Lecture #5 (Mobile DNA) Flashcards
Mobile Genetic elements
- Important because drivers of genome plasticity
Transposons = tolls in biology
Elements can be transposed by different mechansims (Ex. movement of DNA or via RNA intermediate)
Mobile Genetic elements (Overall)
Common to all three domains of life (Prokytoes + Archea + Eukaryotes)
MGE = drivers of genomic plasticity (impact the genome structure + function + evolution)
Mobility can occur by an RNA intermediate or only DNA
Mobility can be stochastic or programs
MObile elements have been harnessed for experimental mutagensis or gene transfer
Movement of discerete DNA element into diverse traget sites
- The discrete DNA that is moving = trasnpsoson
- NEW Place DNA goes = targte site
Two main types of tranpsosition
- Excision and integration - Donar site loses transpsone ; transposon goes to another place
- Replicative - Donor and target end with the transposon
Movement is mediated by proteins specific to a partcilar element
Important featire of transposons
Feature of tronspition = target site duplication
Arrow in the image - starst as one arrow thne have duplcation flamking the new site of the stransposons
- Flanking the transpsons is a small peice of the orginal DNA that now duplicated in the target DNA
- Transpsons = red lines –> flanking the transpons on both sides is a handful of duplciated nucelotodes
Called traget site duplication (consequence of the mechanism of transpostion
Effect of transposable elemts on genome
Transposable elemenys are potent sources of genetic diveristy
1. Disruption of genes
2. Mobilization of genes within and amog chrosmosomes (Ex. bacetria - TE can mobilize and transfer AB resistence)
3. Alter gene expression by placing TE regulatory signlas near host genes (Ex. TE promoters + enhancers + splice sites + PolyA sites)
- Disrupt genes by having polyA transposon dropped into gene = causes termination
4. Substartes for homologous recombination
- Elements with multiple copies in the genome can be sites of HR –> cause scrambling of the genome
Barbra McClintock
Looked at the regulation of pigementation in corn
Found that she was mapping controlling elemenst that were hopping around (TE) and causing regulatory chnages
- Transposons reveal themselves by generating mutations
Haig Kazazian
Shows that transposon in humans are still causing some diseases
Studied an insertion in blood facor 8 (de novo mutation)
- Found insertion by using southern blot
FOUND that pateints had an insertion that was disrupting the gene
- Had transposition of non-LTR LINE elements that mobilized in pateints and caused disease
Showed that transposons remain active (0.3% of de novo mutations is due to mobilization of LINES)
- Many human diseases are now known to be caused by TE insertion
Fraction of de novo muttaions caused by transposon insertion
Fraction of de novo muttaions caused by transposon insertion varies between organisms (activity of TE vary between organism)
0.3% in humans (TE are 45% of the genome)
- Less mutation in humans
10% in mice (TE comprise 38% of genome)
> 50% in drosophilla (TE are 5.5% of the genome)
IN humans and mice you ahve 1 insertion in every 20-100 births BUT mos are inconsequential becase most of the genome is non-coding
Classifications of TE
TEs can be groups according to:
1. Element strcuture
2. Transposase strcture
3. Mechasnim of transosition
4. Effect of transopitiion on donor site
Grouping of TE according to element structure
- Transpose using only DNA only intermediates
- Transpose using RNA intermdiates
- Inlcudes Long terminal repeate elements (Ex. Retroviruses + retroviral-like elements) AND non-LTR elements
Distribution of the TE in different species
Prokaryotes - Have TN5/TN7 (DNA elements
- No retrotransposition in Prokaryites
vertebretes - Most of the TE are RNA class elements
- Have scares in the genome of DNA elements but none are active (Sequneces that are decated DNA transposons)
- Have 1 class of LINEs that are active in humans
DNA-only transposon
Sturcture (Image)
- Flanked by inverted repeats (Called TIR) -> TIR is duplicated and has inverse orientation (because they are inverted they look idetocal form the left or the right so when transposase is trying to recogze the TIR is looking at the same sequence context at the inverted repeats)
- TIR function - recognized by transposase and drives the movement by the encoded ransposase
Mechanism of movement:
1. Cut and paste
2. Replicative (Nick and paste)
Autonomaus Vs. non-autonmous DNA tranpsosons
IF the transpons encodes its own trasnpsases = autonomous
- Transposaes = acts on the TIR
Non-Automous = does not encode its own transposase
IF the Non-Autonoous share the same TIR sequence as the autonoumous - transposase ca act on the non-autonouis elememnts because of the shared sequence
- Transposase from the autonmous elemnt can act on the non-autonmous elememt evcause they share the same TIR (SHare red sequence)
Long terminal repeat (LTR) transposons
Type of RNA transposons
- LTRs includes retroviruses and retroviral elements
Transposon cycle = involoves alternations between RNA and DNA copies of the element
- LTR = supports the conversion of RNA to cDNA –> cDNA is integrated into the host genome –> LTR then support transcription of the integrated DNA into another RNA copy
Structure of LTRs
Defined by the present of direct repeats (LTR) (flanked by LTR)
- Repeats are NOT inverted (go in the same dorection)
Has encoded proteins that allow for transposition of elements as they cycle between RNA and DNA
- LTR supoorts the conversion of the DNA copy to RNA copy then tp cDNA –> cDNA is integrated into the host genome
Proteins encoded:
1. GAG - DNA/RNA binding proteins
2. PRT - Protease
3. RT/IN - reverse transcriptate and Integrase
Retroviruses vs. retroviral elements
Structre of the LTR transposones = very similar to retroviral structures (Ex. HV)
Rertoeviruses - have etxracellular trasmission from cell to cell
- Env enocdes surface glycoprotein
- Have additional proteins that allows the retrovirus to move between cells
Retroviral elements = ONLY intracellular (Within one cell)
Non-LTR elements
2nd type of RNA intermediates
Includes LINE and SINEs
- 20% of genome
- Automnous
- Encodes 2 proteins (ORF1 - chaparone ; ORF2 - Endonuclease/RT)
- Non-Autonomous (rely on the RT in LINE elements to transpse)
- Shorts (~200 bases)
- 13% of human genome
- Example - Alu elements
- Have A and B –> RNA polymerase 3 promoter
DNA transposon superfamilies
DNA transposon superfcmailies = used for genome engineerring + reserach
- IS10 –> Inserstion sequnece distributed in genome ; has inverted repeats (Arrows) that are recognized by tranpsoase
TN10 - DNA transpsons flanks genes (flanks Tet10 gene) –> Called “composite”
Image - has lists of DNA ransposon superfamilies in Bacteria + Euk
DNA cut and past elements
Image - Insersation sequences = IS elements (Orange = transposon)
- Have inverted repeats flakning transposase gene
IN composite bacterial transposons have rpeates falnkning the transposase IS10 gene AND have the IS elements flanning other genes (Ex. flanking Tn10)
- Can flank a drug resistent gene
- If the transposon insets in one place and then inserts in a second place at some distance from the first element = forms a composite element that carries eveyrthing between the two sites
Effect of composite elements
NOW the transpsons can move in differenet way
Ex. Have recognize the arrows on ine one transponson to give only IS10 transposition (Ex. transpson on the left or on he rght) OR can recognize one arrow in the elemnt of the left and one arrow on the element on the right = have Tn10 transposition
Major way to get AB resistnce in bacteria - captures genes i a selective pressure that can be mobilized by recignziing the ends of transposons
DNA cut and Paste Stradegey
Major way to transpose in DNA TE
Tranposase binds (pairing activates DNA cleaving) - Transposase recognizes inverted repeats –> brings the ends together –> Cleaves the ends –> THEN Excision event that expsoes a 3’ OH at each of the ends of the transposon –> NOW both ends have a free 3’OH that can engage in nucleophilic attack of target –> resukts in iserttion and repair
Cleaving of traget DNA in DNA cut and Paste Stradegey
Often NOT making a blunt cleavage
- Image - cut at the G on the top and bottom strand –> in dsDNA trasnpons the left 3’OH will bind tio the bottom strand G and the right 3’OH binds to the top starnd G –> Need to fill in the ssDAN (seen in blue arrow)
Have 2 nicks (grey in image –> creates two gaps - 3’OH on the right aattcks the gap on the left forming a covaelent bond + same with the left side –> after attck have repair
- END have target site duplication
How do you get target site duplication
Target site duplication is characteristic of all transpons is a fucntion of activation of the traget tp receive the liberated transposn (BECAUSE the endonuclease cleave is staggered)
Stagering cleavge of the target = yeilds traget site duplicaion
In image - staggered cut is seen in the grey atrics