Lecture 38 And Beyond Flashcards
2 Groups of Independent Interval Data
Student T-test
≥3 Groups of Independent Interval Data
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (1 DV)
- Both tests compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a Single DV
- Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) (≥2 DVs)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against Multiple DV’s
- If 3+ group comparison significant, must perform a post-hoc test to determine where differences are…
≥3 Groups of Independent Interval Data w/ Confounders
- Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a single DV while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
- Multiple Analysis of Co-Variance (MANCOVA) (≥2 DVs)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against multiple DV’s while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
2 Groups of Paired/Related Interval Data
- Paired t-test
- Compares the mean values between groups that are related
≥3 Groups of Paired/Related Interval Data
- Repeated Measures ANOVA (1 DV)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) of related data against a single DV
- Repeated Measures MANOVA (≥2 DVs)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) of related data against multiple DV’s
- If 3+ group comparison significant, must perform a post-hoc test to determine where differences are…
≥3 Groups of Paired/Related Interval Data w/ Confounders
- Repeated Measures ANCOVA
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against a single DV while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
- Repeated Measures MANCOVA (≥2 DVs)
- Compares the means of all groups (along with intra- and inter-group variations) against multiple DV’s while also controlling for the co-variance of confounders
Post-hoc Tests for 3 or more Group Comparisons (Interval)
- Student-Newman-Keul test
- Compares all pairwise comparisons possible
- All groups must be equal in size
- Dunnett test
- Compares pairwise comparisons against a single control
- All groups must be equal in size
- Dunn test
- Compares all pairwise comparisons possible
- Useful when all groups are not of equal size
- Tukey or Scheffe tests
- Compares all pairwise comparisons possible
- All groups must be equal in size
- Tukey test slightly more conservative than the Stu.N.K.
- Scheffe test less affected by violations in normality and homogeneity of variances – most conservative
- Bonferroni correction
- Adjusts the p value for # of comparisons being made
- Very conservative
Validation/Assessment Committee
- Kappa statistic
– agreement between evaluators (consistency of “decisions”, “determinations”) - Kappa Interpretation:
- +1 = The observers perfectly “classify” everyone exactly the same way
- 0 = There is no relationship at all between the observers’ “classifications”, above the agreement that would be expected by chance
- -1 = The observers “classify” everyone exactly the opposite of each other
– Kappa (K) value can be + or -; + = good agreement; - = poor agreement
Peruse the Shit out of the rest of those slides.
So…what “Were” you gonna be when you grew up?
National Clinical Trials number (NCT#)
- Auniqueidentifier # assigned by clinicaltrials.gov once research protocol is submitted prior to studyinitiation
- Purpose was to reduce publication bias
- ClinicalTrials.gov is an ICMJE‐acceptable public registry,offering up‐to‐date information for locatinginterventional studies starting/in‐progress
- National Institutes of Health (NIH), through its NationalLibrary of Medicine (NLM), developed site incollaboration with FDA (FDA Modernization Act (1997))
2 things needed to asses a study?
- To accurately assess a study, readers needcomplete, clear, and transparent information onthe study’s methodology and findings. They didn’t used to be very good at reporting all lucid detailed needed evidence.
- Used for interventional studies
- randomized interventional trials
- CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials
- www.consort‐statement.org
- Extension Documents:
- Design Extensions for:
- Non‐Inferiority & Equivalence Trials
- Cluster Trials
- Design Extensions for:
- Pragmatic Trials
- Broadly defined as a randomized, controlled trial whosepurpose is to inform decisions about clinical practice
- Aphilosophy as a continuum, not a dichotomy
- meant for systematic reviews of randomized trials
- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews andMeta‐Analyses
- www.prisma‐statement.org
- observational studies (cohort, casecontrol, cross‐sectional)
- STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational Studiesin Epidemiology
- www.strobe‐statement.org
- Extension Documents:
- Molecular Epidemiology Studies (STROBE‐ME)
- Genetic Association Studies (STREGA)
- STrengthening the REporting of Genetic AssociationStudies
- www.strega‐statement.org
- reporting evaluations with nonrandomized designs of behavioral and publichealth interventions
- Transparent Reporting of Evaluations with Nonrandomized Designs
- www.cdc.gov/trendstatement
- tumormarkerprognostic studies
- REporting Recommendations for Tumor MARKer Prognostic Studies
- genetic risk prediction studies
- Genetic RIsk Prediction Studies
- diagnostic studies
- STAndards for the Reporting of Diagnostic AccuracyStudies
- www.stard‐statement.org
- systematic reviews of multiplediagnostic studies
- QUality Assessment of Studies of Diagnostic Accuracyin Systematic Reviews (revised; 2nd ed.)