Lecture 5 Q &A Flashcards
Describe HM’s condition
HM suffered from really bad seizures that originated in the medial temporal lobe.
What part of HM’s brain was surgically removed?
The amygdala, archi cortex, and hippocampus were surgically removed.
How many people underwent varying degrees of resection?
H.M and 9 others
What did Patient IS have removed?
Only amygdala was removed and no memory loss occurred.
What was the McDonald’s Coffee Cup story?
This story was given by Howard Ichanbum who talked about how HM told him the same story after seeing a coffee cup from McDonald’s more than 3 times. He would tell the story look away pause and then tell it again because he couldn’t remember that he had already told that story.
Describe the hallmark characteristics of Classic Amnesic Syndrome.
Initial encoding of info: OK
Short Term Memory: OK (ex digit span 7 +- 2 numbers)
Long Term Memory:OK
Sensation/Perception: OK
Intelligence: OK (in some cases it seemed almost improved
Problem: Lost the ability to consolidate new memories
Consolidation is the ability of transferring information from short term to long term memory.
What is retrograde amnesia?
Can’t recall memories formed before the event that caused the amnesia (temporally graded depending on how far back the incident).
For HM retrograde amnesia is approximately 2 years.
What is anterograde amnesia?
A type of new memory loss when you can’t form new memories. HM had this too
What was discovered about the Mirror Drawing Task?
It was found that HM could do this task normally despite having memory loss in other areas.
Implicit Name Recognition Task
When given the first name as a cue, HM generated the last name for these individuals who became famous after the onset of his amnesia.
House mapping task?
HM was unable to generate maps of his house layout after his surgery.
What is declarative memory?
Things you know that you can tell others (hippocampus dependent)
What is episodic memory?
Remembering your first day of school (storage in the cortex) (D)
What is semantic memory?
Knowing the capital of France (storage in cortex).(D)
What is skill learning memory?:
Knowing how to ride a bicycle (Basal ganglia, motor cortex, and cerebellum) are the brain regions involved. (ND/P)
What is non declarative (procedural) memory?
Things you know that you can show by doing (hippocampus independent).
What is priming?
Being more likely to use a word you heard recently. (Cortex) (ND/P)
What is conditioning?
Salivating when you see a favorite food (Cerebellum) (ND/P)
Describe patient EP who had classic amnesic syndrome.
Cause: acute viral infection that destroyed part of his brain (Hippocampus)
Most of his thinking skills survived the damage virtually intact.
He can also copy complex drawings.
No difficulty repeating back words
Laptop computers are his forte
Keeps mentioning electronics story multiple times.
Can’t remember experimenters names
Can’t remember stuff that happened a few minutes ago.
EP lives in permanent present.
Old memories are intact.