lecture 25: reproduction and environmental endocrine disruptors Flashcards
What is an endocrine disruptor?
- an exogenous agent that interferes with synthesis, secretion, transport, binding and action or elimination of natural hormones in the body which are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis, reproduction, development and/or behaviour
- natural chemical (phytochemical)
- synthetic chemical (xenochemical)
Where are EDs found?
- plants - soy, hops, clover
- genistein
- human-made
- plastics
- drugs
- household products
- industrial chemicals
- pesticides
- animal oil and fat bioaccumulation
What are common EDs?
- OCP, Tamoxifen, and Diethylstilbesterol (DES)
- polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
- paints, lubricants, coatings of electrical wires, plastic bottles, food can linings, dental sealants
- bisphenol A (BPA)
- plastic bottles and containers, food can linings, epoxy resins, till receipts
- polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and diphenyl ethers (PBDE)
- flame retardants, plasticware component, plastic foams
- phthalates
- soft toys, flooring, medical equipment/tubing, cosmetics e.g. DEHP
- parabens
- preservatives, antimicrobial agents, cosmetics, suncream
- dioxins and furans
- animal feed, wood preservative, dioxins – microwaved plastics containers
- pesticides and herbicides (organochlorines)
- e.g. DDT, DDE, atrazine, endosulfan, chlorpyrifos
What are possible mechanisms of action of EDs?
- bind steroid hormone receptors and mimic
- block hormone binding
- alter cell-signalling and gene expression without binding
- influence production or metabolism of hormones
- influence hormone receptor production or action
- influence enzyme-related hormone functions
- epigenetic effects- germ cells
What is current thinking about EDs?
- routes of exposure
- occupational, agricultural, household items
- ingestion (food, water, cosmetics)
- absorption (skin, cosmetics)
- inhalation (air, dust)
- controversial
- relatively new (1990s)
- few studies in humans
- hard to show direct effect, background contamination
- lab studies usually only use very high doses
- natural levels difficult to measure
What are pathways affected by EDs?
- oestogenic - DES, BPA, methoxychlor
- androgenic- DDE, vinclozolin
- steroid receptors (oestrogen and androgen)
- independent effects
- not fully understood
- concentrations required
- normal hormones (nM or pM)
- EDs (pM to fM), elicit effects and much lower doser

How can EDs affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis?
- hypothalamic neurons
- pituitary
- targets (gonads)

What are ED target tissues?
- organs with gonadal hormone receptors?
- females = mammary glands, reproductive tract
- males = reproductive tract
- both sexes = external genitalia, brain, skeleton, thyroid, kidney, and immune system

What are effects of EDs during embryonic development?
- pre-implantation - little research undertaken
- generally lethal toxic effects
- sex skewing?
- unknown subtle effects or if different between males and females
What are effects of EDs during foetal development?
- most sensitive period of exposure
- organ development
- data from wildlife, lab animals, cell culture, accidental exposure
- effects
- placental function and transfer
- thyroid
- bipotential gonad differentiation
- deficits in IQ and memory
- neurobehavioural, delayed neuromuscular development post-natally
What are the effects of EDs during adult life?
- thyroid function
- increased cancer incidence
- aberrant production of ovarian steroids and disruption of folliculogenesis
- organ morphology or function
- behavioural differences - feminisation
- breeding issues of male frogs (Atrazine)
- immunological, decreased stress response
What are the trans-generation/gamete effects of EDs?
- can affect germ cells, gametes (sperm and oocytes)
- direct effects on the foetus
- data from rodent studies

What are effects of EDs in different species?
- amphibians and fish
- frog deformities/infertility
- alligators in florida (1990s) - lake full of DDT and pesticides →
- males tiny penises, low T4, high E2
- females abnormal ovaries
- bald eagles (1997) - DDT caused fragile eggshells
- failed hatching
- deer, otters and sea lions (1990s) - PCB and DDT effects on fertility
What are effects of EDs in humans?
- fertility issues
- reduced fertility (both sexes)
- low sperm count
- menstrual cycle disturbances
- increased time-to-pregnancy
- spontaneous abortion
- stillbirths
- development defects
- increased rates of breast/prostate cancer?
- neuroendocrinology - behavioural issues
- thyroid function impacting metabolism
- obesity epidemic?
What are effects of oestrogens: DES and the Oral Contraceptive Pill?
- DES effects
- a synthetic oestrogen prescribed to pregnant women in the 1950s/60s to prevent miscarriage
- 300+ cases clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) documented in women exposed in utero to DES
- girls - vaginal and uterine malformation, breast cancer
- boys - undescended testes, sperm abnormalities
- banned in the 1970s
- taken for decades by millions of women
- numerous side-effects
- high concentrations in urine → recycled water
- effects on cancer incidence and feminisation (humans and animals?)

What are the effects of BPA?
- exposure →
- ‘chapel hill consensus’ vs government 2006
- earlier puberty
- foetal uterine development (HOXA10), folliculogenesis
- changes in breast and testis development (increased hypospadia and cryptorchidism)
- brain structure - feminisation of male brains (foetal)
- increased mammary and prostate cancers
- decreased sperm counts, motility and testosterone
- altered behaviours
- obesity - most evidence of all EDs
- the problem is BPA in the urine of 93% of surveyed Americans over the age of six. If you don’t have BPA in your body, you’re not living in the modern world. - time magazine, 2010
- dose (µg/kg/day) → effects (measured in studies of mice or rats)
- 0.025 → permanent changes to genital tract
- 0.025 → changes in breast tissue that predispose cells to hormones and carcinogens
- 1 → long-term adverse reproductive and carcinogenic effects
- 2 → increased prostate weight 30%
- 2 → lower bodyweight, increase of anogenital distance in both genders, signs of early puberty and longer oestrus
- 2.4 → decline in testicular testosterone
- 2.5 → breast cells predisposed to cancer
- 10 → prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer
- 10 → decreased maternal behaviours
- 30 → reversed the normal sex differences in brain structure and behaviour
- 50 → adverse neurological effects occur in non-human primates
- 50 → disrupts ovarian development
- the current U.S. human exposure limit set by the EPA is 50µg/kg/day
What are effects of PCBs, PBBs, PBDEs?
- PCBs - children exposed prenatally increased incidence of
- pertubed thyroid function
- abnormal sperm morphology, decreased motility
- intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
- abnormal skin pigmentation
- delayed development milestones
- neurological and behavioural issues, lower IQs
- PBBs and PBDEs - perinatal exposure →
- earlier puberty in breastfed girls
- modulation of puberty feedback loops
- neurological and behavioural issues
What are effects of phthalates, dioxins and furans?
- phthalates
- increased male infant reproductive tract defects
- abnormal sperm characteristics
- defects in male infant neurological development
- dioxins and furans
- high heat releases dioxins → food (plastics in microwave)
- dioxins are carcinogens - very toxic to cells
- recurrent abortion
What are general effects of pesticides?
- on reproductive system (F0 and F1) - often detectable in reproductive tissues and fluids
- teratogenic - birth defects
- carcinogenic - cancer in tissues
- oncogenic - tumour-forming (not always cancerous)
- mutagenic - permanent changes in genetic structure, inheritable
- neurotoxic - poisioning/modulating nervous system
- immunosuppressive - block natural immune response
What are effects of pesticides on reproduction?
- females
- CCA of vagina and cervix
- irregular uterine bleeding
- reccurent abortion
- abnormalities within most major systems
- brain sex?
- males
- sperm morphology and motility abnormalities
- testis size, function
- brain sex?
What is exposure and dosage of EDs?
- exposure sources and method
- occupational, agricultural, household items
- multiple routes
- lethal vs sub-lethal
- most evidence is only level of toxicity!
- subtle effects rarely investigated
- acute vs chronic exposure
- unknown effects
- combined effects of multiple EDs unknown
- poor safety measures and training
- country specific
What is current legislation over EDs?
- banned
- DES (1970s), PCB (1977), and DDT (1972 Western countries)
- differences between countries
- some countries minimal laws (developing nations)
- wester countries can’t agree e.g. BPA
- limited uses in certain products
- USA - Food Quality Protection Act (1996)
- requries environmental protection agency (EPA) to develop screening programmes- decade of disaster
- however est. 87,000+ commerical chemicals
- many still not even known or regulated
What are measures to lower exposure to EDs?
- read labels on products - plastics etc
- organic fresh produce? known source. wash fruit and veg before eating
- use fewer processed, pre-canned/pre-packaged foods where possible
- eat lower on food chain, less fatty foods and non-oily deep water fish (avoid salmon, tuna etc)
- drink out of hard plastic bottles
- NEVER heat food in plastics in the microwave
- avoid
- smoke, strong chemicals (glues, paints, carpet cleaners), pesticides, make-up, hairspray and colourings. Smell = high concentration
What is current research focus?
- WHO and UN (2013) report of recommendations
- testing, research, reporting, collaborative approach
- generally
- numerous species
- timing and length of exposure
- toxic and subtle effects
- half-life and metabolites
- longitudinal and multigenerational
- mechanisms of action
- monitoring and environmental concentrations
- potential diagnostics, sensitivty of detection
- much more needed