Lecture 5-Pharyngeal Arches Flashcards
Where do neural crest cell originate?
Where do cranial nerve sensory ganglia originate?
ectodermal placodes and neural crest cells
Which pharyngeal arch does not develop in adults?
Pharyngeal arch V
What are the 4 pairs of temporary structures that forms the pharyngeal apparatus?
- Pharyngeal arches
- Pharyngeal grooves (clefts)
- Pharyngeal pouches
- Pharyngeal membranes
What is the mesenchymal core of each pharyngeal arch made of?
neural crest cells
Where are the pharyngeal grooves (clefts) located and what are they made of?
made of ectoderm
Where are the pharyngeal pouches located and what are they made of?
made of endoderm
What is the artery and nerve of pharyngeal arch 1?
Maxillary artery Trigeminal Nerve (CN V)
What is the artery and nerve of pharyngeal arch 2?
Stapedial and Hyoid artery Facial Nerve (CN VII)
What is the artery and nerve of pharyngeal arch 3?
Common Carotid, Proximal ICA, ECA
What is the artery and nerve of pharyngeal arch 4?
Arch of the aorta, left subclavian, right proximal subclavian
Superior laryngeal Nerve of the Vagus (CN X)
What is the artery and nerve of pharyngeal arch 6?
Pulmonary arteries (ductus arteriosus) Recurrent laryngeal of the Vagus (CN X)
What are the skeletal elements of pharyngeal arches 4 and 6?
laryngeal cartilages
What are the skeletal elements of pharyngeal arch 3?
lower body and greater horn of the hyoid (endochondral ossification)
What are the skeletal elements of pharyngeal arch 2?
styloid process stylohyoid ligament lesser horns and upper body of hyoid stapes (all from endochondral ossification)
What are the skeletal elements of pharyngeal arch 1?
Meckel's Cartilage: Incus, malleus sphenomandibular ligament anterior ligament of the malleus Also from arch 1: maxilla, zygomatic, mandible, temporal, part of palatine
What muscles develop from pharyngeal arch 1?
Masseter, Temporalis, Lateral and Medial Pterygoid
Mylohyoid, Ant. Belly of Digastric, Tensor veli palatini, Tensor tympani
What muscles develop from pharyngeal arch 2?
Muscles of facial expression
Post. Belly of Digastric
Stylohyoid and Stapedius
What muscle develops from pharyngeal arch 3?
What muscles develop from pharyngeal arch 4?
muscles of the palate (except tensor veli palatine)
muscles of the pharynx (except stylopharyngeus)
upper esophagus
What muscles develop from pharyngeal arch 6?
intrinsic muscles of the larynx
What are the two ways that bone development occurs?
Intramembranous Intracartilaginous (endochondral)
What is another name for pharyngeal arch 1?
Mandibular arch