Lecture 3 - Heidegger Flashcards
Heideggers phenomenology:
the discourse (Rede) that lets the thing show itself for what it is
Essence of technology is not technological:
- Technology is not a neutral means
- Ambivalent relation to us
- Two definitions of technology: means to an end(instrumental), human activity (anthropological)
- Those definitions align with techne quite a bit
Problematizing instrumental reason:
- Instrumentalism means causality
- Causality means separating consequence and cause
- This separation is a problem for heidegger, other things can also be a cause so its not correct to separate these so strictly
- We might think we understand causality, but in reality we don’t know why we see these things as either a cause or an effect therefore we won’t understand instrumentality
- (base of this could lie in phenomenology, we don’t even see the same phenomenon twice)
4 causes
- Causa materialis: matter
- Causa formalis: shape into which material enters
- Causa finalis: end to which object is determined as to its form and matter
- Causa efficiens: which brings about the effect
- Technology as a means is described by these causes
How does Heidegger see causality?
Heidegger reconstructs causality into responsibility. The thing that exists owes something to the aitia.
How do cause and effect make something appear
- Poiesis Plato: every occasion where nonpresent present is poeisis, eg bringing-forth. Physis is also a poeisis
- Physis: the bursting forward of things in themselves
- Poiesis = bringing-forth not in itself but in another, by the craftsman/artisan, link between poeisis and techne because techne is the reason through which poiesis is obtained
First reification of technology:
- No mere means, but a way of revealing
- With heidegger, techne belongs to poiesis
- Techne is as a revealing and not a manufacturing, this makes it a bringing-forth
Kind of revealing in modern technology
And yet, the revealing that holds sway throughout modern technology does not unfold into a bringing forth in the sense of poiesis . The revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging [herausfordern], which puts to nature the unreasonable demand that it supply energy which can be extracted and stored as such.
What is the problem with challenging?
Challenging is a revealing which never ends: there is no truly unconcealed point of aletheia
What is standing reserve?
Standing reserve = the way in which everything presences that is brought about by the revealing that challenges, whatever is standing reserve no longer stands over us as object
Human is also who drives technology forward, therefore he takes part in ordering as way of revealing, and therefore is challenged more originally
Human nature and unconcealment
- Man is called-forth by unconcealment, meaning he is interpellated by aletheia, if he gives himself over
challenging that gathers man into ordering upon the actual as standing-reserve, in this way man sees his Umwelt as instrumental (not merely supply because it is not about actual availability but about potential)
Technology ≠ technological
Relation between modern technology and science:
- Because the essence of modern technology lies in enframing, modern technology must apply exact physical science
- Through doing so, misconception arises that modern technology is applied physical science
- Physics as a pure theory is already kind of enframing: it sets nature up to exhibit itself as a coherence of forces (think instrumentality), it orders (!) its experiments to ask how nature reports itself when set up this way
Turning/Geschick (destining)
- Man is already in realm of enframing, no subsequent relation is possible
- However, we can ask how we admit ourselves into that wherein enframing unfolds
- Geschick = sending that gathers, destining, starts man upon a way of revealing
- Therefore, poiesis is also a destining
Danger of modern technology:
- Man himself become standing reserve
- Enframing conceals that revealing which, in the sense of poiesis, lets what presences (entbergen) come forth into appearance
Danger and saving power:
- The essence of technology is dangerous, because it is a destining of revealing
- This deprives the human of a more original revealing of a more primal truth
- Saving power lets man into highest dignity of essence, in keeping watch over unconcealment
- The enframing allows man to find belonging in granting, if he pays attention to the essence of technology = saving power
Verschil challenging en challenging forth:
Challenging: de demand dat dingen paraat staan
Challenging-forth: het (productief) voortbrengen (NB: forth - poiesis)
What does energy mean in the sense of Heidegger?
Energie: causa efficiens
matter, hylomorphism is imprint of form onto matter
that what causes another / which is indebted to another
indebts our causes, indebted effect of a cause
to consider carefully, in order to bring forward into appearance
Poeisis (Heidegger)
bringing-forth not in itself but in another, by the craftsman/artisan, link between poeisis and techne because techne is the reason through which poiesis is obtained
truth that is unconcealed as the essence of a being