lecture 32: diseases and disorders 4: pregnancy Flashcards
What happens during early pregnancy?
- up to 12- 16 weeks placenta invades the inner 1/3 of the uterine myometrium
- remodels the maternal spiral aterioles
- converts to high capacitance (i.e. accommodates large volumes) and low resistance system
- net result - slow moving rivers of blood allowing optimal exchange of nutrients and waste between mother and foetus

What is spiral arteriole remodelling?
- normal placental remodelling
- increased risk of foetal growth restriction and preeclampsia
- watch this

What is miscarriage?
- spontaneous abortion
- biology
- occurs in 10-15% of clinically recognised pregnancies
- 50% have chromosomal errors
- thus about 50% due to genetic errors, possibly 50% due to implantation errors
- risk increases with maternal age
- clinical presentation and diagnosis
- vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains/cramping
- clinical investigations:
- serum hCG does not rise (or falls) when taken 48hrs apart
- on ultrasounds, absence of foetal cardiac activity (diagnostic if no foetal heart and the gestational sac size is greater than 25mm, or crown-rump length more than 7mm)
- overview of management
- surgical: suction curettage
- medical: expectant management ± misoprostol (prostaglandins) to induce uterine contractions
What is ectopic pregnancy?
- pregnancy implants outside of the uterus, mainly the fallopian tubes
- biology
- occurs in 1-2% of all pregnancies
- never viable
- a serious gynaecological emergency: can rupture through the fallopian tube, causing massive haemorrhage
- clinical presentation and diagnosis
- vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains/cramping
- thus, can masquerade as miscarriage
- often pain is far more severe
- clinical investigations:
- serum hCG and ultrasound (may see ectopic mass outside uterus)
- if hCG is more than 1500 IU/L, a gestational sac should be visible in the uterus if it is a normal pregnancy
- if not, there should be a high index of suspicion it is an ectopic pregnancy
- vaginal bleeding and abdominal pains/cramping

How is ectopic pregnancy managed?
- surgery
- a mainstay of treatment
- two types:
- salpingostomy: cut along the top of the ectopic, pull out the sac, leaver rest of tube
- salpingectomy: take out the entire tube, including the ectopic
- laparoscopic salpingectomy is the most common surgical treatment approach
- medical
- if the ectopic pregnancy is small (e.g. serum hCG less than 3000 IU/L and sac size on ultrasound smaller than 3-4cm), could treat with methotrexate
- expectant management:
- if the ectopic pregnancy is very small (e.g. serum hCG less than 500 IU/L), can watch and monitor hCG levels
What are foetal anomalies?
- structural foetal anomalies
- about 2% incidence of major foetal structural anomalies
- some associated with chromosomal/genetic abnormalities
- increased chance of genetic abnormalities if multiple anomalies
- about 4-5% incidence of minor anomalies
- possibly minor increase with IVF
- about 2% incidence of major foetal structural anomalies
- approach to management
- ultrasound diagnosis
- consider amniocentesis for genetic analysis
- either cytogenetic analysis (including FISH), or prenatal microarray
- further management depends on type of abnormality
- ranges from postnatal repair (cardiac abnormalities), foetal surgery (diaphragmatic hernia) or termination (multiple abnormalities)
What is downs syndrome?
- extra chromosome 21 (three instead of 2)
- discrete syndrome (intellectual and physical disabilities, characteristic facies)
- 1 in 600-700
- significantly increased risk with increasing maternal age
- e.g. age 30: 1 in 940
- age 40: 1 in 85
- management
- may decide for no testing
- screening tests
- e.g. first trimester combined screening (blood test 10 week and ultrasound at 12 weeks), or new Non-invasive prenatal test (blood test, highly accurate)
- the only way to diagnose for sure is an amniocentesis
- no curative options
- either termination of pregnancy or continue with the pregnancy
At what point in early pregnancy are these complications a risk?
- miscarriage: high risk at start, decreases with increased time of pregnancy
- ectopic pregnancy: equal risk over first ten weeks (detection)
- strucutral anomalies: equal risk over first 10 weeks (detection)
- downs syndrome: equal risk over first 20 weeks (detection)

What are complications of later pregnancy?
- spotaneous preterm labour
- foetal growth restriction
- preeclampsia
- gestational diabetes
What happens when a complication arises in later pregnancy?
- the aim of obstetric care is to deliver the baby at a gestation which allows the best chance of a good outcome, while minimising risks to the mother and baby
- i.e. the more advanced in gestation, the lower the threshold for delivery
What is preterm delivery?
- 5-10% incidence
- defined as delivery less than 37 weeks: more severe if delivery less than 32-34 weeks
- threshold of viability around 24 weeks
- 60% are spontaneous preterm birth (i.e. the uterus starts contracting)
- remaining 40% are ‘iatrogenic’, the clinicians had to deliver the baby early for other reasons, mainly preeclampsia or foetal growth restriction
- the cost:
- the preterm foetus is at risk of complications of prematurity
- more serious complications with earlier gestations
- immediate: death, intracerebral bleeding, respiratory distress syndrome bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotising enterocolitis
- later in life: cognitive delay, mental disability

How is threatened spontaneous preterm labour managed?
- give corticosteroids to prepare foetus
- injected into mother
- shown to be beneficial in accelerating foetal lung maturation and has other benefits (decreases death by 50%, respiratory distress syndrome by 50% etc)
- give agents to try to decrease the contractions
- nifedipine (blocks caclium receptor)
- atosiban (blocks oxytocin receptor, not licensed in Australia)
- we do not know whether these agents work
- transfer the mother to a hospital where the paediatric team can care for the preterm foetus
- e.g. level 3 (tertiary hospital) if threatened preterm birth at less than 34 weeks gestation
What is foetal growth restriction?
- or intrauterine growth restriction
- the foetus does not grow to its genetic potential
- it affects 5-10% of all pregnancies
- 80% of foetal growth restriction is due to abnormal placental implantation
- placenta in a state of chronic hypoxia
- does not supply foetus with sufficient oxygenation and nutrients
- the remaining 20% are associated with foetal:
- structural abnormalities
- chromosomal or genetics
- infections
What is the normal growth trajectory?

What happens with foetal growth restriction in regards to growth trajectory?

Of what are growth restricted foetuses at higher risk?
- still birth

What is the approach to managing foetal growth restriction?
- overall approach is to time delivery, balancing risks of prematurity and perceived risk of stillbirth to baby
- deliver if growth restricted (less than 10th centile) and the foetus has reached term (more than 37 weeks gestation)
- if preterm growth restriction, perform serial ultrasound tests of foetal wellbeing, and try to leave the foetus in utero for as long as possible before delivery
- foetal tests of wellbeing include:
- measuring blood flows in umbilical artery (more resistance to flow with a sicker, hypoxic baby)
- measure amniotic fluid around baby (decreased fluid with sicker baby)
What is preeclampsia?
- factors are released from the placenta into the maternal circulation, causing organ injury
- defective implantation
- endothelial dysfunction → release of placental factors
- end-organ injury
- e.g. blood pressure, kidney, brain, liver
What are maternal organ systems affected by preeclampsia?
- mediated vai maternal endothelial dysfunction
- maternal blood vessels
- hypertension always part of the diagnostic criteria
- kidney
- most common organ affected
- if affeted, increased urinary protein, abnormal renal function tests (blood test)
- liver
- more severe form if affected, can cause liver rupture
- if affected, abnormal liver function tests, sharp pains
- haematological system
- low platelets, low clotting factors (very dangerous)
- if affected, abnormal blood tests
- nervous system/brain
- can cause the dreaded eclamptic fit, and potentially a stroke (bleed into the brain)
- foetus
- preeclampsia can be associated with foetal growth restriction
- if present, it adds complexity to the management (need to watch both mother and foetus)
- factors released from the placenta cause maternal multi-organ injury
- once there is organ injury, there is usually progression of organ damage
- other organ systems may become affectyed
- the only cure is delivery - there is no other treatment
- in preterm preeclampsia, the clinician is sometimes forced to deliver the baby early to save the mother
- but this inflicts the foetus with ‘iatrogenic’ prematurity
- thus, the need to deliver the mother preterm comes at a cost to the foetus
How is preeclampsia managed?
- preterm preeclampsia
- try to coast the pregnancy along to a gestation where foetal outcomes can be optimised
- to do this, the maternal condition has to be very closely monitored
- the patient needs delivery if there is signficant deterioration
- situations mandating delivery irrespective of foetal gestation include:
- significant liver or renal injury
- occurrence of an eclamptic fit
- preeclampsia that has reached term
- induce and deliver the patient
What is gestational diabetes?
- 5-10% of all pregnancies
- excessive blood glucose, caused by peripheral insulin resistance
- drive in part by ‘diabetogenic’ proteins released from placenta (e.g. human placental lactogen)
- worsened in the patient has preexisting metabolic syndrome/obese
- the complications that can arise:
- foetal overgrowth: macrosomia, leading to caesarean sections, shoulder dystocia, neonatal problems
- foetal growth restriction
- increased amniotic fluid leading to unstable lie
- if very poorly controlled sugars, foetus may be at increased risk of still birth
How is gestational diabetes diagnosed?
- oral glucose tolerance test: mother given a load of glucose to drink and their blood sugars at 1 and 2 hours tested
- diagnosis made if 2 hours sugars are more than 8mmol/L
- usually performed at 28 weeks gestation
How is gestational diabetes managed?
- the mother
- control of blood sugars
- regular monitoring of blood sugar levels (BSLs), 4 times a day
- aim for 2 hours after meals of less than 6.5 mmol/L
- otions for sugar control
- diet control (achieved in 70-80% of cases; low GI foods)
- insulin (or metformin), if diet cannot lower blood sugar levels to target
- control of blood sugars
- the baby
- measure foetal growth at around 32-34 weeks by ultrasound
- may offer tests of foetal wellbeing
- if on insulin, some will offer induction of labour at 39 weeks gestation
- the aftermath:
- the diabetes will immediately end after birth
- BUT, mother has a 50% lifetime risk of developing type II diabetes
What is risk and timing of later pregnancy complications?
- spontaneous preterm birth from 22 weeks onward increased risk to term
- foetal growth restriction: from 20 weeks onward increasing risk
- preeclampsia: same
- gestational diabetes: continuous risk from around 28 weeks onward

What is timing of clinical care in human pregnancy?
- first visit: before 10 weeks, ultrasound and blood tests
- 10-13 weeks: downs syndrome test offered
- 20 weeks: foetal anomaly ultrasound
- 28 weeks: gestational diabetes test
- also:
- with each antenatal visit we screen for major complications:
- preeclampsia: blood pressure
- foetal growth restriction: tape measure on abdomen → refer for an ultrasound if it measures as small
- with each antenatal visit we screen for major complications:
- for:
- miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy: presents with symptoms or incidentally at early pregnancy ultrasound
- spontaneous preterm labour: patient presents with uterine contractions
What are developing treatments for ectopic pregnancy?
- medication treatment
- phase I trial - GEM study

What is a new diagnostic method?
- measuring mRNA in maternal blood
- circulating RNA from the foetus
What are developing treatments for preeclampsia?
- therapeutic strategies: targeting the placental factors
- nanoparticles to deliver drugs directly to the placenta
- therapeutic neutralising antibodies
- small molecules (conventional drugs)