Lecture 1: Intro to Sexuality Flashcards
What is the first assumption of sexual behavior?
Sexual feelings are natural; sexual expression is a learned behavior
What is the second assumption of sexual behavior?
Sex is part of sexuality
What is the Third assumption of sexual behavior?
Sexuality is a health issue
What is the fourth assumption of sexual behavior?
Sexual health involves both competence and relationships
What is the fifth assumption of sexual behavior?
A person may need more than his/her personal experiences or private opinions to find the best answers to sexual concerns.
What is the sixth assumption of sexual behavior?
An individuals ability to solve sexual concerns handicapped by personal experiences, biases, prejudice, and over-reactions to sexual information.
What is the seventh assumption of sexual behavior?
We are not responsible for having feelings, but we are responsible for what we do with them.
What is the eighth assumption of sexual behavior?
Each person has the right to his/her own beliefs
What is the ninth assumption of sexual behavior?
Sexuality is an integral part of ones total personality and is expressed in all that he/she does
What is the definition of sex?
Genetic and physical characteristics that differentiate male and female
What is the definition of gender?
Psychological characteristics that differentiate masculinity and femininity
What is sexuality?
The physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of an individual that make up his or her unique sexual being.
What makes up sexuality?
The whole person including sexual thoughts, experiences, learning, ideas, values, and imaginings.
What are the 8 components of sexuality?
- Beliefs and values
- Personality (personal choice)
- Self image
- Gender
- Socialization
- Physical expression
- body image
- communication
Sexuality-mostly is a ________ phenomena & has physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
What are the five aspects of sexuality? (Dainly)
- Sensuality
- Intimacy
- Sexual identity
- reproduction
- serialization
What is sensuality?
The need and ability to be aware of and accepting of our own body.
What are the 6 components of Sensuality?
- Anatomy
- Sexual response
- body image
- satisfaction of skin hunger
- Attraction template - kick starts our arousal
- Fantasy “Most of sexuality is in the mind”
What is sexual intimacy?
The ability to give feedback & be heard in sexual relationships
What is intimacy?
The need and ability to experience emotional closeness to another human.
What are the 5 components of intimacy?
- caring
- Sharing
- Risk taking
- vulnerability
- self disclosure
What is sexual identity?
The continual process of discovering who we are in terms of our sexuality: one part of our total identity.
What are the 6 components of intimacy?
- Gender roles
- Orientation
- Self esteem
- Confidence level
- Relationship with family and friends
- Roles as child and adult
- perception of self as male/female
What is reproduction?
Our values, attitudes and behaviors related to reproduction
What are the 6 components of reproduction?
- Reproduction bias re-values and attitudes
- renewal of life (Morality issues)
- anatomy an physiology
- lifestyles
- contraception an fertility
- STI including AIDS
What is sexualization?
Use of our sexuality to influence, control or manipulate others.
What are the components of Sexualization?
- Style of Dress/appearance/body language
- advertising
- movies/talk shows (media)
- harassment and sexual assault
- Paraphilias (voyeurism, exhibitionism, obscene calls)
The Degree of overlap of the Five Aspects of sexuality represent the degree of integration of the individuals ________
Sexual beingness
All of the 5 aspects of Sexuality exist within a environment of _______
Socio-cultural influences
What are Socio-cultural influences?
Family, Ethnic, Background, Religion
What are values?
The Qualities in life that are deemed important or unimportant, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable
What are Moral Values?
Relate to our conduct with and treatment of other people, more than just right or wrong. Looks at the whole picture
What are Sexual Moral Values?
Relate to the rightness and wrongness of sexual conduct and when and how sexuality should be expressed
As with other behaviors, each of us must decide which sexual conduct, feelings, and action are of greatest worth to us __________.
What are the souses of sexual values?
Our sexual values are learned in different ways, at different rates and with different results?
Where do we acquire sexual values?
From our social environment.
What is the defining characteristic of Canadians?
We are accepting of diversity.
What was the Prehistoric idea of sexuality?
Stone age: female body was revered for reproductive ability
Agrarian society: aware of male role in reproduction, phallic worship began.
9000 BC: Woman are property of husbands…incest is taboo
What was the Ancient heberws idea of sexuality?
Positive about marital reproductive sex, although disapproved homosexuality……..woman are property of husbands
What was the Ancient Greeks idea of sexuality?
500-300 BC: Valued family life…..males sexual roles varied, eg.
pederasty… admired male bodies and slim, sensual women
What was the Ancient Romans idea of sexuality?
- Sexual excesses in upper classes
- made up most of our terminology
- male v male threat to family which was strength of society.
- Women were more involved in society, although they were still property of husbands.
What was the Early Christians idea of sexuality?
- Sex is a distraction from God
- linked to the original sin
- Marital sex accepted, but not passion.
- non-procreative behaviors are disapproved.
What is Islams idea of sexuality?
- Valued family and pleasure in marital sex.
- Per-marital sex is punished
- double social and sexual standards for men and women.
What is Indias idea of sexuality?
- Ancient Hingus loved erotica
- Kama Sutra is the code of sexual conduct
- Sex is a religious duty
- doctrine of Krama: reincarnation more restrictive after 1000c.
What is Chinas idea of sexuality?
- Sexuaility linked to spirituality
- First manual of lovemaking
- wasteful to “spill seed”
- Women kept to domestic roles.
What was the idea of sexuality in the Middle ages? (1st - 15th C)
- Strong Church influence
- Crusaders influenced change from women as sinful (EVE) to revered (Virgin Mary).
- Upper class courtly love, chivalry and romance.
What was the idea of sexuality for the Protestants Reformation
(16th C)
- Priests could marry
- pleasurable marital sex
- non marital sex is disapproved.
- Women mostly restricted to home until 19th C.
Who started the Protestant Reformation?
Luther and Calvin
- When they split from the RC Church.
What was the idea of sexuality during the Victorian period (1830-1900)
- sexually repressive on the surface
- Furniture legs covered
- Prostitution flourished but proper women were meant to be uninterested.
- Mens “vital fluids” were thought to be limited.
What was the idea of sexuality during the early 20th century.
until the 1950’s it was believed women did not desire sex.
double standards
sexual scenes in media was limited.
What and when was the sexual revolution?
mid 60s - mid 70s
science, politics, and social influences all were part of the change.
What was the idea of sexuality during the late 20th century?
- Reverse pendulum swing to more conservative attitudes.
- open discussion about sexuality, more sexually active teens, AIDS, access to birth control, liberation of women, sex education.
What are the Cross Species relationships of sexuality?
- Same sex interaction
- oral-genital contact
- higher mammals are less instinct driven.
What are the Cross-cultural idea of sexuality?
- Learned behavior unique to particular culture.
- kissing, higher rate of intercourse for young adults.
- Incest is taboo and some social controls are almost universal.
What is the sociocultural perspective of Sexuality?
The study of sexual behaviors within a given society… differences in sub groups by age, gender, religion, ethnicity, education. ect.
What is the Psychoanalytic theory of sexuality?
developed by Freud.
- Sexual instincts (id) vs Reason (ego)
- defense mechanisms
- developmental stages
- Psychoanalysis
What is the learning theory of Sexuality?
- Behaviorist Watson and Skinner developed this theory.
- Rewards and Punishment determining behavior.
What is social learning theory?
Theory that includes effects of cognitive activity
- anticipating, planing, ect.
- as well as learning by observing others.
What is it called when you learn by observing others?
Who was Havelock Eills? (+)
English physician who studied psychology of Sex (1859 - 1939)
What did Havelock Eills find?
Problems as psychological
female sexual desires are normal and homosexuality accepted and inborn.
Who was Richard von Krafft-Ebbing?
A German psychiatrist who looked at 200 case of sexual deviancy (1840 - 1939)
What did Richard von Krafft-Ebbing find out? (-)
Viewed sexual deviancy as a mental illness that should be treated.
Who was Sigmund Freud?
He was a Austrian Physician who lived from (1856 - 1939)
What did Sigmund Freud find out? (+)
personality based on sex drive as our principle motivating force.
Who was Alfred Kinsey? (+)
U.S zoologist who lived from (1894-1956) that was the first to conduct a comprehensive survey on 12,000 subjects.
Who was William Masters & Virginia Johnson Lab?
a 1960’s lab that observed 700 subjects.`
What did William Masters & Virginia study?
- Human sexual Response (1966)
- Gay study & Homosexual presepective (1979)
- Four stage sexual response.
What was Alfred Kinseys influence on sexuality in the public? (+)
He was the first one to really look at sexuality from a non-biased perspective. Both for men and women.
- Women like, and start sex.
- Oral sex was common.
normalized sexual behavior
What is the purpose of the U of A Student Sexual Behavior Survey?
To determine students sexual attitudes and their knowledge about STI a HIV/AIDS
What was the flaw with the Kinsey Report that looked at 900 openly gay individuals.
It can paint false ideas on what the actual lifestyle of the average Gay man/Woman.
What percent of people believe Sex is Sacred to Marriage only (UofA survey)
male vs female
Male: 14%
Female: 14%
What is nice about University students around sex?
They usally do things based off of their belief system.
What percent of people believe Sex is right when committed (UofA survey)
male vs female
Men: 21.5%
Female: 30%
What percent of people believe Sex is right when in love (UofA survey)
male vs female
Male: 18%
Female: 24%
What percent of people believe Sex is right when it feels right (UofA survey)
male vs female
Male: 39.9%
Female: 28.4%
What percent of people believe Sex is right anytime (UofA survey)
male vs female
Male: 5%
Female: 1.6%
The higher your education level the more likely you will have ______
More partners
More Sex
More types of Sex
If individuals have a strong career and life goal ambition at a young age are more likely to ________
avoid sex at younger ages.
Relationship between sexual activity and alcohol use is….
High levels of alcohol use is related to_____
More partners
- non-medical substances
- Not using a Condom
In males high levels of alcohol is related to _____
Decreases condom use
Males with liberal attitude towards sex will have ________
More partners