Lecture 4: Volcanic Landforms Flashcards
Extrusive rocks
Lava erupting at the surface (volcanism)
Intrusive rocks
Magma staying below the ground (plutonism)
3 main factors for magma production
High temp, increased h20, low pressure
2 types of eruptions
Effusive and explosive
Characteristics of effusive eruptions
Iron-rich, flows easily and high temp
Characteristics of explosive eruptions
Silica-rich, very viscous and lower temp
Types of volcanoes
Shield, cinder-cone and composite
Volcanic arcs
Chain of volcanoes formed above a subducting plate
Types of volcanic arcs
Island (ocean-ocean) vs continental (ocean-continental)
Volcanic hollow created by explosion or collapse
Magma solidifying below the surface
Large plutons
Vertical pluton intrusions
Horizontal pluton intrusions