Ehlers & Clark (2000) A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder Flashcards
wat is lastig aan het bekijken van ptsd van een cognitief perspectief
In understanding PTSD from a cognitive perspective, there’s a puzzle as it’s categorized as an anxiety disorder, and anxiety typically results from appraisals of incoming threat. However, PTSD involves memories of past events
wat is de oplossing hiervoor
The proposed solution is that persistent PTSD occurs when individuals process the traumatic event in a way that creates a sense of serious current threat.
two key processes contribute to this perception of serious current threat:
- how individuals appraise the trauma and its consequences
- the nature of the memory for the event and its connection to other memories
When the feeling of current threat arises, it triggers intrusions, reexperiencing symptoms, arousal, anxiety, and emotional reactions. The perceived threat then prompts actions and thoughts that aim to relieve immediate distress but unintentionally sustain the disorder by hindering cognitive change (in: nature of trauma memory and negative appraisals).
natekenen model op pagina 14
echt doen
appraisals contributing to a sense of current threat in ptsd involve aspects:
- overgeneralization of the event: external (may perceive normal activities as more dangerous, may exaggerate the likelihood of future events). these appraisals do not only generate situational far but also contribute to avoidance behaviours that sustain the overgeneralized fear.
- appraisals of personal characteristics: internal (how one felt or behaved during the event can lead to the long-term threatening implications)
negative appraisal of the consequences of trauma, contributing to ptsd:
- interpretation of initial symptoms (individuals may misinterpret symptoms after trauma as indications of permanent negative changes or threats to their well-being)
- dysfunctional coping strategies (lead to emotions like anxiety, depression, or anger.
individuals adopt dysfunctional coping strategies like active thought suppression that paradoxically enhance PTSD symptoms). - uncertain reactions from others (family and friends may avoid discussing the events, which can lead to isolation and estrangement)
- objective uncaring reactions (individuals may be uncaring, rejecting or critical of trauma victims. this can lead to internalizing blame, feel unworthy or unlikeable, fear impaired relationships).
- long-term effects of trauma (trauma can have long lasting effects on health, appearance, education/work and financial situations. people may interpret these as permanent negative changes, reinforcing the sense of current threat).
Main emotions depend on specific appraisals:
- Perceiving danger leads to fear
- Violations of personal rules lead to anger
- Responsibility for the event leads to guilt
- Violation of internal standards leads to shame
- Perceived loss leads to sadness
Most patients with PTSD often experience a range of negative emotions due to:
- different negative appraisals activating at different times
- varying in degrees of belief of those appraisals
what is the memory of the traumatic event like
people with ptsd often struggle to intentionally recall a complete memory of the traumatic event. however, they frequently experience involuntary intrusive memories triggered by external cues, reexperiencing aspects of the event vividly and emotionally.
poor intentional recall vs. vivid unintentional reexperiencing
hoe kan deze contradictie uitgelegd worden
- reexperiencing mainly consists of sensory impressions rather than thoughts
- sensory impressions feel like they are happenening now, not as memories (the emotions and physical reactions are the same, without the usual awareness of remembering seen in regular memories)
- people with ptsd reexperience original emotions and sensory impressions, even if they later learn new information that contradicts the initial impressions or know the impressions were not true
- individuals may feel emotions or sensations linked to a traumatic event without actually recalling the event itself (affect without recollection)
- the involuntary reexperiencing of an event can be triggered by various stimuli and situations, often including cues thtat may not have a direct connection to the event, but were associated with it in time
voorbeeld affect without recollection
a rape survivor might suddenly feel extreme anxiety in a restaurant without consciously remembering the traumatic event, only later realizing that it was triggered by the presence of a man resembling the perpetrator
It is proposed that the poor intentional recall and the vivid unintentional reexperiencing is due to….
the way the trauma is encoded and laid down in memory
2 ways memories are usually retrieved:
- through higher-order meaning-based strategies (recalling)
- through direct triggers by associated stimuli (smells or music)
cues soorten
* the shape of a person
* spatial details
* smells
* specific lighting patterns
* phrases spoken in a certain tone.
* feeling helpless
* feeling trapped
Other internal cues:
* touch in a specific body area
* body awareness signals
* posture
two types of processing
- conceptual processing: normal memory processing organizes memories by themes and time periods, reducing unintentional retrieval during daily tasks
- data-driven processing: processing the sensory impressions. in PTSD, traumatic memories aren’t properly processed (in time, place and in other memories) making it hard to remember them intentionally and making it easy to be triggered by related cues
welke retrieval route is related to welke processing
conceptual processing: enhances the first retrieval route (through higher-order meaning-based strategies) and inhibits the second (direct triggers)
data-driven processing: enhances the second route (direct triggers) and inhibits the first (higher order meaning-based)
strong stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response associations
In PTSD, strong associations between traumatic memories and stimuli make it more likely for related cues to trigger other cues and to trigger involuntary recall of
the event and emotional responses.
E.g. someone who was idnapped not only gets
triggered by someone knocking on the door (associated with the kidnappers coming in) but also gets triggered by approaching footsteps (that preceded the knocking on the door)
2 key aspects of this conditional learning contribute to PTSD persistence:
- It helps predict danger based on specific stimuli linked to the traumatic event (which is seen as beneficial for the individual with PTSD).
- Memory retrieval is triggered unconsciously, making individuals unaware of the cues causing the reexperiencing. Failure to spot the origin of the reexperiencing symptoms makes it difficult for the patient to learn that there is no present danger when exposed to the triggers