Lecture 3: Culture and psychopathology Flashcards
inequity in mental health
- psychotherapy less effective among minorities
- minority patients higher risk of dropout
- treatments are less intensive among minorities
wat zegt de dsm 5 over cultuur
“The ultimate goal of a clinical case
formulation is to use the available
contextual and diagnostic
information in developing a
comprehensive treatment plan that
is informed by the individual’s
cultural and social context.”
Our theories & definitions of mental disorders are largely based on western (Euro-American) norms, views, values and concepts.
cultural dimensions
collectivism - individualism
interdependent selfconcept - independent selfconcept
traditional gender roles - nontraditional gender roles
emotional expressiveness - emotional inhibition
supernatural - material
3 cultural definitions of pathology of the past
- homosexuality
- frigidity (women who are not able to orgasm during penetration)
- drapetomania (obsessive need among slaves to flee)
culture’s impact on distress
- affects norms and values
- emphasizes symptoms
- type of symptoms expressed (anorexia, taijin kyofusho)
- beliefs about the boundary between normal and abnormal
- language and communication affect the expression of symptoms
- beliefs determine the experience and explanation of symptoms
cultural concepts of distress
- Idioms of distress
- Cultural syndromes
- Explanatory models of illness (EMs)
idioms of distress=
Culturally constituted experiences and expressions of distress, which are associated with culturally pervasive values, norms and health concerns, and initiate particular types of interaction (burnout, spirits)
explanatory models of illness
- Causes
- Timing
- Pathophysiology
- Course (nature, severity)
- Preference for treatment
hoe meer de patients en therapists psychological explanations overeenkomen, hoe beter de attendance en treatment outcome
cultural formation 4 onderdelen
- cultural definition of the problem
- cultural perceptions of cause, context and support
- cultural factors affecting self-coping and past help seeking
- cultural factors affecting current help seeking