Lecture 4.5 - Chapter 4 Hooyman Flashcards
Personality is a unique pattern of ________ and __________ behaviours, __________ and _________ that influences how each person ________ __ and _______ with the environment.
Personality is a unique pattern of innate and learned BEHAVIOURS, EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS that influences how each person RESPONDS TO and INTERACTS with the environment.
Ericksons model of personality has a total of____ stages. How many stages of adulthood? ____. At each stage we experience a _______ to be accomplished and a _______ to be resolved in order to …
8 (3 in adulthood)where we experience a task and a conflict we must resolve before we can move on to the next.
Beyond the accomplishment of a task and resolution of a conflict, what else do we need to do to move through Ericksons stages.
we need additional cognitive and emotional development.
Standardized measures of personality measure developmental growth in :
self confidence, dependability and identity as people age
The stages of adult development include:
- isolation vs intimacy
- generativity vs stagnation
- ego integrity vs despair
“lonely sex, generates stagnant thoughts. This lowers ego integrity and leads to despair”
What is the last stage of Ericksons model? Describe it.
ego integrity vs despair
when one can accept their mortality we say they have achieved
ego integity
If we can realize our life has meaning regardless of how successful we are in the traditional sense we have achieved
Ego integity
The desire to help and mentor young people and leave a legacy is called
What has been considered the most important element in developing ego integrity
What type of therapy can help older adults attain ego integrity
Life Review
T/F men who achieve higher levels of emotional stability in their 50’s were more nurturing as they aged
T/F Men who are more nurturing and expressive as they age have higher generativity
Most well known of Ericksons social challenges
adolescence - who am i
theories which focus on traits the individuals with characteristic of ‘typical’ attributes that remain stable with age
Trait theories