Lecture 4 Flashcards
What is the purpose of CPR
pushing air out from the main aorta
where is the subcostal groove and what does it contain?
the lower margin of every rib
special name for cartilage in intervertebral disks?
hyaline cartilage
where is the intervertebral foramen
between the vertebrae
what travels in the intervertebral foramen
The spinal nerve
Outer layer of the intervertebral disc
Anulus fibrosus, divided into rings, Fibro cartilage
Inner layer of the intervertebral disc
Nucleus Pulposis
Nucleus Pulposis, what is it’s function
lots of cells and expands laterally to absorb compression
Fibro cartilage?
cartilage that contains fibrous bundles of collagen
Spinal disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc, is a medical condition affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fibrous ring of an intervertebral disc allows the soft, central portion to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. It will also constrict the nerves
2nd sternal costal joint type?
synovial joint
in a synovial joint, what are the four characteristics
periosteum, fibrous capsule, synovial fold (produces fluid to lubricate movement)
(hyline cartilage), and the joint cavity
What is the difference between single and double synovial joints
Double has a disk between the joints allow gliding and sliding, and two separate synovial cavities
joint of 1st rib to manubrium?
what surrounds a joint?
articular cartilage (which has blood vessels only in its deepest layers close to bone- hence an ideal tissue characteristic to distribute load at the enlarge surface area.
what does the inner layer of the articular capsule form?
highly vascular synovial membrane which secretes small amount of synovial fluid to the joint cavity (synovial fold)
what are bursae
Closed balloon-like sacs containing minimal lubricating fluids (like synovial fluid) are found in many areas of the body where movement may form friction e.g., between tendons ligaments
what continues on from the intercostal muscles to the sternum/vertebrea
intercostal membranes (anterior and posterior)
what clasps the internal thoracic vessels
the innermost muscles (limited to the sternal area)
two branches of intercostal artery?
anterior and posterior
what is the process to remove air and fluid from the cavities?
Tube thoracostomy
what vein drains the thorax
azygous vein (drains the right side)
what vein drain the left intercostal veins
hemi-azygous veins (drains into the azygous)
points of attachment for the diaphragm?
ribs 7-12, arcuate ligaments, left crus (L1-3), right crus (L1-2), back of xyphoid process,insertion, it’s own central tendon.
visceral pleura surface markings
Midclavicular - 6th rib, midaxillary 8th rib, paravertebral - 10th rib
visceral pleura surface markings
Midclavicular - 6th rib, midaxillary 8th rib, paravertebral - 10th rib
pheripheral pleura surface markings
Midclavicular - 8th rib, midaxillary 10th rib, paravertebral - 12th rib
inflammation of the pleura
proximal passageway of the airways
kept open by cartilaginous rings
distal branching of the passageways`
very thin wall between air and passageway