Lecture 6 Flashcards
Perhaps security has stopped more routine accidents, however, accidents teach awareness of _______.
An example?
When the Minneapolis, Minn. I-35W bridge fell into the Mississippi River during rush hour. The analyses of the incident highlighted the vulnerability to a bridge being stressed beyond it capabilities
______ and _____ for failure to anticipate, protect, and do a better job cleaning up.
An example?
FEMA after hurricane Katrina
What are the 5 network simulations?
Bombing - reduce arc capacity on randomly selected arcs within the network
Terrorist attack - a few pre-selected arcs incurred significant damage
Flood - capacities of multiple connected arcs were reduced
Earthquake - randomly selected over a large area and their capacities were randomly reduced
Intermodal terminal attack - rail service inoperable in and out of CHI and LAX
Benefits of connection can become the __________. An example would be ?
Atlanta’s transport hub
It is clear that the importance of network infrastructure __________ is largely dependent on the location of its links and nodes, as well as their _________
________ provide a test case for traffic gridlock.
An example would be?
I-285 of the Atlanta metro area
Use change in ________ ________ as an indicator of the consequences of dangerous events
Travel times
Topological relationships
How networks are connected
______ _______ provides simulation
Severe weather
Security has ________ more routine, ordinary accidents
_________ teach us an awareness of vulnerability
3 facts about security at Ports of LA/Long Beach…
5th busiest port in the world
Port security is complex due to the several municipalities that overlook it
Ships over 40% of the nations containerized cargo
4 facts about the security of PANYNJ….
Complex and aging infrastructure
Nation’s #1 international trade platform
Regional multi-state coordination challenges
(Port authority spans across 2 states)
PATH (railway system is also under this authority)
An example?….
Something that can cause harm, e.g. electricity, chemicals, working up a ladder, noise, a keyboard, a bully at work, stress, etc.
Train carrying chlorine derailed near 5th Ave in Columbus. Osu issued a warning alert for a 2-3mi area because the substance was toxic
The chance, high or low, that any hazard will actually cause somebody harm.