Lecture 14: Association, Causal Inference, And Causality Flashcards
What is the relation between association and causation?
- Causal relationships are Complex phenomena
- Commonly, multiple-component (factor) issues
- Epidemiological studies may yield (statistical) ASSOCIATIONS (a.k.a., relationships; OR/RR/HR) between Exposure and Disease
- Yet, does the Exposure “CAUSE” the Disease? (Pssst…not often)
What is the definition for causality?
For associations?
- An precursor event/condition/characteristic REQUIRED for the occurrence of the Disease
- Recall, Associations are relationships between an Exposure and an Outcome/Disease
What are the three types of association?
3 Types of Associations (Relationships)
- Artifactual (a.k.a.; False) Associations
- Non-causal Associations
- Causal Associations
What causes artifactual associations?
Artifactual Associations can arise from Bias and/or Confounding
How do non-causal associations occur?
Causal associations?
Non-causal Associations can occur in 2 different ways:
A. The Disease may cause the Exposure (rather than the Exposure causing the Disease)
- Example: RA leading to physical inactivity
B.The Disease and the Exposure are both associated with a third factor (Confounding)
- Example: The positive association shown between:
– Coffee drinking & CHD, or
– Down’s syndrome & Birth-order
- Causal associations are the ones they’re usually looking for:
- Exposure -> Outcome
Name the 3 types of causal relationships
- Sufficient Cause
- Necessary Cause
- Component Cause (Risk Factor)
Describe Sufficient Cause
- A set of minimal conditions/events that inevitably produce disease
- A CAUSE which precedes a disease, and if present, the disease will ALWAYS occur
- Quite rare; apart from genetic abnormalities
- Sufficient causes can still have multiple, required ‘components’ (termed COMPONENT CAUSES; a.k.a. RISK FACTORS)) that collectively act to induce disease
Describe Necessary Cause
- A Cause which Precedes a disease and has the following Relationship with it:
- Cause must be present for the disease to occur, yet the Cause may Also be present Without the disease occurring
- Example: Mycobacterium tuberculosis; a necessary cause for TB to be diagnosed, yet can be present in individuals without clinical symptoms of the disease
Describe Component Cause (Risk Factor)
Component Cause (a.k.a. Risk Factor)
- Something that, if present/active, increases the PROBABILITY (OR LIKELIHOOD) of a particular disease
- Example: High LDL levels are RF for AMI
- Example: Smoking is a RF for lung cancer
- Some patients must be “primed” or “susceptible” to disease before Component Causes induce disease (multi-factorial)
What are the two types of interactions in causal research?
- Synergism
- Parallelism
Describe Syngergism
Suggested Very NTK
- The biological-interaction of 2 or more component causes such that the combined measure of effect is greater than the sum of the individual effects
- Example: If gene- & environmental-factors acted together (in synergy), infants would only get the congenital disorder if exposed to BOTH factors
Describe Parallelism
Also quite NTK
- The biological-interaction of 2 or more component causes such that the measure of effect is greater if EITHER is present
- Example: Infants would only get the congenital disorder if exposed to either the gene- or environmental-factor but would not get the disorder if exposed to neither
- See Slide 10
Describe Multiple Causation
- Multiple component-causes working in concert to collectively become sufficient causes
- Example: CHD
What does inductively-oriented criteria
- Inductively-Oriented criteria are used:
- Hill’s Criteria (But really Guidelines)
- Derived following U.S. Surgeon General’s 1964 report on smoking
- “In what circumstances can we pass from this OBSERVED ASSOCIATION to a verdict of CAUSATION?”
- Hill disagreed that “hard-and-fast” rules of evidence could be generated by which to judge likelihood of causation
What is the Causal Inference Process
- HILLS CRITERIA: (guidelines)
1. Strength
2. Consistency (Specificity)
3. Temporality
4. Biologic Gradient
5. Plausibility (Coherence, Experiment, Analogy)
The higher the number of criteria met, when evaluating an ‘ASSOCIATION, the more likely it MAY be causal.