Chapter 3 Flashcards
coordinate pairs
coordinate space
specifies the location and shape of a particular feature
is an agreed-upon range of coordinates used to portray the features
map units
the point of coordinates marked 0,0
-origin of the coordinate system
the surveyor uses meters to record the distances and determine the coordinates, therby establishing meters as the map units
Geographic Coordinate System(GCS)
System of measurment using degrees as units and longitude and latitude
datum: different approximations have been developed to meet specific mapping needs, each one representing a slightly different shape for the earth
earth’s shape is a _____, an oblong sphere with a major and aminor axis
the closest approximation to earths shape is the _____
-based on gravity and sea level
A datum that finds the best fit overall is called an ____-______ datum
A datum of best fit for a particular region is called a ____ datum
earth centrered
-World Geodetic Survey of 1984 is an earth centered datum based on the WGS 1984 annd is commonly used for international data sets and web maps, default for most GPS’s.
ex: NAD83
at times it is necessary to convert from one datum to another
converting locations on a globe to locations on a piece of paper
projections are grouped into three major classes
- cylindrical
- lies tangent to(touches) the earth at the equator along a great circle
- transverse projection is when you rotate the cylinder sideways and make it tangent to the earth along a line of longitude
- preserve shape or direction at the expense of area and distance - Oblique
- places the tangent line at an angle
- distortion increases away from tangent line - Conic
- is based on setting a cone on the sphere
- if the cone is tangent to the globe along a line of altitude, then the projection is tangent
- line of tangency is called standard parallel
- you can also place the cone through the sphere so that it touches in two places-a secant projection
- polar projections are also part of this
- preserve area or distance at the expense of direction and shape
four properties of map features may be distorted:
area, distance, shape, and direction
Rasters have coordinate systems and projections just as vector feature classes do.
-rasters can be projected from one coordinate system to another, although the algorithms are more complicated
_____(1st order) transformation can translate, rotate, and skew the image to match the points
2nd order: shape is messed with
3rd order: shape and parallelism messed with
in second or third order transformation allows the image to stretch or contract locally for a better fit
Root Mean Square error
used to measure the difference in distance between ground control points
- 6 DEGREE intervals, producing 60 zones around the world
- false northing= 10 million meters
- false easting=500,000 meters
Project tool
outside data from different coordinate systems are always converted to the official one at the outset
THE x and y values are always correct?