Lecture 4 Flashcards
the general ability to locate feature accurately in geographic space is known as georeferencing
▪ Earth is an irregularly shaped sphere-type object, and to make it easier to work with, we define a datum, a reference or foundation surface against which accurate position measurements can be made
▪Typically, when we discuss elevation, we reference sea-level, a form of datum
▪ but we need to identify a datum that works in all directions:
▪ x–> east-west
▪ y –> north-south
▪ z –> elevation
due to Earth’s rotation around it’s axis, Earth bulges slightly at the equator and is relatively flat at the poles
Earths shape is known as an oblate _____ or ________
spheroid, ellipsoid
the _________________ is the currently accepted ellipsoid – it is the one that the Global Positioning System (GPS) is based on
World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84)
if the ellipsoid defines the ________ shape of Earth, the geoid defines the ________ shape
▪ strictly defined, the geoid is the equipotential surface of Earth’s gravity field
▪ think of the geoid as the shape of Earth if the oceans were allowed to flow freely under the continents to create a single, undisturbed global sea level covering the entire planet
Geoid and Ellipsoid
the geoid and ellipsoid are different representations of Earth’s shape, and from these we are able to generate the most accurate Earth positional information
▪ in some places, the ellipsoid and geoid coincide, but in others they may differ –the difference is known as geoid separation
Geoid Seperation
difference between geoid and ellipsoid
Horizontal Datum
Vertical Datum
▪ a collection of points on Earth that have been identified according to their precise northerly or southerly location (latitude) and easterly or westerly location (longitude)
-currently, the North American Datum 1983 is the most commonly used datum in Canada and the US, although older data products may be related to a different datum
▪a collection of spatially distributed points on Earth with known heights either above or below mean sea level
-in coastal areas, sea level is determined by a tide gauge; for inland areas, sea level is determined by the shape of the geoid
the Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS) had adopted the __________________ as its horizontal datum
North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83)
Geodesy Active Vs. Passive System
▪ passive system: traditional system based on precisely located ground control points
▪ active system: highly precise network of orbital sensors
Today the Canadian Geodetic Vertical Datum is the…
CGVD2013 is used and is based entirely on the geoid
Define Coordinate System
a coordinate system is a framework by which positions are measured and computed on a map
Cartersian Coordinates
▪ Cartesian coordinate system assigns two coordinates (x and y) to every point on a flat surface
▪ these coordinates represent a distance from an origin in the x and the y direction
▪ typically, the origin is in the middle, allowing for both positive and negative coordinates, and results in a quadrant arrangement
▪ to avoid negative values, some coordinate systems use false eastings (x) and false northings (y
parallels of latitude are always equally spaced, and 1° of latitude is about ___ km along the curvature of Earth’s surface anywhere on Earth
1 degree longitude= at 52 degrees
1°𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 111 × cos (𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒) 1°𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 111 × cos (52.13118) 1°𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 111 × 0.613856 1°𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒 = 68.138km
only a globe can reflect the true shape of earth
-a globe depicts true shapes, directions, distances, and areas
Great Circles
great circles: a circle formed on the surface of a globe by a plane that passes through the centre of the sphere
-the arc of a great circle marks the shortest distance between two points across the surface of Earth
map projection
a map projection is a systematic transformation of the 3 dimensional Earth into a 2dimensional flat map
▪ there are many kinds of map projections, but all involve the transfer of the distinctive global patterns of parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude onto a developable surface (eg, plane, cone, or cylinder)
3 main types of map projections
- Planar(orothographic)
- good for looking at poles - conical(perspective conical)
- used often to look at N.A - cylindrical(Mercator)
- world
A projected map will always be deficient in at least one of these: 4
▪ true directions ▪ true distances ▪ true areas ▪ true shapes
a map is ________ when at any point on the map the scale is the same in every direction, such that meridians and parallels intersect at right angles – this preserves the true shape of features, although the size will be distorted
▪a map is __________ if every part of the map, as well as the map as a whole, has the same area as the corresponding part on Earth, at the same reduced scale
ex: goodes
▪ no map can be both conformal and equal-area
no map can be both conformal and equal-area