Lecture 3 - chapter 3 - Hooyman Flashcards
-normal process of alternations over time in the body and its organ systems that eventually affect our functioning but do not necessarily result in disease or death (give both names)
senescence or Biological aging
does senescence always result in disease or death
Why does the text suggest aging and disease are linked in our minds?
because declines in organ capacity and our immune system make us more vulnerable to illness, such as dementia, arthritis, and heart attack etc..which therefor increase with age
a more accurate conception of the aging process is the gradual accumulation of irreversible functional losses to which…
the average person adapts
One way of understanding variations in biological aging is to…
examine the major theories to explain cellular and organ level alterations
Most Biological theories of aging have 1 of 2 general orientations which include:
- aging occurs…
- aging is a result of…
- aging occurs due to random genetic mutations
2. aging is a result of programmed senescence
The four primary theories of biological aging are: 1. 2. 3. 4. CWIF- what an awful acronym lol
The four primary theories of biological aging are:
- cellular aging theory (CAT)
- wear-and-tear theory (WTT)
- immunological theory (IT)
- free radical theory (FRT)
According to the wear-and-tear theory cells continually wear out and cannot…
This is especially true in tissues located in the…
- repair damaged components within themselves.
- skeletal and heart muscles and throughout the nervous system
Where are declines in functional ability greatest with age
throughout the nervous system,
which theory states aging occurs as cells slow their number of replications
cellular aging theory (CAT)
according to cellular aging theory, aging is a _________ process and the biological clock determines the …
preprogrammed, the biological clock determines the maximum lifespan and rate at which each organ system will deteriorate.
according to CAT cells stop replicating after..
a fixed number of times/
According to the IT theory aging is the…
function of the body’s immune system becoming defective
A theory which may help explain AD, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory conditions which increase with age which originate from the immune system is the
Immunological theory
The free radical theory or ___________ _______model states that the__________,___________ accumulation of __________ damage to cells, explains loss of ____________ __________ as we age. This occurs when an organism cannot easily…
Oxidative Stress Model states that the progressive, irreversible accumulation of oxidative damage to cells explains loss of physiological function as we age.
This occurs when an organism cannot easily detoxify or repair the damage cause by free radicals.
How could the ingestion of anti-oxidants slow the aging process? Examples of anti oxidants?
anti oxidants would inhibit free-radical damage and thus delay loss of immune function.
ex: Vitamin E and C and beta carotene
True or False: Research on growth hormones and caloric restriction suggests the aging process may one day be reversible
True -pg. 62