Lecture 4 - McLuhan, Latour Flashcards
What is metis?
strategy opposed to episteme, means to do things, not as progress of reason but strategy based on tools and goals
Difference techne and metis
Techne: just springs out of us without context, as opposed to metis
What is a network?
Divide that divides culture from nature shifts every day
Translation/network is what is needed to understand these phenomena. Latour is in that sense phenomenological, but not human-centered
Science according to Latour
With Latour there is no real science: we invented it to separate the world into understandable pieces. Science emerges out of a set of practices: humans act in a network that constructs science.
Two dichotomy’s latour:
- Work of purification: separation of human world from nonhumans
- Work of translation: complex network gets subsumed to the agency of one actor (agential intent)
Latour on Heidegger
- Modern technology is completely different from poesis (H)
- Modern technology is a superior (H)
- How can technology be a monster if it is merely a set of practices?
Materialist vs sociological narrative
Materialist narrative: you are what you have, technological determinism
Sociological narrative: what matters is what you are not what you have, social determinism
What is mediation?
program of action, the series of goals and steps and intentions
First sense of mediation
- Translation: when agency’s are combined, a different or broader set of goals can be reached than before, which to some degree modifies the two agents
- Problem with materialists and sociologists: starting with subject and object, this makes it impossible for us to measure the mediation of technique
Agent vs actant
Agents: humans (or non-humans)
Actant: any entity that acts in a plot until the attribution of a figurative or non-figurative role, different actorial roles and different goals and functions (=programs of action)
First conclusion of mediation
Responsibility -1:
- Abandoning subject-object dichotomy
- Shared amongst actants
- Prime mover of action becomes a new distributed series of practices, to sum these we must respect mediating role of all the actants
Second sense mediation:
Composition - 2:
- Action is simply not a property of humans but of an association of actants
- Action is enabled by other agents
- Even in subject-object dichotomy, f.e. you still need gun to shoot someone
- What is conserved through transformation of the network
- Symmetry is a part of composition
Third sense of mediation:
Reversible blackboxing – 3:
- Separating the different actants out of the conjunction of the black box is the work of Latour
- When put together in a black box, the separate actants lose their meaning (eg their meaning as a network)
Fourth sense of mediation:
Delegation - 4:
- Techniques modify matter of expression, not only form
- Translation of action into another kind of expression
Delegation is presence of actors and actant from long ago, even disappeared actors/actants.
Resonance symmetry with Heidegger’s poeisis as a calling forth:
- Latour speaks about the stage before we delineate humans and nonhumans, goals and functions, form and matter etc.
- Heidegger: Every occasion for whatever passes beyond the nonpresent and goes forward into presencing is poiesis, bringing-forth [Her-vor-bringen].
- This could be similar to Heideggers idea of essence/Wesen: wesen is about the way something essentially unfolds: this is brought out by poeisis as calling forth
- Aletheia, truth that is unconcealed as the essence of a being, is perhaps similar to the stage Latour is talking about
- With latour, the network is formed through the interaction of actants, which could also be seen as a kind of revealing
- Difference: Heidegger is concerned with the revealing of Being, Latour more with different actant and their relations
What is shifting down (plane example)
Shifting down: making entire network belonging to plane concrete to a singular plane (?)
Point of different kinds of mediation
what Latour tries to understand is concealed point where society and matter exchange properties
- Extension: technology is an extension of us
- Method: probes, process rather than the completed product or discovery
- Concern: media themselves and total cultural environment in which media function
Media as environmental:
- New media-induced environment alters our sensory balance, it also becomes invisible
- Groping towards a consciousness that is unconscious, toward the realization that technology is an extension of our own bodies
- Awareness is first reflected by artists
- Media gives us a new degree of perception
- Environment only becomes visible when superseded by a new environment: we are always one step behind
New media
- Instantaneous communication
- A total and near-instantaneous transformation of culture, values and attitudes
Technological determinism McLuhan:
- How medium is used does not count, but what it does to us
- If we understand transformations, we can control them.
not only scientific or technological (as opposed to plato/Heidegger) but a media history
Advent of phonetic alphabet
barrier between man and object, creating a dualism between sight and sound. Sight became dominant sense, distorting the sensory balance.