lecture 28: manipulating domestic animal reproduction 2 Flashcards
What is a typical oestrus syncrhonisation programme?
- time (days): event
- 0: insert CIDR
- 9: inject PGF2a (am + pm)
- 10: remove CIDR + GnRH
- 11: heat check am, pm
- 12: heat check am, pm
- → A.I or natural mating
- → embryo transfer on day 7 post-oestrus
- many synchronisation programmes
- depends on species and country of use (legislation)
- depends on reason for synchronising
What is superovulation?
- males not limited
- genetically superior females
- increase number of offspring
- multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET)
- synchronisation of donor and recipient female cycles
- FSH 4-day step down decreasing doses
- GnRH/hCG and AI
- embryo recovery and transfer day 7
What is a common superovulation schedule?
- typically 8-10 ovulations induced, producing ~5 transferable embryos
- Day 0:
- donor female: PG
- recipient females: -
- 12:
- donor: PG
- recip: -
- 14:
- pre-synchrony heats
- -
- 19:
- insert CIDR
- insert CIDR
- 25 am, pm:
- 26 am, pm:
- 27 am, pm:
- FSH and PG, FSH and PG
- inject PG
- 28 am, pm:
- FSH, FSH, remove CIDR, GnRH
- remove CIDR, GnRH
- 29:
- heat check, AI
- heat check
- 30:
- heat check, AI
- heat check
- 36:
- flush day 7 embryos, embryo transfer or freeze
- embryo transfers
What is non-surgical collection of cattle embryos?
- identify genetically superior cow and bull
- synchronise donor and recipient cows
- superovulate donor
- flush and transfer embryos
- flushing fluid, Y-connector, foley catheter, bulb of foley catheter seals behind cervix

What is the superovulation ET process - 1?
- superovulation of donor with hormones
- artificial insemination (5 days after initiating superovulation)
- non-surgical recovery of embryos (6-8 days after mating) using a Foley catheter
- foley catheter for recovery of embryos (cuff, air, flushing fluid)
- isolation and classification of embryos
- storage of embros indefinitely in liquid nitrogen or at room temperature for a few hours

What is superovulation-ET process - 2?
- transfer of embryos to recipients surgically or non-surgically
- pregnancy diagnosis by palpitation through the wall 1-3 months after embryo transfer
- birth (9 months after embryo transfer)

What is the history of reproductive technologies?
- animal IVF
- AI (uptake and current use) - 1784 dogs, 1950s uptake
- ET, IVF, and IVM in multiple species - 1890s and 1959 rabbit, 1935
- 100,000s of cattle, 000’s sheep, pig, deer
- sex selection via sperm - 1980s cattle
- human IVF (Bob Edwards founder)
- basic process (1967 IVF, 1970s pregnancies)
- IVM (1983) - still controversial (600+ babies)
- sex selection - embryo biopsy not sperm (1990s USA)
What is artificial reproduction: cloning?
- two procedures
- embryo splitting or cloning
- multiple copies of OFFSPRING
- somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)
- multiple copies on an INDIVIDUAL
- embryo splitting or cloning
- rationale and efficiency
- outcomes and implications on phenotype?
What is embryo cloning by splitting?
- embryo splitting → 2 (or more) genetic clones
- maximises offspring from high genetic value embryos

What is embryo cloning and transfer?
- oocytes from abattoir ovaries
- mature eggs
- removal of zona pellucida and nucleus from cytoplasm
- donor embryo flushed from uterus 4-5 days after mating
- separate cells from elite embryo
- electrofusion
- new embro
- nuclear transfer embryo
- transferred

What is the cloning efficiency by embryonic stage?
- fertilised egg, 1 cell → 34%
- two cell → 28%
- four cell → 21%
- eight cell → 5%
- compacted eight-cell early morula → 0%
What are hypothetical restriction points in cell reprogrammability?
- % cloning efficiency vs decreasing donor cell potency
- blastomeres → ES cells → somatic stem cells → differentiated cells
- loss of totipotency between blastomeres and ES cells → 25% → 10%
- loss of pluripotency between ES cells and somatic stem cells → 10% to 0%

What is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT)?
- process
- somatic cells = donor cell
- oocyte enucleation
- cell injection
- cell electro-fusion
- embryo activation
- in vitro culture
- day 7 blastocyst
- embryo transfer
- clones
- copy of individual, not multiple copies of its offspring (embryo cloning)
- very low success rate
- requires “reprogramming” of donor cell nucleus back to totipotency
- dolly = most famous sheep in the world
- mature udder cell (starved so that it is in G1 phase of cell cycle) is put into unfertilised egg with nucleus removed (enucleated cell)
- new ‘zygote’ placed in sheeps uterus
- embryo develops into “Dolly” (the 1 out of 277 that worked!)
- so why clone??

What is multiplying valuable breeding animals?
- tool for the production of transgenic animals
- take a top Holstein-Friesian dairy sire in new zealand… → and generate 3 cloned bull calves with the same superior genetics for breeding
What is resurrection of breeding?
- “resurrection” of valuable genetics for desirable phenotypes
What is conservation of endangered breeds?
- last surviving cow of the Enderby Island breed
- south of new zealnd
- Dave Wells, in association with the New Zealand Rare Breeds Conservation Society
What is the rationale and efficiency of cloning?
- why clone?
- commercial applications
- research knowledge
- legality in different countries
- efficiencies and differences between
- species
- tissues
- bovine cloning
- worldwide
- AgResearch
What is continual pregnancy loss with bovine clones?
- % embryo survival vs stage of development
- only 20% of SCNT make it to term vs 60% conventional
- the biggest risk for conventional is up to day 30 → drops to 60% and then remains steady
- for SCNT drops to ~40% and continues to drop over course of pregnancy

What is the health and well being of bovine clones?
- bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) is associated with an increased incidence of abnormal placental and foetal development
- about 10% of transfered NT embryos result in a live calf and only 67% of these survive to weaning at 3 months of age
- health problems are commonly reported with neonatal NT calves
- NT calves that survive to weaning can appear healthy until exposed to external storessors or when examined at post-mortem
- lack of data on clone health - Public issue, USFDA risk assessment
What is the hypothesis about clone cohorts?
- NT animals that survive past weaning have subtle abnormalities in their physiology that increase their susceptibility to diseases/disorders
What are phenotype assessments?
- birth to maturity
- survival rates decreased, growth parameters no difference
- altered blood chemistry and haematologies (normal range)
- response to fasting
- inability to regulate salt reabsorption (7 fold excretion)
- basal metabolites decreased. Pertubed amino acid profiles
- response to hormonal challenges
- pancrease - insulin production not different
- kidneys - renal turnover higher
- thyroid - increased thyroid hormone production
- adrenals - stress tests
- direct = delayed response but increased cortisol production
- indirect = lack of secondary response, liver issues
What is seen post-mortem in clones?
- organ morphology
- differences in size and characteristics
- bone density
- no change in weight
- increased mineral density
- lack of bone marrow
- ‘flexor tendon’
- common abnormalities
- kidney cysts
- undescended testis
- heart valve deficiencies
- stomach lining
- brain-grey:white matter

What is an overall health summary of clones?
- clones that survive past weaning appeared normal and healthy
- however, physiological differences that may explain increased mortality post-weaning vs control animals
- common abnormalities vs donor cell or cohort specific
- possible mechanisms
- cloning procedure → in utero changes to foetus
- haematopoeitic stem cells - blood, increased organ size and BMD
- dysfunctional adrenals (GCs) and thyroids- vital for brain, lung and bone development
- to clone or not to clone?
- useful technique for the replication of transgenic animals
What are transgenic animals?
- through molecular biology and embryology we can “humanise” other mammalian species in 1980s
- genetic modification (mutation, insertion or deletion)

What is an example of a protein used in transengenic animals?
- green fluorescent protein (GFP)
- female embryos exhibit green fluorescence at !480nM from 2 cell stage

What are domestic transgenic animals?
- six classifications based on the intended purpose:
- to enrich or enhance the animals’ interactions with humans (hypo-allergenic pets)
- to enhance production or food quality traits (faster growing, more efficient pigs)
- to improve animal health (disease resistance)
- to research human diseases (develop animal models for these diseases)
- to produce industrial or consumer products (fibre proteins for multiple uses)
- to produce human therapeutics (pharmaceuticals or tissue for implantation)
- domestic GMOs
- coagulation factor IX - haemophilia (herman), myelin based protein-cystic fibrosis
- beta-casein, alpha-lactoglobulin in milk
- organ transplants (human-histo-compatibility)
- commercial companies - PPL therapeutics, GTC biotherapeutics
- goal is germ line transmission
What are stem cells?
- embryonic stem (ES) cells
- derived from destroying embryos
- specialist culture conditions
- mouse and human
- adult stem cells and iPS cells
- very new area
- induced pluripotent stem cells (reprogramming throgh transcription factors)
- could engineer sperm and eggs