Lecture 5: WL balance & employee wellbeing Flashcards
What are the characteristics of a ‘social network’?
- Multiple life domains with social networks (e.g., family, friends, work)
- In which we show different behaviors, depending on what is expected and accepted
- So, we play a different role and present ourselves in different ways, depending on the audience (e.g., spouse, child, employee, student)
What is identity management?
Self-disclosure about identity
What does identity refers to?
Identity refers to the distinguishing character or personality of an individual
What is self-disclosure?
(intentionally or unintentionally) communicating personal information about the self to another person
Name 2 identity layers…:
- A professional identity
- A private identity
What do we mean with ‘clear devision between work and private life’?
(1) clarity with respect to the roles played and
(2) the behavior expected
How does social media influence work & private life?
work & private life collides (fuzzy boundaries)
What is the result/challenges of work & private life colliding?
- Non-tailored self-disclosure. Challenge impression management strategies.
- Responsibilities from work might interfere with home and vise versa.
What is the definition of work-life balance?
A sense of having achieved a satisfactory resolution of the multiple demands of work and nonwork domains
What is Work-home interference? (WHI)
- WHI is a form of inter-role conflict…
- …in which the role pressures from the work and the family domains are mutually incompatible…
- …so that participation in the home role conflicts with participation in the work role.
In which ways could Work-Home interference occur?
Time demands
Spill-over of strain
Expected behavior at work may be incompatible with expected behavior at home
What is the influence of technology on work-home interference?
Technology might exacerbate WHI by enabling constant connection to work/home
Why is Work-Home Interference a problem?
Role overload
What is the spill-over effect?
the psychological overflow due to daily stress in one context and the transfer of its consequences to another close environment.
How can people recover from stress and strain? (Effect Recover Theory)
- Relaxation
- Detachment
What is the effect of work-home interference according to the Effect Recovery Theory?
Work-home interference undermines psychological detachment and relaxation
What were the results of the study by Derks & Bakker (2014)?
That (intensive) smartphone use moderates Daily Work-Home Interference which resulted in a higher state of burnout
What was the conclusion of the study by Derks & Bakker (2014)?
…although communication technology is likely to allow for greater connectivity to and flexibility in managing work demands, such integration (or boundary blurring) may come at a price for an individual.
What positive things did study’s found about social media for private purposes?
- Private SM use in worktime may facilitate identification with colleagues because of self-disclosure (Bartels et al., 2019)
- Micro breaks may facilitate stress recovery on the job (Relaxation through SM entertainment)
- Can help employees to better coordinate work and non-work demands (Kuhnel et al., 2020)
What negative things did study’s found about social media for private purposes?
- Cyberloafing = unproductive time (of up to 2 hours!)
- Interruptions may prevent/interrupt work flow
What is the definition of Flow? (Csíkszentmihályi, 1975)
The mental state in which a person performing some activity is:
(1) fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus,
(2) full involvement,
(3) and enjoyment in the process of the activity.
What are the characteristics of flow?
- Merging of action and awareness
- Focused concentration
- Sense of potential control
- Loss of self-conscious
- Time distortion
- Autotelic experience (self rewarding)
What are the antecedents for flow?
- Cleare Goals
- Immediate feedback
- Skills/challenge matched and relatively high
How does being in flow work? (flow theory)
- Increasing challenge and increasing skills are matched = flow channel
When skill is low and challenge is high what do we experience?
When skill os high and challenge is low what do we experience?
Which 2 types of flow interruptions are there?
- Internal (self-interruptions)
- External (environmental interruptions)
Give examples of internal flow interruptions…
- Exhaustion/ego-depletion
- frustration
- subtask completed
Give examples of external flow interruptions…
- Messengers (whatsapp/email notifications)
- Colleagues
- Street noise
Why might social media use increase creativity? (Kuhnel et al., 2020)
- A temporary distraction may help ‘set shifting’: combing elements of a problem in new ways
- Provide inspiration
Why might social media use reduce creativity? (Kuhnel et al., 2020)
It may be related to interruptions to the psychological flow that is needed for creative work
Explain the Spill-over from work to life and back (van Zoonen et al., 2020)…
(1) Technology use after hours can trigger communication…
…about family demands with supervisors,
…about work demands with family members.
(2) Communication about work demands may mediate the relationships between smartphone use after hours and WL interference.
Which study is a example of determinism?
Derks & Bakker (2014) about phone use and work-home interference on burnout state
Which study is a example of constructivism?
Van Zoonen et al. (2020) about communication about work demands and work-life interference
What is online boundary management? (OBM)
- It is strategic behaviors
- Boundary management = Identity management
- Online Boundary Management ≠ Offline Boundary Management
What are the aims of online boundary management?
- Aim for productivity/career progress
- Aim for self-enhancement
- Aim for acceptance & liking/respect (impression management)
(= strategic behaviors)
What are the segments of online boundary management behaviors?
- Manage ‘structural capital’ (Who?)
- Manage ‘relational social capital’ (What?)
How do we manage ‘structural capital’ (who) (OBM behaviors segmenting)?
- Invite/reject people
- Create multiple profiles
How do we manage ‘relational social capital’ (what) (OBM behaviors segmenting)?
- Self-censoring
- Selective self-disclosure
- Framing/’middle of the road’ messages
What do we mean with work-life boundary preferences? (Ollier-Malaterre et al., 2013)
- With whom to share?
- How do people mentally organize their social worlds?
How do people mentally organize their social worlds? (Ollier-Malaterre et al., 2013)
- Segment = Contacts are categorized as work/private contacts
- Integrate = Contacts are categorized as one group/along other lines
What do we mean with self evaluation motives? (Ollier-Malaterre et al., 2013)
- What to share?
- How do people present themselves (on social media)?
What are people self evolution motives? (Ollier-Malaterre et al., 2013)
- Self-enhancement = present yourself in a positive and socially desirable way
- Self-verification = Present yourself in a way that conforms with your actual (positive or negative) self-views
What are the four OBM behaviors?
- Open boundary management behaviors
- Content boundary management behaviors
- Audience boundary management behaviors
- Hybrid boundary management behaviors
When the preference to share is ‘integration’ (who) and the self-evaluation motive is ‘ self-verification’ (what) the OBM behavior is….?
Open boundary management behaviors
When the preference to share is ‘integration’ (who) and the self-evaluation motive is ‘self-enhancement’ (what) the OBM behavior is….?
Content boundary management behaviors
When the preference to share is ‘segmentation’ (who) and the self-evaluation motive is ‘self-verification’ (what) the OBM behavior is….?
Audience boundary management behaviors
When the preference to share is ‘segmentation’ (who) and the self-evaluation motive is ‘self-enhancement’ (what) the OBM behavior is….?
Hybrid boundary management behaviors
What does a ‘Open boundary management behaviors’…?
- decrease average respect
- decrease average liking
What does ‘Content boundary management behaviors’…?
- Increase average respect
- Increase average liking
- Moderate by online boundary management capabilities
What to do when ‘Audience boundary management behaviors’…?
- Protect but do not increase average respect
- decrease average linking
What to do when ‘Hybrid boundary management behaviors’…?
- Increase average respect
- Increase average linking
- Moderate by online boundary management capabilities (most demanding behaviors)
What are examples of ‘Open boundary management behaviors’…?
- Set up public searchable profile
- Disclosure both positive and negative information in professional and personal domain
- Let others comment publicly on posts and tag on in pictures
What are examples of ‘Content boundary management behaviors’…?
- Disclose information that is flattering, glamorous, or makes on look smart
- Keep postings noncontroversial
- Control pictures in which one is tagged or prevent other
- Monitor comments by others on profile or prevent
What are examples of ‘Audience boundary management behaviors’…?
- Set up private profile and ignore/deny connection requests from certain professional contacts in SNS deemed as personal
- Use different sites to segment audience
- Use nicknames / make the profiel unsearchable
What are examples of ‘Hybrid boundary management behaviors’…?
- Create and maintain lists of contacts and manage what content each of these subgroups can acces
- Clean up profile when transitioning from on life or career stage to another
- Educate connection to recognize that some conversations are personal or professional and to refrain from commenting in ways that would cause embarrassment
Which two factors influence impressions?
- warmth / liking
- competence / respect
What consequences does ‘Open boundary management behaviors’ have on impressions? (+/-)
warmth / liking -
competence / respect -
What consequences does ‘Content boundary management behaviors’ have on impressions? (+/-)
+ warmth / liking
+ competence / respect
What consequences does ‘Audience boundary management behaviors’ have on impressions? (+/-)
- warmth / liking
+/- competence / respect
What consequences does ‘Hybrid boundary management behaviors’ have on impressions? (+/-)
+ warmth / liking
+ competence / respect
What are the capability’s of OBM?
- Time
- effort
- technical skill
Why are time, effort, & technical skills required for OBM?
To avoid the accidental disclosure of too much or inappropriate content.