Lecture 1: Intro to Qualitative Methods Flashcards
What is out there to know about?
What can we know about it?
How can we aquire knowledge?
- broadly analogous
- aim: identify causal relationships
- researcher = objective and value-free
- generate hypothesis and test them (deduction)
- social world = socially constructed
- aim: understanding social phenomena (interpretation is crucial)
- researcher cannot be neutral –> value-mediated
- identify interpreations discourses attach to social phenomena
Critical Realism
- reality is outside of our observational reach
- aim: emancipatory, social change (uncover underlying structures)
- researcher = self-reflective and seeks social change
- theories should be re-evaluated
- metaphysical debates are irrelevant
- aim: understand the research problem (interpretations are true if they have practical utility)
- researcher = cautious and self-counscious
- use all necessary approaches to understand a research problem
What is qualitative research?
- aim: provide novel insights into phenomena that are difficult to measure (processes)
- focuses on perspectives and experiences
- data = textual, visual or audible
- systematic
When is a qualitative research strategy best suited?
When the topic is:
- ill defined / not well understood
- complex, specialist and deeply rooted in personal experiences
- delicate, intangible or sensitive
A good research question is:
- informed by and connected to existing research (cumulative effort)
- focuses on the research topic (feasibility)
- open-minded and non-leading (unbiased)
- open-ended and allows several potential answers
Qualitative research question often…
- focus on peoples perceptions, experiences, beliefs and motivations
- uncover how contextual conditions matter
- are concerned with understanding complex political processes (y-centered)
- aim to understand the beliefs and motivations underlying political behaviors
Deductive reasoning
Top-down approach to knowledge
the rule + the case = the inference
Inductive reasoning
Bottom-up approach to knowledge
the case + the pattern = the generalization
Abductive reasoning
The detective approach to knowledge
- puzzle-out or sense-making process
- researcher is simultaneously puzzling over empirical materials and theoretical literature
the case + the surprising pattern = new hypothesis
Retroductive reasoning
(retro fitted) inference to the best explanation
the case + the surprising patterns = the causal mechanisms