Lecture 5: Gender Flashcards
Who is stronger as a baby? boys or girls?
- Talk softer to them
- more interaction
Why are little girls more talkative than little boys?
Due to the fact that parents talk to their daughters more than sons.
True or false:
Teens conform most to their gender stereotypes and roles
Who devlops verbal abilities faster? males or females?
Who is better at reading, boys or girls?
Who has greater visual-spatial ability?
Who has better math skills at a young age? at an old age?
Young: females
Older: Males
True or false:
There are more intra-sex differences that inter-sex diffrences
True, environmental factors play a huge role.
What is Androgeny?
A person who applies both masculine and Feminine traits.
What is Two spirit?
The LGBTQ+ term for Aboriginal persons
What is assigned Sex?
Sex assigned at birth. Doctors assign sex based on characteristics such as chromosomes and genitals.
What is Gender Identity?
An internal sense or awnearness of how we feel about our maleness/femaleness or neither/either.
What is Intersex?
An umbrella term used to describe people who have chromosomes, hormonal profiles, or genitals that do not typically fit into binary medical and social constructions of male and female.
What % of the population is born with intersex traits?
between 0.05% and 1.7%
What is Transgender?
A person whose gender identity and assigned sex are different.
What is Trans?
An umbrella term to describe people whose gender identity and assigned sex are different. It can be used for a range of identities and experiences; every community and individual may define trans differently.
What is Cisgender?
A person whose gender identity and assigned sex are the same
What % of the population is Cisgender?
True or false:
Androgynous people have higher self esteem and are better adjusted.
What are the 8 factors that influence gender from a female perspective.
Age Education Economic Status Socialization – can be stronger than parenting Marriage/patterns/family configuration Ethnicity/culture History/political factors Geography
How dose education affect female gender identity
The more educated the women the less likely they are to conform to stereotypes
How does economic status affect female gender identity?
When things are good, they are less likely to conform to gender stereotypes
How does socialization affect female gender identity?
How you are raised influences how likely you are to conform to stereotypes
The oldest is most likely
How does culture affect female gender idendity?
It has a heavy influence on how women see gender roles, and have a large impact on how or if they display stereotypes
When do kids begin to prefer gendered toys?
around 2-3 years old
How does History and politics affect female gender identity?
Heavily, law and order can influence sterotypes
How does geography affect female gender identity?
The closer you get to the equator, the more traditional you get.
What are the traditional male roles/traits?
Aggressiveness Emotional toughness Independence Feelings of superiority Decisiveness Power-oriented Dominance Competitiveness
What traits do men need to maintain a healthy relationship?
Control made be good for more dominate positions such as in a work force or at war. Although when is it counter-productive
When trying to build and maintain relationships.
Are children aware pf gender specific occupations?
Yes from a very young age (2-3)
True or false:
Young children 2-3 prefer gender appropriate games
What are the six male myths connected to sex?
- We’re liberated folk who are very comfortable with sex.
- A real man isn’t into sissy stuff like feelings and communicating
- All touching is sexual or should lead to sex
- A man always wants sex and is ready for it.
- A real man performs in sex
- Sex is centered on a hard penis and what’s done with it
True or false:
Girls are more talkative in early childhood
What are six more male myths about sex?
- Sex equals intercourse.
- A man should be able to make the earth move for his partner, or at least knock her socks off
- Good sex requires orgasm
- Men don’t have to listen to women in sex
- Good sex is spontaneous, with no planning and no talking
- Real men don’t have sex problems
What dose it mean to Abstain?
Keep from….refrain from….especially relation to alcohol or voting
What is abstinence?
going without voluntarily, especially from indulgence in food, alcoholic beverages, or sexual intercourse.
What is celibate/Celibacy?
single life… unmarried state …. bound or resolved not to marry….
What was the past idea around masterbation?
It was Onanism
“spilled seed” - being against reproductive concept (believing in limited semed in a lifetime)
What was the prior punishment for Masturbation?
Torture devices, death, diet, psychoanalysis.
What is the idea around masturbation in today’s world?
- most people see it as okay and harmless.
although some still see it as dirty, selfish, unnecessary and non-productive.
Why do people masturbate?
- To relax
- To relive sexual tension
- Partners are unavailable
- Partners don’t want sex
- Board
- Pleasure
- Help with sleep
- Fear of STD’s
- other stuff
What is masturbation?
Touching and stimulating own genitals. (though to substitute the real thing)
What is Self pleasure?
Pleasuring of body in a sensual way.
a way to learn about your body
What is Sexual Fantasies?
Many occur when alone or with partner.
May be shared or kept with self.
May involve rehearsal for situation likely to occur or may allow for exploration of events unlikely to be achieved.
What are Nocturnal orgasms?
Wet dreams (orgasuming while sleeping)
What % of men and women have nocturnal orgasms?
83% of males
37% of females
What is Foreplay?
Fooling around, petting, necking.
often seen as something that (should) lead to intercourse.
Our generation has a lot more foreplay, why?
Women are getting a say in their own please.
Men and foreplay.
Men like their genitals being touched, and touching genitals.
Their touch is directed towards stimulation
Women and foreplay.
They see touch as a more general thing, with genital touch coming right before penetration.
What are Erogenous zones?
Parts of the body, including but not limited to the sex organs that are especially sensitive to tactile sexual stimulation.
What are some of the areas body are Erogenous?
Clitorus penis (and shaft) the labia urinary opening vaginal opening.
Within western culture oral sex is what?
Widely accepted.
What group has more oral sex?
educated or uneducated people
Who as more oral sex?
Casual or committed relationship
Why do people not have or give oral sex?
body fluids
What is Fellatio?
Oral sex of a mans penis
What is Cunnilingus?
Oral sex on a women
Why is oral sex more popular?
Kinsey de-stigmatised it
Women have more say about what is happening with sex.
What is the Male superior position?
Missionary position
Advantages of missonary
Stimulating for male
Disadvantage of missionary
Less stimulating for female (depending on communication)
- cannot control depth or speed for women
- can lead to early finish
What are the advantages of the female surpior position
Girl can control rate and depth of penetration
- highly stimulating for both
- Hands are free
What are the disadvantages for female Superior position
- may hurt breasts
What is the advantage of the lateral position
- relaxing position
- short peen = bad
What is good about doggy style
Highy erotic
What is bad about doggy style
Not very intimate.
What is good about the sitting position
Good for back injuries
What is bad about sitting position?
Short peen has a hard time (hehe pun)
What is the best position?
No matter what position, for the man they finished the same each time.
for women, it was different. The spooning was the lowest, the second was missionary, the highest was reverse cowgirl.