Lecture Flashcards
rompre les rangs (v)
break ranks, behave differently from other group members, dismiss, fall out
bouillon (nm)
broth, stock
abattre (v)
knock down, shoot down, defeat
faire une croche-pied/une croche-patte/un croc-en-jambe à qqn
trip sb up
lâchement (adv)
in a cowardly manner
guérir (v)
cure, be cured, heal, recover
s’en tirer (v)
sortir heureusement d’une maladie ou d’une difficulté ou etc.
aller au piquet
go stand in the corner
se gratter les bras
scratch one’s arms
se battre (v)
fight [with] one another
les gars (nmp)
tirer qqn dessus à la mitrailleuse
shoot/fire at sb with a machine gun
faire le coup de qqch à qqn
try to pull an old trick on sb
aguerrir (v)
harden, toughen up
torpille (nf)
torpedo, a bomb shaped like a tube and fired underwater
se cogner contre qqn (v)
smash into sb
mauve (adj & nm)
mauve, light purple
fouiller [dans qqch] (v)
search through, go through, dig
tendre qqch [à qqn] (v)
hold out sth [to sb], stretch sth
tordu (adj)
twisted, bent, warped
coups tordus (nmp)
dirty tricks
éventré (adj)
ripped open/apart
cochonnerie (nf)
mess, trash, junk food
cramponné à qqch (adj)
clung to sth;
accroché à qqch
rapetisser (v)
rendre ou faire paraître plus petit, dévaloriser
rétroviseur (nm)
rearview mirror
beigne (nf)
bourré de qqch (v)
filled with sth, full of sth
costarde (nf)
custard, a type of sweet food made with eggs and milk
dériver (v)
divert, drift
penché (adj)
bent, crooked, askew, sloping, tilting
se pencher (v)
lean, bend
sillage (nm)
wake (n);
trace (nf)
enfoncer (v)
push in, thrust in
attirail (nm)
equipment, gear
bringuebaler (v)
joggle, shake, rattle
coffre (nm)
trunk, box, chest, safe, strongbox
s’entrechoquer (v)
knock or bang together
glacière (nf)
cool box, cold room, refrigerated cabinet
conserve (nf)
canned food
rebondir (v)
bounce, get going again
plisser (v)
fold, wrinkle, pleat, crease
ébouriffer (v)
ruffle, tousle;
pare-brise (nm)
égarer (v)
mislead, lose, make distraught
dénicher (v)
find, discover
présentoir (nm)
display shelf/stand
maladresse (nf)
clumsiness, awkwardness;
manque de dextérité
chatouiller (v)
recracher (v)
spit out [again]
gorgée (nf)
humer (v)
smell, inhale, breathe in;
sentir, inspirer
pilule (v)
beugler (v)
crier très fort
brouter (v)
graze, feed on
filer (v)
dash, go, disappear, scram
enfiler (v)
slip on/into, use, screw
clinquant (adj)
glittering, flashy
récompenser (v)
tortiller (v)
twist, twirl, twiddle, wiggle
connerie (nf)
stupidity, stupid thing
se tripoter (v)
se masturber (v)
anormal (adj)
engloutir (v)
swallow up
agripper (v)
grab, snatch
crissement (nm)
bouffée (nf)
puff, breath, outburst
poil (nm)
hair, bristle
avoir les jambes molles (v)
be weak at the knees, lose your strength;
être sans force, être découragé
bestiole (nf)
flanc (nm)
flank, side
patte (nf)
paw, hoof, foot, leg
flaque (nf)
déplaisant (adj)
unpleasant, nasty, offensive
délabré (adj)
ruined, crumbling
gouttière (nf)
abondance (n)
abundance, affluence
grotesque (adj)
ridiculous, ludicrous
en plâtre (adj)
in plaster
eau croupie (nf)
still water;
eau stagnante
apprêter (v)
get ready, prepare
foncer (v)
rush [into, to], charge, speed along;
se hâter
dissimuler (v)
hide, conceal
maganer (v)
endommager, abîmer
moulant (adj)
close-fitting, tight-fitting, snug
collant (nm)
renflement (nm)
bulge, stick out in a rounded lump
pubis (nm)
pubis, pubic bone
camisole (nf)
a light piece of clothing for women that is worn on the top part of the body and does not have sleeves and is often worn alone or under a blouse
pointer (v)
stick out, protrude, aim, point
motard (nm)
motocycle policeman
rompre la glace (v)
break the ice
joint (nm)
workplace, nightclub, office
fuite (nf)
escape, leak
banalité (nf)
triviality, mundaneness, commonplace, cliché
compenser (v)
make up for, compensate
pelle (nf)
shovel, spade
crisser (v)
screech, grate
sac à vidange (nm)
amanché (adj)
rigged out, dressed, clothed
résigner (v)
resign, relinquish
culotte (nf)
disgracieux (adj)
ugly, unattractive
désinvolture (nf)
casualness, offhandedness, informality
rompez [les rangs] !
dismiss!, fall out!
surnom (nm)
désinvolte (adj)
casual, nonchalant [relaxed and carefree], offhand
je-ne-sais-quoi (nm)
a pleasant quality that is hard to describe
moite (adj)
muggy [unpleasantly warm and humid], clammy [unpleasantly wet and cold], damp, sticky, sweaty
envahissant (adj)
overgrown, invasive, intrusive
vulve (nf)
tissu (nm)
fabric, material, cloth, tissue
déchirer (v)
tear, rip
gratter (v)
scratch, work, do odd jobs
décoller (v)
peel off, unstick, tear
lucidité (nf)
lucidity, clear-sightedness
lubrique (adj)
lustful, lewd, lecherous
cochon (adj)
dirty, filthy, smutty [relating to sex in an offensive way]
bête (nf)
animal, beast
à demi caché
almost hidden, barely visible
enfouir (v)
enterrer, cacher
hommage (nm)
homage, tribute, respect or honour
carrosserie (nf)
body, cover, case
con (adj)
damn stupid, silly
vestibule (nm)
vestibule, lobby, entrance hall
fourrer (v)
put, leave, stick, fuck
pogner les nerfs (v)
faire une crise de colère ou d’impatience
tenter (v)
cul (nm)
ass, sex
repoussant (adj)
repulsive, repellent
coup de bassin (nm)
thrust from back;
coup de rein
ramoner (v)
sweep, clean out, screw, shag
foi (nf)
assouvir (v)
appease, assuage, quench, satisfy
tordu (adj)
twisted, warped
alléchant (adj)
enticing, tempting
tromper (v)
deceive, betray, cheat
pourvu (adj)
well-off, in good position or situation
vulgaire (adj)
vulgar, common, tasteless, loud, ordinary, rude
calepin (nm)
maisonnée (nf)
dédommager (v)
compensate, indemnify
replier ses jambes (v)
tuck the legs under, fold the legs
bruit de succion
sucking noises
à toute allure (adv)
at full speed
allure (nf)
speed, pace, look, appearance
fente (nf)
slit, vulva
faiblir (v)
get weaker
boiteux (adj)
lame, fragile, shaky
retentir (v)
resound, ring;
dépanneur (nm)
convenience store, corner store, repairman
bonhomme (nm)
chap, fellow, man
abdiquer (v)
abdicate, renounce, surrender, give in
gyrophare (nm)
rotating light, beacon
immobiliser (v)
immobilize, stop