Lecture 1: Organisation of the human body Flashcards
List the body’s 6 levels of structural organisation
Chemicals -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Systems -> Organisms
Describe the chemical level of structural organisation
The building blocks of the body often considered as atoms and molecules
Describe the cellular level of structural organisation
The basic structural and functional units of the body (roughly 200 types exist - each have specific shape and size and function)
Describe the tissue level of structural organisation
Groups of cells that work together to perform a common function. 4 main types exist: epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve
Describe the organ level of structural organisation
Organs are structures composed of two or more types of tissue
Describe the system level of structural organisation
Systems consist of multiple related organs that have a common function
Describe the organism level of structural organisation
All the systems within an organism work together simultaneously to constitute a living organism
List the 11 systems of the human body
- Muscular
- Urinary
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Endocrine
- Reproductive
- Skeletal
- Lymphatic and Immune
- Integumentary
- Nervous
- Cardiovascular
Name the organs of the muscular system
- Skeletal muscles (axial and appendicular)
- Tendons
- Aponeurose
What is the function of skeletal muscles?
- Provide skeletal movement
- Control entrance and exit to digestive, respiratory and urinary systems
- Produce heat (muscle shivering)
- Support skeleton
- Protect soft tissues
What is the function of tendons?
- Tendons connect bone to muscle (eg archilles tendon)
- They translate contractile forces into tasks
What is the function of aponeuroses?
- Aponeuroses connect muscle to muscle
- They translate contractile forces into tasks
What is the function of axial muscles?
- Support and positioning of axial skeleton
What is the function of appendicular muscles?
- Support and movement of limbs
Name the organs of the skeletal system
- Skeleton (axial and appendicular)
- Bones
- Cartilage
- Joints
- Ligaments
- Bone marrow (red and yellow)
What is the function of bones?
Stores minerals
What is the function of the axial skeleton?
Protects brain and spinal cord, sense organs, and soft tissues of thorax
Supports body weight
What is the function of appendicular skeleton?
Provides internal support and positioning of external limbs
Supports and enables muscles to move skeleton
What is the function of cartilage?
Bone interface
Many functions
What is the function of ligaments?
Ligaments are fibrous connections between 2 bones
What is the function of bone marrow?
Red - production of RBCs
Yellow - storage of fat cells
Name the organs of the nervous system
- CNS (spinal cord and the brain)
- Special senses
What is the function of the CNS?
Central nervous system acts as the control center (allows short term control of other systems)
What is the function of the brain?
Carries out complex integrative activities (takes info and responds to chemical and neurological stimuli)
Controls voluntary and involuntary action
What is the function of the spinal cord?
Carries action potentials between the peripheral nerves and the brain
Performs less complex integrative activities (such as the reflex arc -> an action which does not involve the brain)
What is the function of the PNS?
Links CNS with other systems and sense organs
Name the organs of the endocrine system
- Pineal gland
- Hypothalamus / Pituitary gland
- Thyroid gland
- Parathyroid gland
- Thymus
- Adrenal glands
- Kidneys
- Pancreas
- Gonads
What is the function of the pineal gland?
Regulates day and night rhythms (sleep patterns)
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
Control center of endocrine system
Regulates growth
What is the function of the thyroid gland?
Regulates metabolic rate
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of the parathyroid gland?
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of the thymus?
Controls maturation of lymphocytes (WBCs)
What is the function of adrenal glands?
Water and mineral balance
Tissue metabolism
Cardiovascular and respiratory system function (via release of adrenaline -> fight or flight)
What is the function of kidneys? (as a part of the endocrine system)
Red blood cell production
Maintain blood pressure
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of pancreas? (as a part of the endocrine system)
Glucose control
What is the function of gonads?
Development of sexual characteristics and reproduction
Name the organs of the lymphatic system (immune system)
Lymphatic vessels
Lymphatic fluid
B cells and T cells
Lymph nodes (including tonsils)
What is the function of lymphatic vessels?
Carry lymph fluid (water and protein) and lymphocytes from peripheral tissues to veins of cardiovascular system where they re-enter blood flow
What is the function of lymphatic fluid?
They carry lymphocytes
What is the function of B cells and T cells (lymphocytes)?
Involved in immune response
What is the function of lymph nodes?
Monitor composition of lymph (via filtering, phagocytosis and immune reactions)
Stimulate immune response
Engulfs pathogens
What is the function of the spleen?
- consider spleen as a sort of large lymph node -
Monitors circulation of blood cells
Engulfs pathogens
Recycle RBCs
Stimulates immune response
What is the function of the thymus?
Controls development and maintenance of the T cell lymphocytes
Name the organs of the cardiovascular system
What is the function of the heart?
Maintain blood pressure
Pump blood around body
What is the function of veins?
Carry blood to the heart
What is the function of artieries?
Carry blood away from heart
What is the function of capillaries?
Carry blood to and from body cells
Diffusion between blood and tissue fluids
What is the function of blood?
Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Transport nutrients and hormones
Remove waste
Temperature regulation
Carry immune cells for defence against illness
Maintain pH levels
Name the components of the respiratory system
Nasal cavity and paransala sinuses
What is the function of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses?
Filter air
Warm air
Humidify air
Detect smell
What is the function of pharynx?
Conducts air to larynx
What is the function of larynx?
Protects opening to trachea and contains vocal cords to allow vocalisation
What is the function of trachea?
Conducts air
Contains C- shaped cartilage to prevent collasping
What is the function of bronchi?
Conducts air between trachea and lungs
What is the function of lungs?
Air movement
Gas exchange between alveoli and blood
Acid base control
Name the components of the digestive system
Oral cavity
Salivary glands
Small intestine
Large intestine and Anus
What is the function of oral cavity
Breaks up food using teeth and tongue
What is the function of salivary glands?
Buffers and lubricant for food
Contain enzymes which breakdown food
What is the function of pharynx?
Moves food and liquids to the oesophagus
Shared with respiratory system
What is the function of oesophagus?
Deliver food to stomach
What is the function of stomach?
Digest food using stomach acid
Contains enzymes and hormones
What is the function of the small intestine?
Contains digestive enzymes
Buffers and hormones
Absorbs nutrients
What is the function of the liver?
Secretes bile
Regulates nutrients in blood
What is the function of gallbladder?
Concentrates bile
What is the function of pancreas? (as a part of the digestive system)
Contains digestive enzymes
Endocrine cells
What is the function of the large intestine and the anus?
Water removal
Waste storage and removal
Name the organs of the urinary system
What is the function of the kidney? (as a part of the urinary system)
Form and concentrate urine
Regulate pH and ions
Blood volume and blood pressure
Also a part of endocrine system
What is the function of ureters?
Conduct urine to bladder
What is the function of bladder?
Store urine prior to elimination
What is the function of urethra?
Conducts urine to exterior
Name the components of the male reproductive system
Ductus (vas) deferens
Seminal glands
Prostate gland
What is the function of testes?
Produce sperm
Produces hormones as a part of the endocrine system
What is the function of epididymis?
Sperm maturation
What is the function of ductus deferens?
Sperm from epididymis
What is the function of seminal glands?
Contain seminal fluid
What is the function of the prostate gland?
Produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm
What is the function of the urethra?
Moves sperm outside of body
What is the function of the penis?
What is the function of scrotum?
Holds and protects testes
Name the components of female reproductive system
Uterine tubes
Mammary glands
What is the function of ovaries?
Production of oocytes and hormones as a part of the endocrine system
What is the function of uterine tubes?
Deliver oocyte
Location where fertilisation of ovum occurs
What is the function of uterus?
Embryonic development
What is the function of vagina?
Sperm reception
Birth canal
What is the function of mammary glands?
Nutrition for new-born (it is a modified sweat gland hence also a part of integumentary system)
Name the organs of the integumentary system
Epidermis (outermost layer)
Dermis (includes hair follicles (hairs and sebaceous glands), sensory receptors and sweat glands)
What is the function of the epidermis?
Protects surface and deeper tissues
Vitamin D production
What is the function of hair follicles?
Aid in sensation from innervation (supply of nerves)
Produces hairs for protection
Contains sebaceous glands which lubricate skin and make it more impermeable to moisture
What is the function of sweat glands?
Thermoregulation - dissipation of heat via release of moisture (evaporative cooling)
Breast tissue is a modified sweat gland which is involved in the female reproductive system
What is the function of nails?
Stiffen and protect digit (toes and fingers)
What is the function of sensory receptors?
Detects stimuli
What is the function of hypodermis
Stores fat for energy use
Inner layer of skin
What are the 4 main types of tissue?
Describe epithelial tissue
Covers body surfaces, lines hollow organs, tubes, cavities and ducts - forms glands
Allow for protection, filtration, secretion, absorption, excretion
Describe connective tissue
Cells in a matrix of fibres and ground substance (gel-like substance)
They protect, support, bind organs, store energy, and transport blood
Describe muscular tissue
Contractile cells that allow for movement
Describe nervous tissue
Conducting cells that allow the body to respond to external stimuli by the production of nerve impulses
Chemicals -> Cells -> Tissues -> Organs -> Systems -> Organisms
List the body’s 6 levels of structural organisation
The building blocks of the body often considered as atoms and molecules
Describe the chemical level of structural organisation
The basic structural and functional units of the body (roughly 200 types exist - each have specific shape and size and function)
Describe the cellular level of structural organisation
Groups of cells that work together to perform a common function. 4 main types exist: epithelial, connective, muscle, nerve
Describe the tissue level of structural organisation
Organs are structures composed of two or more types of tissue
Describe the organ level of structural organisation
Systems consist of multiple related organs that have a common function
Describe the system level of structural organisation
All the systems within an organism work together simultaneously to constitute a living organism
Describe the organism level of structural organisation
- Muscular
- Urinary
- Respiratory
- Digestive
- Endocrine
- Reproductive
- Skeletal
- Lymphatic and Immune
- Integumentary
- Nervous
- Cardiovascular
List the 11 systems of the human body
- Skeletal muscles (axial and appendicular)
- Tendons
- Aponeurose
Name the organs of the muscular system
- Provide skeletal movement
- Control entrance and exit to digestive, respiratory and urinary systems
- Produce heat (muscle shivering)
- Support skeleton
- Protect soft tissues
What is the function of skeletal muscles?
- Tendons connect bone to muscle (eg archilles tendon)
- They translate contractile forces into tasks
What is the function of tendons?
- Aponeuroses connect muscle to muscle
- They translate contractile forces into tasks
What is the function of aponeuroses?
- Support and positioning of axial skeleton
What is the function of axial muscles?
- Support and movement of limbs
What is the function of appendicular muscles?
- Skeleton (axial and appendicular)
- Bones
- Cartilage
- Joints
- Ligaments
- Bone marrow (red and yellow)
Name the organs of the skeletal system
Stores minerals
What is the function of bones?
Protects brain and spinal cord, sense organs, and soft tissues of thorax
Supports body weight
What is the function of the axial skeleton?
Provides internal support and positioning of external limbs
Supports and enables muscles to move skeleton
What is the function of appendicular skeleton?
Bone interface
Many functions
What is the function of cartilage?
Ligaments are fibrous connections between 2 bones
What is the function of ligaments?
Red - production of RBCs
Yellow - storage of fat cells
What is the function of bone marrow?
- CNS (spinal cord and the brain)
- Special senses
Name the organs of the nervous system
Central nervous system acts as the control center (allows short term control of other systems)
What is the function of the CNS?
Carries out complex integrative activities (takes info and responds to chemical and neurological stimuli)
Controls voluntary and involuntary action
What is the function of the brain?
Carries action potentials between the peripheral nerves and the brain
Performs less complex integrative activities (such as the reflex arc -> an action which does not involve the brain)
What is the function of the spinal cord?
Links CNS with other systems and sense organs
What is the function of the PNS?
- Pineal gland
- Hypothalamus / Pituitary gland
- Thyroid gland
- Parathyroid gland
- Thymus
- Adrenal glands
- Kidneys
- Pancreas
- Gonads
Name the organs of the endocrine system
Regulates day and night rhythms (sleep patterns)
What is the function of the pineal gland?
Control center of endocrine system
Regulates growth
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
Regulates metabolic rate
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of the thyroid gland?
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of the parathyroid gland?
Controls maturation of lymphocytes (WBCs)
What is the function of the thymus?
Water and mineral balance
Tissue metabolism
Cardiovascular and respiratory system function (via release of adrenaline -> fight or flight)
What is the function of adrenal glands?
Red blood cell production
Maintain blood pressure
Regulates calcium levels
What is the function of kidneys? (as a part of the endocrine system)
Glucose control
What is the function of pancreas? (as a part of the endocrine system)
Development of sexual characteristics and reproduction
What is the function of gonads?
Lymphatic vessels
Lymphatic fluid
B cells and T cells
Lymph nodes (including tonsils)
Name the organs of the lymphatic system (immune system)
Carry lymph fluid (water and protein) and lymphocytes from peripheral tissues to veins of cardiovascular system where they re-enter blood flow
What is the function of lymphatic vessels?
They carry lymphocytes
What is the function of lymphatic fluid?
Involved in immune response
What is the function of B cells and T cells (lymphocytes)?
Monitor composition of lymph (via filtering, phagocytosis and immune reactions)
Stimulate immune response
Engulfs pathogens
What is the function of lymph nodes?
- consider spleen as a sort of large lymph node -
Monitors circulation of blood cells
Engulfs pathogens
Recycle RBCs
Stimulates immune response
What is the function of the spleen?
Controls development and maintenance of the T cell lymphocytes
What is the function of the thymus?
Name the organs of the cardiovascular system
Maintain blood pressure
Pump blood around body
What is the function of the heart?
Carry blood to the heart
What is the function of veins?
Carry blood away from heart
What is the function of artieries?
Carry blood to and from body cells
Diffusion between blood and tissue fluids
What is the function of capillaries?
Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Transport nutrients and hormones
Remove waste
Temperature regulation
Carry immune cells for defence against illness
Maintain pH levels
What is the function of blood?
Nasal cavity and paransala sinuses
Name the components of the respiratory system
Filter air
Warm air
Humidify air
Detect smell
What is the function of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses?
Conducts air to larynx
What is the function of pharynx?
Protects opening to trachea and contains vocal cords to allow vocalisation
What is the function of larynx?
Conducts air
Contains C- shaped cartilage to prevent collasping
What is the function of trachea?
Conducts air between trachea and lungs
What is the function of bronchi?
Air movement
Gas exchange between alveoli and blood
Acid base control
What is the function of lungs?
Oral cavity
Salivary glands
Small intestine
Large intestine and Anus
Name the components of the digestive system
Breaks up food using teeth and tongue
What is the function of oral cavity
Buffers and lubricant for food
Contain enzymes which breakdown food
What is the function of salivary glands?
Moves food and liquids to the oesophagus
Shared with respiratory system
What is the function of pharynx?
Deliver food to stomach
What is the function of oesophagus?
Digest food using stomach acid
Contains enzymes and hormones
What is the function of stomach?
Contains digestive enzymes
Buffers and hormones
Absorbs nutrients
What is the function of the small intestine?
Secretes bile
Regulates nutrients in blood
What is the function of the liver?
Concentrates bile
What is the function of gallbladder?
Contains digestive enzymes
Endocrine cells
What is the function of pancreas? (as a part of the digestive system)
Water removal
Waste storage and removal
What is the function of the large intestine and the anus?
Name the organs of the urinary system
Form and concentrate urine
Regulate pH and ions
Blood volume and blood pressure
Also a part of endocrine system
What is the function of the kidney? (as a part of the urinary system)
Conduct urine to bladder
What is the function of ureters?
Store urine prior to elimination
What is the function of bladder?
Conducts urine to exterior
What is the function of urethra?
Ductus (vas) deferens
Seminal glands
Prostate gland
Name the components of the male reproductive system
Produce sperm
Produces hormones as a part of the endocrine system
What is the function of testes?
Sperm maturation
What is the function of epididymis?
Sperm from epididymis
What is the function of ductus deferens?
Contain seminal fluid
What is the function of seminal glands?
Produces fluid that nourishes and transports sperm
What is the function of the prostate gland?
Moves sperm outside of body
What is the function of the urethra?
What is the function of the penis?
Holds and protects testes
What is the function of scrotum?
Uterine tubes
Mammary glands
Name the components of female reproductive system
Production of oocytes and hormones as a part of the endocrine system
What is the function of ovaries?
Deliver oocyte
Location where fertilisation of ovum occurs
What is the function of uterine tubes?
Embryonic development
What is the function of uterus?
Sperm reception
Birth canal
What is the function of vagina?
Nutrition for new-born (it is a modified sweat gland hence also a part of integumentary system)
What is the function of mammary glands?
Epidermis (outermost layer)
Dermis (includes hair follicles (hairs and sebaceous glands), sensory receptors and sweat glands)
Name the organs of the integumentary system
Protects surface and deeper tissues
Vitamin D production
What is the function of the epidermis?
Aid in sensation from innervation (supply of nerves)
Produces hairs for protection
Contains sebaceous glands which lubricate skin and make it more impermeable to moisture
What is the function of hair follicles?
Thermoregulation - dissipation of heat via release of moisture (evaporative cooling)
Breast tissue is a modified sweat gland which is involved in the female reproductive system
What is the function of sweat glands?
Stiffen and protect digit (toes and fingers)
What is the function of nails?
Detects stimuli
What is the function of sensory receptors?
Stores fat for energy use
Inner layer of skin
What is the function of hypodermis
What are the 4 main types of tissue?
Covers body surfaces, lines hollow organs, tubes, cavities and ducts - forms glands
Allow for protection, filtration, secretion, absorption, excretion
Describe epithelial tissue
Cells in a matrix of fibres and ground substance (gel-like substance)
They protect, support, bind organs, store energy, and transport blood
Describe connective tissue
Contractile cells that allow for movement
Describe muscular tissue
Conducting cells that allow the body to respond to external stimuli by the production of nerve impulses
Describe nervous tissue