Lecture #1 (Genome organization) Flashcards
Mitocondria genome
Simple genome - 37 genes –> 2 rRNAs ; 22tRNA ; 13 proteins
Mitocondria replicate independetley of nulcues (replicate genome sepertley)
NOT a lot of mitocondrial diversity - only have 7 anvestral origins to mitocondria
Mitocondrial Protein synthesis
Mitocondria make their own ribosomes (have 2 rRNAs)
Mitcondira make their own tRNA (have 22 tRNA)
Orgin of the mitocondria
Mitondria = endosymbiotic parasite
- Mitoncdria used to be a prokarytote that invaded another prokayote and became fixed in the cell and allowed the cell to do aerobic respiration
How do we know:
1. Ribosomes don’t like like Eukaryotic (look like prokaryoic)
2. Mitcodnria are like an autonmous organism in the cell (make their own protein synthesis machinery - make ribosomes ; makes things for oxidative phophorylation)
- NOW mitocndira need the nucleus - most things that support the mitocondria are encided by nuclear genes (Nuclear genes are translated in the cytoplasm and transported to the mitocondria)
3. Mitocondria have more compact genome
Mitocondria organization
Mitcondrial genome = very compact (each gene is close to another gene)
- Have tRNAs between the genes
Evoloved to be as tightly organized as possivle (common paradigm in Prokayotes but not Eukaryotes)
- In Prokaryotic - genetic material is tightly associated with each gene (more compact genome)
Phylogeny of tree of life
Tree of life is divided into 3 Phyla:
1. Bacteria
2. Archea
3. Eucarya
based on rRNA
Discovery of the phylogenetic tree of life
Carl Rosa anylyzed rRNA to make 3 Phyla system
Looked at rRNA and noticed the ribosomes were essentially the same BUT with SMALL differences
- Carl compared ribsomes between different bacteria –> saw they looked alike ; Looked at diference mammal species –> saw ribosomes look alike) ; had a weird class that didn’ look like animals or bacteria –> now know they are Archea
END - led to hypothesis that there are 3 ancestral lineages to life –> Bacteria + Archea + Eukrya (3 kingdom system)
Implications of the 3 phyla system
3 Phyla system implies that ribosomes is the most defining feature of life
Ribosomes are the only conserved macromolecular machinery across ALL life of earth
- Ribosomes look similar between different organisms
What is the main function of cells
Cells do one thing –> Supports the replication of ribosomes
MOST energy of the cell goes into making ribosomes
THEREFORE it is not suprising that the common ancestor across all life is the ribosome
Prokayotic genome
Often small BUT can vary in size
Gene number correlates with the types of envirnments organisms can survive in (correlates with envinrmental diveristy)
- Fewer genes = organsim can survive in liminited number of envirnmnetal niches
- Gene size correlates with envirnmental niche
Compact genome + smaller genetic composition
- Genes are closer together (Compared to Humans that have huge spaces of DNA between genes)
Prokaryotic = circular genomes Vs. Eukaroic = linear genomes
Size of Prokayotic Genome
Shows bacteria + acrhea genome sizes
- Bacteria + Archea = both prokaryotes
Size differs widley
- Some organisms with few genes (169) vs. some organisms with many genes (10,000)
Gene number correlates with size of genome (Bigger genome = higher gene number)
Gene number correlates with the types of envirnments organisms can survive in
- Because you organisms need to be able to survive whereever they land (they are not moving)
Gene number does NOT correlated with complexity
Gene number and complexity
Gene number does NOT correlate with complexity
- Gene number does not create complexity
Exaemple - Bacteria = 10,000 genes VS. humans = 20,000 genes BUT humans can do more complex things
Answer - 1 –> organisms that reside in unique stable niches have smaller genomes
Other answer:
2 - bacteria replicate very fast (Ex. E.coli = 20 mintues) – small genome could help BUT there are many bacteria with larger genomes that can replicate fast
3 - Temperture should not corelate with gene contnt
- Bacteria that could grow at different temperatures have more complex genomes (Ex. corn has more genes that humans because they need to be abel to grow at many different tempertures ; need bigger genomes to be able to survive at ALL temperatures)
E.Coli Geneme
Small (5,000 KB)
Circular Genome –> Allows it to supercoil
No Introns (true of many prokaryotes)
11% intergenic region
- Compared to humans (Have big intergenic regions)
Little repetative DNA
Has one replication orgin
IMAGE - shows genomic arrangment of DNA in E.coli –> Shows how compact teh genome is (green is coding ; grey is noncoding intergenic regions) - see veyr little grey
Supercoil = physical properties of helices
Ex. Because E.coli have helix in circular genome = can super coil on self –> important for DNA replication (need enzymes that displace supercoiling)
Intron - non-coding seqeunces that needs to be spliced out
- Unique to Eukaryotic organisms
Found that mammalian genes are split – have expanses of DNA seperated DNA that needes to come together to make a gene (DNA that seperates the DNA that needs to come together = intron)
Intergenic region
Space between genes
E.coli Cell division
E.oli = only have one replication orgin because of speed of replication that is needed
Every 20 minutes E.coli replicates DNA –> has 1 orgin –> orgine fires – Move the replication bubble around the circular DNA BUT before that intial replication is finished the replication origin of the new strand can fire –> once replication is done can do cell division
- Start the next round of divisiion before the last one finishes
Operon - genes of similar function arranged together in space
- Prokaryotic genes = often arranged in Operons
Example - Lac operon –> 3 genes needed to metabolize lactose (Surgar used by E.coli)
- The genes are arrangd in space in the genome –> ALLOWS the genes to be regulated in a conserted fashion
- Bacetria can make polycystronic mRNA (mRNA that codes for multiple proteins) vs Eukaryots have monocystron mRNA (1 mRNA = 1 protein)
- If E.coli has lactoes = turn on expression of the Lac operon (Lactose stimulates prooter of the genes = makes all three proteins = can metabolize lactose)
Genes need to be in the same location in order to have polycystronic mRNA (allows for common regulatory pathway)
Example 2 - Trp operon (4 genes)
What is needed for evolution
Evolution needs enetic divsierty = needs mutation
Eukayotes have sexual reproduction = can get divsierty BUT prokaryotes (bacteria) reproduce aesexually meaning they have limited oppertunity to get genetic divseirty
To get genetic diveristy Prokaroytes do Horizontal Gene transfer
Horizontal Gene Transfer
DNA material can be transfered independetley of cell division from one cell to another
Occurs in 3 ways:
1. Bacteria transformation
2. Bacterial Phage
3. Conjugations
ALL 3 = allows for rapid spread and evolution of bacteria
***Learned a lot about HGT from evolution of antibiotic resistance (HGT allows AB resistance spreads fast)
Bacteria transformation
DNA floating around the bacterial envirnment can be taken up by the host bacteria
- DNA could be
THIS can have advatangtes for bacteria BUT most of the time the aquisition of foreign DNA is bad
- In a colony of E.coli have many cells –> means there are many dead cells that have lysed and spilled out DNA
DNA could be coming from E.coli or from different bacteria –> IF DNA stciks to E.coli cell then it could be taken up and could be detrimental to the bacteria BUT it could also give the bacteria a selective advatage
Batcteria defense against DNA
Because somestime forgein DNA gives disadvatage bacteria have host defense mechansim if the DNA they took up is bad –> Restriction endonucleases are that defense
Restriction endonucleases = host defense mechanism that guards against foreign DNA
- Hosts make own nucleic acids in a special way so host knows own DNA vs. others
- Restriction endonucleases are restricted in sequence specificty (cut DNA at specific sequenues)
To make sure bacteria don’t igest own DNA (only wnat to digest foreign DNA) = make sure they dont evolove the sequence for the restcition endonuclease or methylate DNA so it can’t be cleaved
Bacteria scale vs. human scale
Bacteria operate at a different scale than humans
IF Horizontak Gene transfer is only good 1 in a trillion times THEN you would get that good transfer in 1 E.coli on the plate –> that cell would dominate the agar plate
- Woudn’t happen in humans
- Evolution of bacteria occurs at a higher scale in bacteria than Eukaryotic organisms
Bacteria Phage
Overall - Virus that infects bacteria (Virus injects DNA into bacteria)
- Phage can carry DNA from previous host or introdce own DNA –> creates exchnage of information
- Bacteriaphage = driver of evolution
Bacteria have a defense mechanism against phage (Mechanism = CRISPR) –> CRIPSR hives memory to defend against invasion
- NOW = use CRIPSR to maipulate mamalian DNA