Lecture 15: Coastal Processes II Flashcards
4 zones that make up the nearshore
Shoaling, Breaker, Surf, Swash
3 behaviours of waves
Refraction, reflection, diffraction
Rip currents
Caused by stokes drift and water needs to escape back into ocean; it originates in surf zone and can extend back into breaker zone
Longshore currents
Water moves parallel to shoreline; angled waves
Used to stop longshore currents
Elongated sandy deposits of shoreline due to longshore currents
Baymouth bars
Connecting spits from 2 sides creating a bay
Connection between island and land by longshore current
Rise and fall of sea level, typically x2 a day and driven by the gravitational pull of sun and moon
Types of tides
Diurnal, semi-diurnal and mixed
Spring tides
Strongest tides due to force of both moon and sun
Neap tides
Lowest tides due to moon and sun at right angle to eachother
Tidal ranges
Macro (4m+), Meso (2-4m), Micro (<2m)
Types of tidal currents
Flood and ebb
Tidal bore
Wave in front of flood current