Lecture 5: Vertebral Column 2 Flashcards
What is the role of extrinsic muscles?
produce upper limb and respiratory movements
What is the role of intrinsic muscles?
produce vertebral column movements and maintain posture
What are the most important things to know about a muscle?
muscle name, proximal attachment, distal attachment, function (i.e. contraction type: concentric vs eccentric), action, functional role and innervation
What are the functional roles of muscles?
agonist, antagonist, fixator/stabiliser, synergist and assistant muscle
How does the length of a muscle change during concentric and eccentric contractions?
concentric: shortens
eccentric: lengthens
What are the three groups intrinsic back muscles are divided into?
erector spinae, transversospinalis (oblique orientation from inferior transverse process to superior spinous process) and uni-segmental group
What are the three subgroups of erector spinae and what are the subgroups of these subgroups? What are their actions?
spinalis: spinalis thoracis, cerivicis and capitis -> extends trunk (concentric)
longissimus: longissimus thoracis, cervicis and capitis -> extends trunk, head and neck
iliocostalis: iliocostalis lumborum, thoracis and cervicis -> extends and ipsilaterally laterally flexes trunk and neck
What are the three subgroups of transversospinalis and what are the subgroups of these subgroups? What are their actions?
semispinalis: semispinalis thoracis, cervicis and capitis -> extends and contralaterally rotates the trunk, neck and head
multifidus: extends, contralaterally rotates and ipsilaterally laterally flexes trunk and neck
Which muscles constitute the uni-segmental group?
intertransversarii, interspinales and levatores costarum
What are the functional roles of intrinsic muscle?
head, neck and trunk movements
stabilisation of trunk during limb movement
provide proprioceptive feedback
protect zygapophyseal joints
How do extensors of the neck and/or head contract?
concentrically contract to produce extension
Which muscles are found in the deepest layer (layer 4) of neck/head extensors?
suboccipital muscles (x4) transversospinalis (x2) - rotatores and multifidis
Which muscles are found in layer 3 of neck/head extensors?
capitis and cervicis
Which muscles are found in layer 2 of neck/head extensors?
splenius capitis and cervicis
erector spinae - longissimus capitus/cervicus, spinalis capitus/cervices, iliocostalis cervices
levator scapulae
Which muscles are found in layer 1 of neck/head extensors?
How do flexors of the neck and/or head contract?
concentrically contract to produce flexion
Which muscles are flexors of the neck/head?
longus capitis and colli
rectus capitis lateralis and rectus capitis anterior
scalene muscles
What is the role of lateral flexors of the neck/head?
produce lateral flexion when contracting unilaterally
What are the rotators of the neck and head on the ipsilateral side?
splenius cervicis and capitis, rectus capitis posterior major, inferior capitis oblique and longissimus cervicis and capitis
What are the rotators of the neck and head on the contralateral side?
SCM, anterior scalene, multifidus, semispinalis and longus colli
What is the role of thoracolumbar fascia?
provides lumbar stability and acts as retinaculum around deep back muscles
also provides connection between vertebral column, abdominal muscles, upper and lower limbs
What is the role of intraabdominal pressure?
helps stiffen the lumbar spine to prevent buckling under compressive loads
Which arteries are part of the vertebral vasculature?
anterior / posterior spinal arteries, vertebral artery, subclavian artery, posterior intercostal artery, lumbar artery and segmental medullary artery, anterior / posterior radicular arteries
How does venous drainage occur in the vertebrae?
intervertebral veins drain into vertebral, posterior intercostal and lumbar veins, which drain into the IVC or SVC
note: posterior intercostal veins drain into the azygous system then the SVC
How are the back muscles innervated?
ventral rami supply extrinsic back muscles
dorsal rami supply intrinsic back muscles
Which branches are the dorsal rami divided into? Which structures do these branches innervate?
lateral branch: iliocostalis and longissimus medial branch: spinalis, transversospinalis and unisegmental muscles zygapophyseal joints overlying skin
Where are nerves in the cervical plexus found? Which type of branches are found in the cervical plexus?
C1-4 ventral rami
there are superficial and deep branches