashcards
What is the term that underpins Jackson’s time as President?
‘the age of the common man’
How is Jackson seen as a symbol of new democratic spirit?
Stump speaking
Expansion of franchise
Move from indirect to direct election of the president.
What was Jackson’s nickname?
Old Hickory
Who was the franchise expanded to under Jackson?
Lower-class white males
What were the liabilities to Jackson’s campaign?
His roots.
Backcountry culture.
Chequered past.
Military figure.
What was Jackson’s plantation home called?
The Hermitage
What was the corrupt bargain of 1824?
House elected John Quincy Adams over Jackson.
Believed that Henry Clay (the Speaker) convinced Congress to elect him, then was made Secretary of State.
What was the anti-Jackson media?
‘King Andrew the First’
Who wrote the Wyoming Letters? What were they?
Colonel John Eaton
Support of Jackson’s presidency