Lecture #2 (DNA replication) Flashcards
History of DNA discoveries
Start - no one cared about DNA
Avery and MacLeod – Found DNA is the genetic material
- Before thought DNA was a polymer ; reserach only focused on enzymes
Chargaff – Found that the ratio of A:T is the same and the ratio of G:C is the same (Rule of base compoistion)
Hershey Chase – Confirmed DNA is the genetic material
Franklin + Waston + Crick + Wilkins – Determined DNA structure (DNA is a double helix with anti-paralel strands)
- Provided a hypothesis for how DNA could work as a template for replication
Meselson Stahl – Foun that DNA replication is semi-conservtaive (each doughter stand has one parental strand and one new strand)
Kornberg Ochoa – Isolated DNA polymerases (Set the stage for mechanistic understanding for how replication works as a biochemical process)
- Gave rise to findings that all life comes from inanimate matter
Replicon model
Idea for how replication gets started (idea for how intiation occurs)
Brenner and Cuzin model (replicon model) - Have some peice of DNA – on that DNA have a plave where replication will begin (Now known as the ORI site) –> intiator binds catylzye the work of opening parental chromsome (seoerate dsDNA into ssDNA) –> get bidrectional forks (two forks mving away from each otehr) –> replication proceeds to expand teh bubble
- Ori site – Cis acting element that recruits a trans acting protein (recruits intiator)
- bubble = theta structire if in circlar DNA
Ori site
DNA seqeunce that stays strat to assmeble replisome here
Cis acting element that recruits a trans acting protein (recruits intiator)
Do you only need 1 orgin to replicate
E. Coli – gene is 4.6 Mb ; fast fork speef (60 kb/min) –> expect that replication will take 40 minutes
Yeast – genome is 14 Mbp (bigger than E.coli) ; fork speed is 3 kb/min (slower than E.coli) ; if had 1 ORI it would take 80 hours to divide (we know it actually takes 20 minites)
Humans – If had 1 ORI it would taje 1 year to replicate
Overall - Overall – real replication times are must fatster than expected because organisms with bigger genomes have more ORIs (Euk and Archea have multiple ORI sites)
Replication Forks in Euk
Forks in Euk are slower because they ahve to contend with chromatin
Southern Blot
Overall - shows DNA in sample corresponds to a sequence of interest
Run Gel –> Denature –> Add DNA with known sequence that has a radio iostope attached (Probe) –> hybrize the probe with DNA in gel –> See if have band (Shows what sequence is found and what they look like in cells)
Mapping replication Orgin Experiment
Finds replication orgin in the region of interest
Cells –> Shear DNA –> Run southern in 2D (gives size and structure information)
- 1 direction – run top to bottom
- 2 direction – trun the gel and run DNA in the other directiion
Can run native DNA in 1st direction and then denatire for the secon direction
Can predict the kinds of structures found in popultion of cells undergoing replication
Types of replication origins + Results form 2D gel
- Forking coming in one dorection
- Buble (replication starts in middle of DNA)
- Forks converging
- Offset bubble
ALL have diferent DNA structures (Y shapr or bubble shape) –> Each sturcture gives a specifc second dimersion
Chart :
Get arcs and discontinuities – tell you if you have a fork or bubble etc. For your region of interst
- Can distuguish the sturcture by 2D gel – Ex. See 2 forks converging
Reseracers mapped eveyr replication orgin in yeast
Each structires gives rise to a fingerprint of mobility
Only looks at one or two regions at a time
Reserachers did this to map every yeast ORI
Replication Bubble during replication
Replication bubble – expanding as you replicate DNA –> path cells at different stages (different cells have bubbles in different regions or differetnt sizes)
New Method for mapping orgin of replication
Sequence to find orgin (used for metazonas organisms more rapdily)
Give cells pulses of EdU to put EdU into replication forks – use EdU labeling and selectivley pul put okazaki fragments
- EdU = Uracil analong (with ethano group) that is recognzied by Antibodies or can be used to do chemistry
Denature and fractionate DNA –>Use Biotin to Pull on EdU get rid of RNA THEN see what DNA is being synethsized and where it is being syntehsized
End - Sequece to map eatly/late intiation and termination zones (Find zones of intiation + Eloingation + termination)
New Method for mapping orgin of replication (Results)
B - Data –> Starts with over represenattion of one strand then transition to overreprentation of the otehr strand
- Patterns shows if intiation or if temrinating
- Low to high –> intiation
- High to low –> termination
- between is elongation
Chart at bottom shows how to read the data
What did we learn from mapping orgin of replication
Human intiation replication stochastically in broad non-transcribed zones
There is no sequence basis for itiation site in humans
-Intiates based on context and chrmoatin status
How to start replication (Intiation factors)
ALL Enzymes that will start syntehsis
Intiator – bind to origins (ORI) and recruits heicase
- Bacteria – DNA A
- Euk – ORC (Six SU complex)
Helicase 0 unwind DNA
- Bacteria – DNA B (6 SU complex)
- Euk – CMG (11 SU complx ; MCM2,Cdc45,GINS)
Helicase Loader – Loads helicase
- Bacteria – DNAC (with DNAA)
- Euk – Cdc6, Cdt1 (With ORC)
Primase – Makes primers (DNA dependent RNA Polymerase)
- Bacteria – DNA G
- Euk – Polymerase alpha (Pri1, Pri2, PolA1, PolA2)
Why does DNA replication need primase
DNA polymerase can’t do the 1st nucleotide condensation step to intiate suntehsis = needs primer (needs 3’OH that is already annealed onto template)
RNA Polymerase can carry out the 1st condesation step
- Primase is an RNA polymerase
What do all Intiator proteins have in common
ALL use NTPs as a substarte (As synthestic substarte or to power aspct of catalytic reaction)
- Means they are all motor proteins or molecular switch and use NTP to control that
- Primase syntehsize product with NTP
Most of AAA ATPases – AAA ATPases conrtol intiation
ATPases Assoaited with various Cellular Activities (AAA ATPases)
ALL have Common Nucleotide binding fold (extra alpha helical)
Looks like a clam shell (nucleotide sits in Jaws of clam shell)
- ALL HAVE extra alpha helical bit distinguishes AAA family (structure is capped with helix)
Work in many different procces (Ex. Nerve firing + protein degradation + DNA replciation and transcription + chromatin remodling)
ALL AAA ATPases enzymes serve as macromeular motors (move along substarte) or remodling factors (chnage structure of target that they act on)
What do all AAA ATPases form
ALL form higher order rings shaped oligiomers
Usually Closed hexameric rings (6 SU which DNA sitting in middle)
- Example – enclose DNA
Can also form cracked pentameric rings (open ring)
- Ex. Clamp loader
FOR BOTH - Oligomeric Rings encircle the substrate that will be acted upon)
Why form oligiomers - Forms oligiomers because active side of ATPase SU can bind ATP BUt can’t hydrolyze it so it needs help from partner SU
AAA ATPases active site
AAA ATPases generate a Bipartite active site
Bipartite active site – means that the nucleotide binding fold of one SU (where ATP binds) has many elements that binds nucleotide and coordinates hydrolysis
Active site has consserved motifs with specifc functions:
1. Walker A motf – Binds nucleotdes
2. Walker B motif – Hydrolyzes nulceotode
3. Sensor 1 – Hydrolysis
4. Sensor 2 – binding/hydrolysis/coupling
ALSO have a second SU in AAA ATPases
Second SU in AAA ATPases
Overall - donates an extra Amino Acid
Second SU = Arg-finger – used for hyrolysis/coupling
Angenine finger – Amino acid is donated to partner bipartide active site to sense if ATP is bound and to assist wth hydrolysis and sense when the phosphate is release and you have ADP (allows the second SU to know what the bipartide SU hydrolysis staus is) –> Causes signals transmited through the ring to cause conformation chnages
- Arginine finger can also pater with Bipartide SU to move with respect to each other –> then the whole stcuture will move because during ATP binding and hydrolysis = get confirmation change –> -> confirmation chnage can be used to do work
Replicate Helices Structure
Hexamer Ring
Bacteria - DNA B = Homohexamer
Euk – CMG = heterodundecamer (11 SU)
- MOtor portion of CMG = hterrohexamer ring (MCM227 complex)
Helicase = AAA ATPase = Motor part = leads the replisome foward
Issue - How do you get these onto DNA (If DNA is long = cant thread onto one end ; if you are a cirle fo DNA then can’t add –> something need tso open)
Intiators/Helicase loaders structure
Intiators/Helicase loaders are sprial/ cracked-Ring ATPases
Open helicase with helicase loader
Intiatoer + helicase loader – have cracks (NOT fully closed)
Cracks allow ATPase ring to encricle DNA and keep helicase rings open –> THEN crack the Helicase ring open to put helicase onto the DNA or can close an already open helicase ring at the right spot on the chromosome
Helicase Loading - Bacteria
Have DNA A box – Origin have sequence specific DNA binding elements for intiatory
- DNA A box binds DNA A
- Flanked by AT rich region (more prone to opening)
- DNA A initiator binds to region –> wraps region to helical structure –> Opens the AT rich region (extnds sprial oligimer extrends into the singel starnd regions to keep bubble open)
Bubble creates binding site for DNA B (helicase) and DNA C (helicase C loader) –> forms complex that comes in and interface with DNA A/Orgin complex
Can get Helicase loaded
ALL require ATP - DNA A , DNA C = require ATP
Helicase loading - Euk
Orgin recoznition by intiator (ORC) -> ORC is joined by a CDC6 (closes orc ring) –> AAA ATPase SU forms cracked ring that binds DNA –> CDC6 seals this to create a link between ORc, CDC6, and DNA (serve as landing pad for MCM helicase) ; MCM helicase is already cracked open (Chaperoned by CTC1 that keeps it from interacting with the wrong elements of DNA)
ORC and CDC6 and CDT1 chaperone (put) two copies of helicase onto DNA BUT do this onto dsDNA
- MCM form double hexamer (have 2 6 SU coplexes of MCM rings touching each other) - can slide around and ecnrile around dsDNA BUT don’t fall off because encricle it
- Hexamer persists until S phase
Once MCM double hexamer is in place it can be activated –> Accesory subunits will come in (kinases and chaprones will trun things on)
- At S phase SU will come in and bind to MCM
END – have 2 CMG complexes that seperate form one anotehr and move away from one anotehr as the fork begins to mature
- At the same time the helicases are NOW on ssDNA (kicks out one strand and only surrounds 1 strand)
- dsDNA –> ssDNA transition is unknown
Why do Euk complete Helicase loading differentley
Done to seperate the loading phase and the activation phase of helicase
Loading = G1
Activation = done in S (activate MCM)
Do this so that they can’t over replicate the genome (prevents rereplicating)
- Because it takes a long time to replicate DNA - IF intaitaior came to start replication before the first round is done then you would have over replication of some segments of genes = get CNVs = get chromosomal instability
Loading Overall - Bacteria
Overall – DNA C opens DNA B ring to allow DNA to enter (DNA B –> DNABC –> DNABC on ssDNA)
DNA B (helicase) Starts as a closed ring –> DNA C (Helicase loader) binds to DNA B –> Binding of DNA C causes a confirmation chnage that opens DNA B (helicase ring) –> DNA is able to go throught the center of the ring (ssDNA binds to the whole system)
When DNA binds to helicase –> Causes a cofirmation chnage in helicase –> causes confrimation chnage reisomerizes to topologically close back the ring and link to the ssDNA (causes DNA B (helicase) to drop down –> Seals helicase ring on DNA )
- Other things come on board to kick loader off (process is coupled to ATPases)
Loading Overall - EUk
ORC forms confirmation states (inactive –> oslates to active configration where there is a whole that oepns that can bind DNA (DNA IS bent) ) –> hole binds DNA then CDC6 to encircle it and close hole –> can get MCM with CDT1 that are prepared – MCM/CTC1 will dock at angle (angle allows the MCM ring open and slot onto DNA that comes out of teh center of ORC chnael)
- AS MCM comes on you have intermediate that called RCCM complex – stage where ATP hydorisis is KEY
ORC flips over to the other side and does the same thing on the otehr side with a second MCM to form double hexamer
- ORC jumps over MCM and repeats the loading process on the second side
What prevents Orgin from Refiring in Euk
Have regulation at intiation to make sure replication refiring doesn’t happen
Regulation mechansims :
1. Post trnslational modifucations (common in yeast and humans to turn factors on/off)
2. Proteolysis (degrade SU at certain points to make sure they is not enough to cause refiring)
3. Nuclear export
Regulation has different proteins in difefrent organisms –> MEANS that the mechansim of intiation is consrved but regulation evoloved to be different (regulation is not conserved)
Slide - shows yeast vs. Metazoans (many things happening)
Bacterial regulation of intiation
Control ONLY at the level of DNA A:
DNA A – needs to be in ATP state = bind sto ORI and promote self assmebly
- Formatino of ATP state sets it up to hydrolyze nucleotide to get ADP form
- DNA A = product inhibited enzyme –> when hydrolyzes ADP get stuck = destabilizes assmeby and prevents reintition
- DNA A need sto be reaspened – done by cardiolipid
Cycle of ATP –> ADP
- DNA A is active with ATP to bind ORIc
- DNA A is switched off or reactivated by exogenous factors (have proteins that affect if DNA A will hydrolyze ATP)
- Affectors in cells regulate ADP xchnage
Bacterial regulation of intiation at the orgin of replication
Orgin itself is subject to control that prevents rereplication
Portein that binds to methylated DNA
- Syntehsized DNA = not methylated – need to add methyl marks later
- SeqA Protein binds to methyalted orgin region and prevents DNA A binding
Replication elingation Proteins
Polymerase = works with accesory factor that anchors polymerase to DNA – clamp
- Polymerase synthesize daughter strand from parental template
Helicase = at the front end of the fork
Clamp = ring –> needs to be loaded
Replication elingation Proteins Evolution
Enzymes that catylyze strand synthesis are not homologous between bateria and euk
- Would think replication would be conserved BUT when ancestor split to archea and bacteria - one bacteria got one set of replication proteins and archea got a different type of replication proteins
- Don’t know which line is THE ancestral
- Helicase + polymerase + primaser = diferent evolutionary linease in bacteria vs. Eukaryotes
Clamp + loader + ssbp + helicase loaders = conserved
Replciation evolvled twice (different from transcriotion and tranlsation which are conserved)
Function of Helicies
Replicative helicies drive strand seperate
- Helicase = encircles and moves along single DNA strands
Bacteria and Euk Helicase translocate on opposite strands in opposite directions
DNA B and CMG move on opposte strands in oppposute directions
-DNA B goes in 5’-3’ (lagging strand)
- CMG goes 3’-5 (leading strand)
Helicase is a rotary motor
Helicases = use conversed rotary engine mechanism
6 Su will each turn in ATPase cycle to propel helicase on the template
Image – shows the motor SU (pink is nucletide)
Have a varierty of ATP binding states in one ring (Some active sites have ATPase ; some are bound to product (ADP) ; some are empty) –> acting by a rotaerty hydrolysis
- Rotery hydrolysis = have site thas empty then bind ATP then hydrolyze ATP and release product ; as that SU is working anotehr SU is ALSO hydrolyzing –> goes around
- Wave of ATPase activity that goes around
Nucletide binds and exchnage in SU – puts active site through ATp rasnition and product state
Nucletide binds and exhnage in SU - puts active site through active ste through ATP transtion and product state - as theyr go through the SU flex = allows teh motor SU to craw along teh substarte they are bound to
= hae motive force to move enzymes along linear track
DNA polymerase families
There are many DNA polymerase families
Two major families:
1. A, B, D, Y, and RT are related (for one sueprfamily)
2. C and X are related (form a superfamily)
C is replcative in bacteria but X is repair (famil C is in bacteria)
B is replacative in Euk and Y is involoved in repair (B is in Euk)
Have a flip flop with what is replcative and which is repair
DNA polymerase structure
Polymerases = all have a common structure
Overall - looks like a right hand
- Palm = catalitic fold – where the action for synthesis is (where substrate sits)
- Thumb – Rigid brace (immobile)
- Fingers (middle domains) - flexible (mobile)
Allows polymerase to grip DNA and insert dNTPs as carries out polymerization
What does DNA polymerase use to function
DNA pilymerase = works by encorporating nucleotidea through metal depent process (uses three divalent ions – includes Magnesium)