Lecture 2 Flashcards
4 Main Components of GIS
1.Hardware: the computer platform and peripherals associated with the GIS
▪ input devices: keyboard/mouse, scanner, digitizing tablet
▪ computer: high speed CPU and >6 GB RAM, and a large (or multiple) monitor are necessary for processing large spatial data sets
▪ output devices: high quality colour printers and large format plotters
2.Software: there are many different GIS programs out there, and you should compare your needs with the features associated with each program
▪ vector data requires a robust ability to process linear networks (eg, roads) and polygons (eg, land parcels)
▪ raster data requires a program that is adept at raster data analysis, and a computer able to handle large file sizes
3.Liveware: the characteristics and capabilities of the people responsible for designing, implementing, and using the GIS
▪ proper use of a GIS depends on people to structure the research questions, perform the analysis, and then judge whether the information extracted from the GIS is of value
-3 Main people involved-designer(ex:software engineers), technicians(ex: if something goes wrong), and User
4.Data: a successful GIS analysis needs specially prepared geospatial data
▪ garbage in, garbage out…
if your only using Raster Data, ArcGIS is probably not the best- ______ becomes best
What is an OGC and what is its function
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a global online community that works to make GIS interoperable by building links that allow the accurate and efficient transfer of information derived using many of the most popular commercial and public GIS Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a global online community that works to make GIS interoperable by building links that allow the accurate and efficient transfer of information derived using many of the most popular commercial and public GIS
Parts of the GIS business: 3
1.GIS software development
2.GIS data acquisition
3. GIS Value-Added Services
▪ a massive industry of businesses using GIS to answer geographic questions for clients
in Canada, ________ is the primary portal for governmentbased spatial data
Town of Oakville example
-example of open sourced GIS which is available through city website
_____-Parent company of ARCGIS
in reality, we typically identify two forms of spatial data:
- Discrete
- occur when data points can be located in a specific location and/or their values are either finite or a countable number of possible values - Continuous
- occur when a phenomenon of interest continuously changes in space and/or contains values from infinitely many possible values
Vector Spatial Model
the vector spatial model is what you think of when you draw a map
– they are made up of 3 basic features:
▪ polygons: 3 or more points connected by a closed set of lines
▪ lines: an x-y coordinate at each end
▪ points: an x-y coordinate pair
Points in vector data
a point is the most basic vector feature, and are typically used to identify discrete features on Earth’s surface (oil wells, historic landmarks, telephone poles, fire stations, etc.)
▪ points do not have any spatial scale, so we cannot identify their size or shape, just their location
▪ points can have any number of attributes attached to them (age of the mine, depth of the main shaft, quality of the ore, tonnes extracted per month, number of employees, etc.)
Lines in Vector Data
a line is a 1-dimensional feature that has location properties and length
▪ all lines have at least 2 points (beginning and end), often referred to as nodes
▪ other points may be located along the line, indicated where the line changes direction, and are called vertices
Polygon in Vector Data
▪ a polygon is a 2-dimensional feature that is bounded by a continuous line, and has both size and perimeter properties
▪ polygons are composed of a start-end node and several vertices which define the shape
▪ the length of the perimeter line and the area of the space contained within the perimeter are fundamental properties of the polygon
▪ adjacent polygons can share nodes along common boundaries
the vector model is strongly impacted by the _______
▪ on a world map, a city is represented by a point, but as a polygon on a large scale map
▪ topology is an important component of the vector model, and defines the relationship between features and describes how spatial data share geometry
▪ when using GIS, you will rarely work with a single spatial data set
– multiple data sets, especially if they come from multiple sources, will be slightly different
▪ for instance, consider 2 maps of Canada drawn at different scales
– GIS can plot both together but it is unlikely that the provincial borders fall exactly on one another
– this is a topological error
▪ consider topology to be a form of error correction
– all spatial data contain some form of error and topological correction seeks to eliminate these
Name 2 types of topological error associated with lines
▪ open polygons occur when the polygon does not close, therefore it is a line feature, not a polygon
▪ overshoots and undershoots occur where line features that intersect in reality do not do so in the GIS
-overshoots go well past the line
-undershoots do not touch the line
topology is based on 3 basic elements:
- ▪ adjacency: information about the neighbourhoods of different objects
- ▪ connectivity: information about the links between spatial objects
- critical for road networking - ▪ enclosure: information about spatial features that enclose other spatial features
▪ these are important in spatial analysis
- eg, enclosure can be used to determine the presence of an island within a lake, or adjacency can be used to compare one polygon to those around it
a georelational data model..
stores spatial and attribute data in separate files– spatial data are stored in graphics files and attribute data are stored in a relational database
▪ an identifier is used to link the
▪ unfortunately, this data model requires the software to constantly go back and forth between the spatial and attribute data
– this is slow and inefficient, but many older datasets still use this format
What is a “Coverage”
▪ in GIS, a coverage is a digital vector storage framework with built-in topology
▪ a coverage is a framework– a collection of files and directories that are linked together to create a cohesive vector layer
▪ coverages are not single files that can be copied and pasted like a typical file – they must be maintained within the confines of special file management software built into the GIS
▪ separate tables are used for points, lines, and polygons and connected to the spatial data using an identifier
For Coverage, separate tables are used for points, lines, and polygons and connected to the spatial data using an identifier
▪ shapefiles contain non-topological vector data and attribute information in a dataset – the geometry of features is stored as shapes that comprise a set of vector coordinates
▪ since shapefiles do not have the topological information like coverages, they do not have the same processing requirements and are generally able to read, display, and analyze more quickly and take up less disk space
-all shapefiles have at least 3 associated files: *.shp that holds the geometric shape; *.shx that contains an index file that links the geometry to the attributes; and *.dbf that contains the attributes
a collection of objects with the same attributes, which can be grouped into superclasses of subclasses
an object-based model that maintains topologically integrated spatial datasets – vector data is stored as points, lines and polygons and further organized into feature classes and feature datasets
3 kinds of geodatabase
1.file geodatabase:
stored as folders in a file system; ideal for single users or small workgroups
2.Personal Geodatabase:
stored in a MS Access data file; best used when there is a single data author/editor and a small number of users
3.ArcSDE geodatabase:
stored using ORACLE, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, or IBM Informix; they are unlimited in size and number of users
Raster Model
raster data have a more simple data structure than vector data and are represented in space by an array (or grid) of cells
cells are arranged in rows and columns, and each cell is usually square –The cells are commonly called picture elements or pixels(slide 29)
each cell contains a value that describes the phenomenon being examined (land use, vegetation type, elevation, brightness, presence/absence, etc.)
▪ raster data are especially useful for describing spatial phenomena that vary continuously across space
▪ air temperature is difficult to display as a vector – you can show individual measurement stations as points, but what about the space between stations?
▪ elevation is commonly represented as a special raster format known as a digital elevation matrix (DEM)