Lecture 4: Case Studies and Case Selection Flashcards
Uni-dimensional concept (concepts with one attribute)
- dichotomies (either/or)
- purpose = systematizing cases, determining core attributes of a concept
Typologies (same level) and Taxonomy (different levels)
Two- or multidimensional concept (combination of two or more classifications)
- purpose = systematizing cases, determining core attributes of a concept, explanation
Important characteristics of both classifications and taxonomies
- mutual exclusiveness: each case belongs to one class or type only
- exhaustiveness: each case must belong to one class or type
Systematied concepts
Have a structure that determines how attributes are linked to each other
Necessary conditions concept
Case must exhibit ALL attributes in order to be subsumed under the concept
Family resemblance concept
Case must exhibit ONE attribute in order to be subsumed under the concept
Universe of cases, studied and unstudied
Studied cases
Case-centered case studies (ideographic)
Aim is to describe, explain, interpret and/or understand a single case as an end in itself rather than as a vehicle for developing broader theoretical generalizations
- should still be theory-guided and explicitly structured by a well-developed conceptual framework
- interrogates mainly within-case evidence
- usually Y-centered (explanation for outcome)
- leans towards a deterministic way of understanding causal relations
- often focusses on rare events
Theory-centered case studies (nomothetic)
A case study is theory centered when it contributes to the advancement of general theory
- exploratory / hypothesis generating or modifying case study
- confirmatory / hypothesis testing case studies
Different research goals of case studies
- case-centered case studies (ideographic)
- theory-centered case studies (nomothetic)
Selection on the dependent variable
- often levied as a carnal sin by quantitative scholars
- can lead to jumping to conclusions that any characteristic that the selected cases share is a cause
- useful for the development of new theories or the identification of plausible causal variables
General objectives of case selection
- useful variation on the dimensions of theoretical interest ( X and Y )
- representativeness (external validity)
- puzzle (theoretical / empirical)
Strategies of case selection
- Theory based (cross-case vs. within-case) (theoretical prominence of a case)
- Distribution-based = statistical techniques (frequentist or causal inference)
Theory based case selection strategies
- most similar (different outcome) case study design
- most different (same outcome) case study design
- crucial case study design –> most likely / least likely