Lecture 33 Flashcards
Smooth muscle strucutre:
No t-tubules
-Dense bodies act like z-lines to anchor actin to sarcolemma
-In unitary smooth muscle cells gap junctions electrically connect the cells together
- Intermediate filament is cytoskeleton element
- Poorly developed SR
Single unit smooth muscle:
Sheets of cells that are electriclaly coupled and act as one unit. Found in most blood vessels and hollow organs.
Tissue made of discrete bundles of independent cells which are densely innervated and contract only in response to its innervation (eg vas deferens, iris protectors)
Contractile proteins:
No striations, contain actin and myosin filaments
-Less organized, allows for greater shortening
How does contraction initiate?
- Trigger is an increase in intracellular calcium. The Ca2+ entering through channels in the cell membrane is a very important source of calcium.
- Can be neural, hormonal or spontaneous.
Source of calcium in smooth muscle:
Extracellular and SR
Calcium regulation in smooth muscle: VDCC:
Voltage dependent Ca2+ channels
Calcium regulation in smooth muscle: SOC:
Store operated Ca2+ channel
Calcium regulation in smooth muscle: ROC:
Receptor operated Ca2+ channel (often regulated by DAG second messenger pathway)
Calcium regulation in smooth muscle: Hormones or neurotransmitter acting on G-protein receptors to incre
hormones such as angiotensin II or neurotransmitter (eg noradrenaline) acting on G-protein receptors to increase IP3 levels, which act on IP3 ,ediated calcium release channels in SR
Ca2+ ATPase in surface membrane, Ca@+/Mg2+ exchangers, SERCA pumps, Na+/Ca2+ exchangers all important in ___
Ca2+ extrusion
Initiation of contraction step 1 (smooth muscle) : Calcium ions enter the cytosol from the ECF via __
voltage-dependent or voltage-independent Ca2+ channels, or from the scant SR.
Initiation of contraction (smooth muscle) step 2: Ca2+ binds to activates:
Calmodulin, in smooth muscle the regulatory protein is calmodulin.
Initiation of contraction (smooth muscle) step 3:
- The activated calmodulin then activates myosin light chain kinase MLCK, an enzyme
Activation of MLCK:
Regulation is myosin, not actin, based.
Myosin does not hydrolyse ATP unless it is first phosphorylated.
-Phosphorylates the light chain, in the presence of the activated calmodulin
Step 4: MLCK activates the myosin by ___, which
phosphorylating it, which in turn activates the myosin ATPases.
Step 5:
Activated myosin forms cross bridges with actin of the thin filaments and shortening begins in the usual fashion
Initiation of contraction (smooth muscle) summary:
- Increased intracellular Ca++
- Calmodulin (CaM) activation
- Activation of calmodulin dependent protein kinase (myosin light chain kinase :MLCK)
- Phosphorylisation of myosin
- Action/myosin interaction resulting in contraction
- MLCK is active only in the presence of small Ca-binding protein, calmodulin (And only when it has Ca bound)
Smooth muscle relaxation:
Contraction ends when a myosin light chain phosphotase dephosphorylates the myosin light chain.
- Ca-ATPase is the primary mechaism for reducing intracellular Ca++
- Cmooth muscle contraction is enzyme regulated - slow but efficient
Innervation of smooth muscle: ____ in the terminal axons contain neurotransmitter
Innervation of smooth muscle: Neurotransmitter is secreted into
the matrix coating and diffuses into the muscle cells
Innervation of smooth muscle: Autonomic nerve fibers:
branch and form diffuse junctions with underlying smooth muscle fibers.