Lecture #4 - DNA mutation, Damage, and Repair Flashcards
DNA mutation and Repair
Mutation and damage are consstattly occuring
Repair mechanisms have evoloved to maintain genome integrity
Why study mutation
- No mutation = no evolution
- Somatic Evolution (Ex. mutation that causes cancer –> chnages in the geome caises cells to dvivde uncontrollably)
- Genome has a lot of repair proteins (The genome is tellus to to study DNA repair based on the amount of work the genome puts into repair means that it is important)
DNA mutation + Damage + Repair Summary
DNA repair is essential - the integrity of the genome is crtical for the function of each cell and its progeny
DNA replication is inheritley imperfect EVEN with DNA polymerase proofreaidng ability
DNA is subject to damage from internal and external sources
DNA repair systems probably appears shortly after DNA apeared
DNA repair systems are diverse and efefctive
- ONLY 1/1,000 incidents of DNA damage results in mutations
- Cells devote many genes tp DNA repair (Ex. E.coli has 4,400 genes and 100 code for DNA repair proteins)
- Repair often enlists replication and recombination functions
- Failure to repair DNA damage leads to genome instability and disease (Especially cancer)
Intirinic things that affect mutations
ALL independent of external factors
- Extrenal would have been chemicals + radition BUT these are ALL intrinsic
- Tautomerization
- Depurination
- Hydrolytic Demanination
Tautomer formation can lead to mis-incorproation of nucleotdes
A - normal A-T base pair (Most energetically favoriable configuration)
B - Tautomer - forms Imino –> gain H on the N in the middle of teh ring –> Double bond flips around (Forms a double bond C-NH AND NH loses an NH becaue it was NH2)
Change causes a reversal of teh H-Bond donar ad acceptor characteristics
- IN tautmer the top N is the acceptor and te bottom is the donor –> ALSO the imino group to pair with C
Get C-A mismatch –> A-C mismatch can be recognized by DNA repair enzymes (IF not repaired then when replication C-A because C-G in the new stand)
- Doesn’t often cause too mamy probelms bevause have enzymes that look for mismatchs
Frequenceu of Tautomers
Have less than 0.01% of bases in the minor tautomer form BUT in the human genome there are hundred throusand bases in thsi form at any momment
- Have a low percent of tautoemrs BUT can still have a high amount in numbers because have so many dNTPs in cell
Common in G/C NOT common in A/T
G has linage to phosphae backbone BUT this link is not 100% stable so it can be hydrolyzed (carbon is atcked by water)–> get depurinated sugar –> upon replication you have a random base substituton or base skipping opposite the missing base –> END have a substitutioon or delation
- NOT stable BUT have many based aeround where the G base was dropped and have the depurinated sugar
THIS is the most frequent spontenous alterations (10^4 per cell per day)
Hydrolitic demaamination
Hydrolytic deamination results in nucleotode mispairing
- Have Hydrolytic demaination of a cytosine to get a uracil
Have a cytosin whee the NH2 is attacked by water –> knock out the NH3 + forms a carbnyl where the NH2 was –> Forms a uracil
- NOW have a U in DNA –> f that replicates the U is paired with an A (instead of having a C that would pair to a G) –> On teh second round of replication teh A pairs with a T –> Get CG to AT
Fidelity of DNA polymeras wants to catch this before the next round of replication
Envirnmnetal Damage
- UV light
- Intercalating Agents
- Envirnmental and endogenous alkyl donors
UV light
UV can make 2 types of adducts:
1. Cyclobutane dimer – when have 2 pyrimidines next to each other on the same strand –> Adjacent T BPs become joined by a 4 memebered ring (4 memebered ring is not stable BUT because the bases are close it can still happen)
2. 6-4 photoproduct - form a single bond
BOTH cause pyrimidine dimers which perturb the base stacking interactions between DNA bases –> Distroting the phosphodirester backbone and preventing DNA replication
Formation of ither adduct is bad for the double helix
- Formation of both structires peaks at 260 nm BUT you can still get them at 300 nm
Intercalating agents
Intecalating agents = planer conjugating ring system hat can interact with DNA by interacalting between adjacent BP
Planer surface of BP and hydrophobic molecule (Intercalating agent) can escape aqeous envirnments = the interacalting agent goe sbetween the bases
- Example - Ethidium bromide goes between DNA bases = moves the bases farther apart
When the bases are pushed apart and partly unwind the DNA helix due to agents –> DNA replication can make a mistake by thinkning that it is the right spacing –> Causes addition or subtraction of BP
- Add or subtract depending on if template or new strand
- Get single nucleotides insertion or deletion
Why does ethidium bromide work
Ethidium bromide can work because UV is absorbed by the bases –> UV energy is trasmitted in non-radiated reaction to ethidium with floruenscene
Overall - non-radiative trasnfer of energy
Envirnmental and endogenous alkyl donors
Envirnmental and endogenous alykl donors result in nucleotode mispairs
Alkylation (Ex. CH3) can be added to the 6th position of Guanine
Image - shows alykaltion (Add CH3) –> alylated G is more likley to pair with T (NOT a C) –> during the second round of DNA replication the T pairs with an A
END have GC –> AT
Use of alkyl donors in labs
IN LABS allkyl donaors are used for mutatinos screen -
Ex. EMS is a commonly used muatten in foward genetoc screens
- EMS ethyl group is transfered –> causes ethylated guannine
What system is used for studying mutagensis
Best system to study mutagensis is Lac repressor –> Determines the types of mutations caused by exposure to particular chemicals or radition
Lac Operon - mediates the utilization of lactose as carbon
- Codes of beta-galatosidase –> Cleaves lactose
- Codes for genes that digest lactose
- Lac operon genes are ALL under the Lac I Repressor (Upstream of the promoter) –> Lac I codes for the lac repressor –> Lac reprsor binds to the operater (Lac O) –> Repressor binding to Lac O inhibits transcription
- Lac represor make sure that you are not making gene product when there is no lactose around
- IF have lactose –> lactose binds to the repressore –> repressor can’t bind to DNA –> have transcription to get the gene product
Detecting mutations in Lac repressor model
X-Gal is colorless –> mix X-gal into agar of petri plate
X-gal is cleaved by beta-galatosidase –> product of cleave is a blue compund that accumilates in colony
- On plate can see blue and white colonies
- White colonies are NOT making B-galactosidase because they are not clecaing to form a blue compund –> means the white colonies have intact represore because not mkaing lac repressor
- Blue colonies - have mutatnt repressore = can’t reprressore = get Lac operon expresssion = get beta-galatosicase = get blue compound due to cleavage by beta-ga;atosidase
- When have no lactorse on the plate the lac operon should be repressed
Overall - can see what has the lac repressor and what doesn’t
Spontenous mutations
Spontenous mutations are Non-random (Mutation occirs in a distict pattern in both spintenous and induced mutations)
Image - shows the lac I gene
- Each square or circle have a muations –> see pile of red squares/piles of blue squares (All red mutations are idetocal BUT indepent ; same with blue)
- See series of deletions in non-random way
Most common location for mutations
Most common location for mutations are small regiosn with repetative sequences
Example - CTGG)
- Most common mutation = amplification –> because CTGG is not 3 nuceltodes you get framshift
- Second most common = loss of 1 copy –> also cuases frameshift
Mutation occurs because of slipage on new or template strand
Most common mutation in humans
Most common muttaion in humans = slipage of repetative sequences
Most common deletion
Most common deletion = have repeats of teh same sequence at terminal
Image - GTGGTGAA repeat in blue box
- Hae a recombination event of DNA slipage –> results in deletion that leads to one copy of repat with nothing in between
Most common structre of CNVs:
1. Have repeated sequeces where the region between is removed and there is only 1 repeat left
2. The whole thing gets copied and have two idetical sequences (Repeat –> Uniuq DNA –> repeat –> Unique DNA –> Repeat DNA)
DNA mutation themes
DNA mutation themes tend to span across different organisms
Mechanism of repair is usually conserved
Are point mutation random
Spontenous point mutations are NOT random
Chart - shwos the most common poiint mutation –> See that point mutations are more common in places where there is a methylated C
C can be demainated –> because uracil -> Uracil is recognized by Uricil N-glycoidase –> Uracil N-glycosidase sees U in teh DNA and cuts out the deoxy base and the cut is recognized by other enzymes
Mythlated C (made after DNA is replicated) can be deaminated -> get T
- THIS is dangerou sbecause Y is not indistgushable from other T = can’t recognzie it and cut it out
- ONly way to recgiize is by e TG mismatch which would form BUT the enzymes need to know if teh T or teh G is correct
- ALSO don’t always get correction done in time or correctly –> cases mtehylateC to cause GC–> AT mutations
MOST commmon point muttaion in humans
Studying damage and mutatgeniss in humans
Can still use Lac system – LacI gene can be shuttled beteween bateria and mammaliln cells through plasmids to deterine the spectrum of mutation in mammalian cells
Use the Lac system –> Put DNA into mammalian cells –> do mutogensis –> allow repair to happenin mammalian cells –> Put DNA into E.coli –> Do analysis
Take HEK293 cells –> transfect with plasmid carying the Lac I gene (NOW have plasmid that encodes the lac repressor) –> treat with EMS –>recover the plasmid –> Put the plasmid back in E.coli for functional and sequence anylysis–> Look for plasmid where the Lac repressor is mutated
- E.coli used have no repressor gene = need repressor from the plasmid (Plasmid added t the E.coli will be mutatnt or funcctioning depends on if it was fixed by DNA repair mechanisms when in mammalian cells)
- IF the plasmid is non-function wit will trurn X-gal blue = can pick colny and sequence (non-fucntioning blue?)
Result of putting lac repressor in mammalian cells
When done - See ALL the mutations ae GC–> AT - Means the mutagen has specifcty in temrs of what changes it produces (results aligns with EMS as alkylting agent)
Ames test
Quantofys reversion from His- to His+ of salmonella strains with defined muttaions
Tests for the mutageic potencey of a treatment (used to monitor envinrmntal samples)
Take rat liver extract -> put with salmenella srain that requires Histadine –> Mix each salmonealla strai with liver extract and mutagen –> put teh strains on plates that lack Histadine –> IF the mutagen can convert the mutation (C –> T in mutatnt but mutagen would mke the C back to T then it would rmeove the oxitrophy marker to WT that cna make histadine –> Colony will grow even though plate has no histadine –> Count the colonies and see potencey of mutations
- Salmonella used can’t make histadine (they are histadine oxotrophes –> require Histadine to be added to the agar plate
- Know the sequences that cause the oxotrophy in salmonella
Why use liver extract in Ames test
Because the liver is a detoxifying organ - Uses CYT-p45 enzumes to detoxify anything that is ingested
Put mutagen with liver extract = gives the mutagen an oppertunity to be trasnformed to something that is more similar to what i would be in living organism
- Liver can detoxigy BUT can also modify the mutagen o make it more mutagenic
Aflotoxin = potent mutagen/carcinigen produced by fungi + molds
- Grows on corn + peanuts + other plants
- Aflotoxin can be detected by the Ames test
When activated by cyt-p50 in liver alfotoxin gets worse –> source of HCC
How can DNA damage occur?
DNA damage can occur through:
1. Chemical reactions inherint to DNA striucture (Ex. Tautomerization + Depurintaion + Deamintion)
- Chemical reactions induced by metabolic products (EX. Alykalting agents + Oxidizing agents)
- Envirnmental factors (Ex. ionizing radtion + Genotoxic materials)
A is not right because can have damage that is correct = no mutation
DNA damage rarley leads to mutaion
DNA repair by direct reversal
- Photolysases
- Ada enzymes for alkylatiion
DNA repair (Direct reversal)
Repair by direct reversal of DNA damager - Photolysases retrun UV-induced dimers to their original monomeric state
- DNA base products of interaction with ROS and free radicals
Have DNA photolyses (type of flavoenzyme) –> captire blue light (lower energy than UV light) to reverse lsions
- NOT in placental mammals (not in humans)
Have UV radiation product (Ex. cyclobutane ring) –> can be reversed by photoenzymes
- Enzymes use light harvetsing as a co-factor that binds to adducts in DNA and uses visible light energy to reverse the reaction
Repaur by direct reverasal (Alyklation)
Image - Damage is teh dimanonds
Can revserse damage done by alkylation - E.coli gene Ada (Adpatove response to alylation) encides O-6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (Ada Protein)
- Have a suicide protein (methyltransferase) that recgnizes the alykated base –> protein attacks the alykl grooup –> protein transfers the alkyl group to a cysteine in active site on itself (NOW have alkyl on protein not on DNA)
Methyltrasferase protein controls its own transcription -> alkylation of protein (occurs when have a lot of alykation damage in cell) = activates transcription to make more of the protein (Make more protein when the cell needs more of the protein)
- Methylated Ada activates transcrtion of Ada gene and a glycosylase gene for methylated bases
Repair stragedies involoving DNA syntehsis or recombination
Ways to fix DNA:
1. BER - gets rid of damaged base ith N-glycosylase
- N-glycosylase cuts the base off the sugar –> Site with no base is recognized by other enzymes that cut the DNA –> DNA is fixed by poymerase
- Oligion NER (Excises 1-20 BP) – IF have damage on one strand = make incision upstream and downstream of damage –> remove oligionucleotides –> Single strand is resynthesized by Polymerase and sealed by ligase
- Tranlesion repair - Used during DNA replication
- DNA plymerase is bad at dealing with lesions/modifcations on DA –> IF have a lesion during DNA replication –> DNA polmerase will stop BUT the cell doesn’t like this and wants tp keep replicating = cell using a bypass polymerase that is error prone –> Bypass polymerase sythesizes across the modified DNA –> Bypass polymerase can introduce incorrect bases –> ONce bypass polymerase gets across modification the replication polymerase will come back- Last resort
- Recombination - Use infomration from duplicated double helix (Ex. seperate chromoeome_ –> chromsome copy can be donated from a good copy to fix the bad copy
Base Excision Repair
Overall - Have a damaged base –> N-glycosylase remives base –> removed base is recognzied by AP endonuclease –> Encoducleases cut –> DNA polymerase fixes
- Recognition of damaged base by a DNA glycosylase
- Removal of damaged base by DNA glycosylase
- Recognition of the abasic site by the AP endonuclease
- Cleavage of the phsophodieter bonds blanking teh abasic site
- Replacment of excised nucleotide by DNA polymerase and ligase