Lecture 4: Muscle and nerve tissue Flashcards
What is muscle tissue
Consists of elongated muscle fibres that use energy from ATP to generate force.
By contraction, muscle tissue produces movement, holds posture and generates heat
What are the 3 types of muscle tisse
Skeletal muscle
Cardiac muscle
Smooth muscle
What are the features of skeletal muscle
Attached to bones via tendons
Very common throughout body
Voluntary and involuntary (muscles related to posture)
Allow motion, hold posture, produce heat, and protection
What is stapedius?
The name of the smallest skeletal muscle located in the inner ear.
Helps prevent hearing disorders
What is sartorius?
Name of the longest skeletal muscle in the thigh
What are the parts of a muscle fibre
Also known as myocytes or muscle cells, muscle fibres are composed of:
Sarcolemma - cell membrane
Sarcoplasm - cell cytoplasm
What are the two components of myofibrils?
Thin filament (Actin) and Thick filament (myosin)
What is a myofibril
Cynlindrical structures made of thick and thin filaments
What is epimysium
Surrounds the whole muscle
What is perimysium
Surrounds fascicles (bundles of muscle fibres)
What are fascicles
Bundles of muscle fibres
What is endomysium
Layer for capillaries and nerves around muscle fibres
What are the parts of myofibril?
A band I band H zone M line Z disc Sarcomere
What is the A band
middle, dark part of myofibril which has overlap of actin and myosin filaments
What is I band
part containing only thin filaments
What is H zone
part containing only thick filaments
What is M line
Middle of sarcomere holding thick filaments together
What is Z disc
Located through the center of the I band made up of actinins that link filaments of adjacent sarcomeres
What is a sarcomere
Basic functional units of myofibrils that are separated by Z discs