Lecture 4: Quality of mental healthcare Flashcards
quality standards =
- The law prescribes that a professional provides good care in accordance with the professional standard and quality standards (Wkkgz).
- There is no single national definition of quality standards. Many different terms are used, but mainly: guidelines & quality standard
verschil guideline & quality standard
quality standard meer vanuit perspectief van de patient, wat kan je verwachten. guideline is meer voor wat een professional kan doen voor een patient. guidelines zijn per professional opgesteld (apart voor huisarts, POHer, psycholoog, psychiater, etc) en de quality standard is voor het totaal van alle zorg die een persoon krijgt.
guideline =
- A guideline provides professional recommendations for diagnosis and treatment.
- A guideline is based on scientific research
- A guideline explicitly describes what a professional can offer to a patient
quality standard=
- A quality standard describes what we mean in the Netherlands by good care for certain mental illness or a generic theme.
- Quality standards are based on
1.Scientific knowledge (related guidelines)
2.Clinical experience (knowledge and experiences professionals)
3.Experiences and preferences of patients - A quality standard explicitly describes what a patient can expect from mental health care in total, therefore not just for one professional but all of the disciplines combined
how is a quality standard made
- Patients, their relatives and health professionals together in a working group; not influenced by healthcare providers or financers
- They collect all information about the subject and try to reach consensus
- Put your own interests aside and put those of the patient first
why do we have quality standards?
- reduces practice variations
- gives clarity to patients and relatives about what they can expect
- shared decision making for patients and professionals
- provides insights in how to organize good care for professionals and mental health care centers
are quality standards mandatory?
- the dutch law prescribes: professional works according to professional standards
- one size fits all is not always possible or desirable
- therefore it is okay if you and patient make other decisions, as long as you can explain why: comply or explain
dus zijn quality standards gelijk aan standaard zorg
Yes, quality standards are sometimes compared to as ‘prescribed’ mental health care. One of the biggest advantages is the reduction of practice variation. But no, quality standards are not the same as ‘standard care’. Every patient is unique so one size fits all does not always apply
process of care in therapy: elementen
sign up:screening
diagnose: explore, analyse, integrate, diagnose
indicate: goals, indications of interventions, choices, plans
intervention: organise, provide treatment, monitor, result
stop: aftercare
3 aspecten van evalueren
- behandeldoelen bepalen
- afspraken maken over evalueren
- evaluatiegesprekken voeren
determine therapy goals
- whats your problem
- what do you want to achieve
- what will we do to achieve that goal
make agreements about evaluation
- how often
- with whom
- do we make use of questionnaires
why should we use questionnaires
- estimate the severity of symptoms
- recognize in time that a patient is not doing well
voorbeeldvragen voor evaluatie
What were our goals?
What did we agree on in terms of therapy/actions?
What did we establish so far?
Is this what we expected?
If not as expected:
Do we know why?
How do we think about it?
How do we continue?
Creating a culture of continuous learning, reflection, and improvement that benefits both patients and health care professionals:
Higher quality of care
Better outcomes
More efficient care
Compare information (data) about the care process, type of patients, treatment outcomes and/or patient experiences with others
learning network=
In a learning network, you share and discuss experiences in order to develop new insights and initiatives for further improvement of the quality of care in practice.